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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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On 1/24/2024 at 7:33 PM, Doog said:

It's just one report, from SI of all sources, it's hardly reliable.


On 1/24/2024 at 7:53 PM, air_raid said:



He's said he was fed misinformation. So one of two things has happened - (1) he's an idiot and fuck SI as a source, forever, or (2) it's Serbian Jew double bluff because the company are pissed off he basically gave away that Gunther's winning the Rumble. Either way, LOL.

I hereby invoke the Russo 97 rule that plans now need to change. So Cody will win the Rumble.

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I’m still pretty certain that they’re doing Reigns/Rhodes at Wrestlemania, but that segment has me feeling a bit nervous that this was all done to free Reigns up for The Rock. Make your decision quickly Cody, and make the right one!!

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I only watched the first hour and a bit. But that was probably the best promo Seth Rollins has ever cut. He even convinced me Cody might be making the wrong decision!

CM Punk came out swinging with an emotional promo, until Drew Cane out to tell him he’d prayed for the injury to happen. Great stuff from all involved and got me excited more for Mania than the Rumble did. 

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7 minutes ago, Duke said:

Seth's going to look even more like a loser participation champion when Cody picks Roman after that.

All they need to do, really, is have Reigns or Heyman say something that makes choosing anyone else impossible - saying that Cody should learn his lesson from last year, and not challenge a man that he can not beat in Roman. 

As far as Rollins goes, a match with Gunther seems like a really exciting alternative - I'm not sure what else you would do with Seth. That said, I wouldn't be against Rollins/Dominik, as mad as it sounds. You could do something really fun with that, I reckon. 

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As good a promo as Rollins (finally) did, they had to do that because otherwise it just makes Rollins look like a massive chump if Cody just goes straight to Roman. I imagine that the decision will be made for both of them somewhere along the line. But it's also great because it has the Roman/Rock nonces believing again and they deserve everything they get.

The Punk/McIntyre segment though, god that was great. It seems so hard to create a genuine hateful heel in this day and age and they just went ahead and did it with one excellent segment and with McIntyre finally talking like something approaching a human being. They have to do him vs Rollins now at Wrestlemania, he's become the hottest act they have who isn't Cody in the space of 5 minutes.

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3 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

As good a promo as Rollins (finally) did, they had to do that because otherwise it just makes Rollins look like a massive chump if Cody just goes straight to Roman. I imagine that the decision will be made for both of them somewhere along the line. But it's also great because it has the Roman/Rock nonces believing again and they deserve everything they get.

The Punk/McIntyre segment though, god that was great. It seems so hard to create a genuine hateful heel in this day and age and they just went ahead and did it with one excellent segment and with McIntyre finally talking like something approaching a human being. They have to do him vs Rollins now at Wrestlemania, he's become the hottest act they have who isn't Cody in the space of 5 minutes.

Strange comment.

If Cody does go after Roman then Gunther/Rollins I think is the best shout on the Raw side.

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Cody picks them both. Wins Seth’s belt on Night one. Wins Roman’s on Night two. Cody raises two belts at the end of Night two like he was always meant to. We can’t even stop it at this point. Even fate knows he should have won last year.

”I prayed for this and then it happened,” was such a great line though. The idea of Drew in church, begging God to make Punk’s arm fall off. Phenomenal. Punk has to come back now, to pay that off.

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I know some of you are down on Drew, but I think he's grown into this heel role well, and that was a proper heat-drawing segment.  So well delivered, with absolute conviction and hatred.

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Another great bit of the McIntyre segment was after he escaped Zayn's attack and knelt at ringside grinning at Punk. Terrific work, what a bastard.

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