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WrestleMania 30-something.... have you lost track??


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12 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Has anyone ever gone back and watched Nakamura vs. AJ Styles at Wrestlemania? I wonder if it’s as bad a match watched isolation, rather than fourteen hours into the show.

They both wrestled that match like they’d been made to sit in the stands and watch the show that preceded it.

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I don't even remember him fighting Punk ever, nevermind at Wrestlemania. Orton vs Undertaker is the main one I remember, and only for the Chokeslam RKO spot.

I can tell you the main event of every Wrestlemania up to 21 and then it's a blur. I think 22 was Batista vs Undertaker, 23 possibly Cena vs HHH? 24 I have no idea but I remember the Michaels vs Flair match and Big Show had a Sumo thing? Then 25-27 was Undertaker vs Michaels and HHH but this is about the time we started getting World Title Matches open the show and happen at random points so I've no idea what the main events were.
28 and 29 I've no clue. 30 was Daniel Bryan vs Batista and possibly Orton? Then 31-now I have no earthly idea. I can't even remember who was in most of them. I remember 32 being possibly Reigns vs HHH and us mostly stop watching after how rotten it was.

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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

I can tell you the main event of every Wrestlemania up to 21 and then it's a blur.

Same. I don’t know if it’s because WrestleManias got less “identifiable” from there, or if I was more “invested” in the product and so paid attention more but yeah, I genuinely struggle to place matches.

I was going to say I know Undertaker had his three matches with Shawn Michaels, but just looked up his record there and turns out there were only two; Shawn refereed one of his latter bouts against Triple H. I obviously know (spoiler) Brock broke the streak, but I couldn’t tell you the individual events these happened in, just “in the 2010s at some point”.

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2 hours ago, FelatioLips said:

I don't even remember him fighting Punk ever, nevermind at Wrestlemania.

This was the year that the Nexus stuff made perfect sense for Mania to be Cena vs Punk, leaving Orton v Miz for the belt, but they swapped it because reasons. Although Punk volunteered a logical reason for him to go after Orton going back to his punt-related title vacating (bullshit) from 2008. Which came from him, because the writers don’t understand a little thing like continuity.

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If memory serves 23 was headlined by Cena Vs Shawn. It had a Taker Batista match on the undercard which was better than I expected it to be. They also tried to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hogan Vs Andre be recreating the bodyslam with Kane & Khali. 

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20 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

If memory serves 23 was headlined by Cena Vs Shawn. It had a Taker Batista match on the undercard which was better than I expected it to be. They also tried to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hogan Vs Andre be recreating the bodyslam with Kane & Khali. 

Yeah I think the original plan was for a Hogan v Big Show match (this was talked about in late '06), until Show decided he wanted time off to nurse his injuries etc. Which then became Hogan v Khali. Not sure what the actual reason was but did Hogan end up needing surgery so opted instead to go ahead with that. Which then made it turn into Kane and Khali.

WrestleMania 23 also represents the last one I can fully recall. 24 was the first I missed completely (had a new girlfriend at the time which must have been something to do with missing it. Didn't turn out too bad as I'm married to her now). 25 and 26 I watched properly, but can't recall any of the undercard matches. All the way through to the present day. I barely remember what happened at last year's, let alone one from 10 years ago.

Someone made a good point earlier that I'd not considered before, I do believe the lack of a number to the event does hinder it somewhat. They really have all just been a blur since 2015.

Edited by Mikeymike83
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28 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

If memory serves 23 was headlined by Cena Vs Shawn. It had a Taker Batista match on the undercard which was better than I expected it to be. They also tried to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hogan Vs Andre be recreating the bodyslam with Kane & Khali. 

32 was the last one we 4 watched together, which is probably when I lost track. I watched Lesnar/Reigns from 34 (it turns out) fresh off the plane from Amsterdam.... jet lag didn’t help.

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1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I remember us leaving D's House and being able to catch the bus home because it'd been on for that long. 

Nearly 4 1/2 hours. Preposterous. The year after was even longer, thankfully that was skip-watched. And to add some positivity back to the thread, I attach what I ate while watching.


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I remember watching a hellish long one with Fishkake the night before Mrs Jazzy and I went away to Blackpool for a break. I want to say it was the one with the Sting/Tripper match where for some reason the nWo came out to help Sting? That was a long weekend. 

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