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Retired champion of the one my mates and me had back in 2000/01. Favourite memory of our mate Rob who got all arsey because we jumped him and sprayed "Power Union" (our stable) on Tazz (his characters). So he created a thread attacking Mick Foley (my pals character) and said "Tazz gets straight back up and sprays 'I'm a fat cunt' on Foley's back and he couldnt get up because he's a fucking fat cunt."

How about this for a group - New Jack, Bob Holly, Meng and Mick Foley as a stable. Dominated.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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3 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

Exiled Championship Wrestling won TWC Monday night war. Chad Sexington was a fan favourite. 

Prohibition had X-PAC heat.

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I was in loads. Mostly knocking about with my best pal from school, who admittedly, was really clingy and got really defensive anytime anyone said anything negative about me. Which is great when its in person, but as a keyboard storyline wrestler, makes it really odd and jarring for everyone else playing.

That said, my last proper efed character, 'Marvellous' Marc, was an aging rockstar type who came out to 'The Darkness' and was incredibly aloof. I enjoyed writing it very much.

It did however cause its problems. I used my full name in the efed. Which is fine when you are 14/15 (or 19 as I probably was at my eldest). Because you dont think of the consequences. Because ten or so years later, when everyone can google you, my newest co-workers found an efed with my name on it. Instead of saying 'Ha, you played pretend wrestling', this particular person assumed I was an actual wrestler. That rumour went around the office very swiftly and was not helped by my frequent trips to wrestling shows, Mania etc.

I did clear it all up however, when they realised my cardio and physical fitness are not even in keeping with someone who writes about wrestling, let alone does it.

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Yep I was in loads in my teen years instead of going outside, socialising or being active. My main characters were:

Strobe X - dressed like a ninja. Incredibly serious man who swore a lot. Finisher was a double shooting star press.

Manik Carnage - hardcore guy, basically a Mankind rip off who loved pain. 

Shane Impact - cocky, flashy guy who everyone loved because he was so cool in the most generic ways possible that a 14 year old could think of. Wrestled in a white tshirt and Adidas trackies. 

Juno Demon - coked up luchadore who wrestled to pay off his debts to the Columbian mob, except every time he won a match would spend his cash on more coke and get further into debt. For some reason he had a butler who was also actually a homeless crack addict. This character was pretty fun actually. 

I also ran my own efed for little while called Universal Championship Wrestling. It fucking sucked. Probably spent more time on that than my GCSE coursework. 

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A friend and I did a draft of WWF, WCW, ECW and indie wrestlers around the time of the first brand extension and used to email each other show reviews of what we'd booked, but that was about it. I remember for some reason thinking Jeff Jarrett and White Trash Johnny Webb feuding over the world title while I tried to heat Goldberg again would make for compelling viewing. Also I managed to end up with Brock Lesnar. 

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11 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Exiled Championship Wrestling won TWC Monday night war. Chad Sexington was a fan favourite. 


Best wresting TV intro of all time.

Joey Holmes vs Mr Seven feud based around The Omen is a bit of creative writing I still think about now and again. Incredible stuff. 

Every other efed I've ever seen was shit. 


Edited by gmoney
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I never had an E-Fed but I remember my cousins getting a computer and one night when I was staying round I sat and wrote an entire Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho match that had about forty 2-counts and culminated with HBK throwing Jericho off the roof of a building. Years later my Aunt found it and was baffled.

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1 hour ago, gmoney said:


Best wresting TV intro of all time.

Joey Holmes vs Mr Seven feud based around The Omen is a bit of creative writing I still think about now and again. Incredible stuff. 

Every other efed I've ever seen was shit. 


The Paedogeddon Chamber match was art. 

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