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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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CM Punk still CM Punking.

Getting a sly dig in at AEW about there, “being people on this side of the camera”? Crickets. But then referencing John Cena and teasing one final match? Chills. Never change, Phil.

Dirty Dom posting this on Instagram now Rhea has returned made me laugh. It’s all in the worst taste possible, but he’s really making it work.


Assuming it actually ends up being the match at Summerslam, I hope they use this graphic that’s been floating around Twitter. The little moustache on baby Dom is spectacular.


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Punk, Drew and Rollins interacting with each other on a Monday night in any combination just makes me a happy man.

It's made Drew one of the best in the business, it lifts Rollins up into a more serious poise that he seriously needs and Punk...I kind of like Punk being a big star in a bigger system. After his AEW run it's probably the only thing left he can do. The way some weeks the buildings don't eat out of his hands. Nobody going for the Jack Tunney reference and AEW dig. Knowing he doesn't have the run of the place, could end up in any program, but that he's still fucking great and seems happy. It's fresh. 

Hopefully there's plenty of it for the rest of summer. Just the little things like one of them goofing off and having a chat with Pat whilst the other one's in the ring. It's good spontaneity, but never dangerous spontaneity. I'm pretty confident now it's not going to lead to one of the most underwhelming backstage GTV main events ever. 

Punk Vs. Drew has yet to happen. 

Punk Vs. Rollins I'm - unbelievably - incredibly up for now. 

Punk Vs. Cena is very much in the discussion. 


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All the PG SUX lot are celebrating Carlito’s rubbish joke about Dom having an erection, thinking this is a sign of things to come when they move to Netflix. But here I am, way more interested in the hilarious way Finn and JD’s heads pop into shot at 50 seconds in. Finn in particular is massively underrated for how funny he can be in these backstage segments. His subtle comedy carries the majority of it.

Less Demon. More daft knobhead in The Clubhouse, trying to make everyone corpse.

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I think the most interesting things about that CM Punk/Rollins segment was 1) Punk’s AEW jabs don’t land. The crowd don’t care so it just comes off as petty. But 2) Rollins absolutely cooked him there. At times Punk looked pissed which is either him acting well enough to be convincing or he’s gonna throw a strop anytime now and cook his own goose. It’s the most interesting I’ve found Rollins on the mic in years. No doubt because he didn’t do his stupid laugh. But still I was more interested in where this heads than his stuff with Drew if I’m honest. Really good work.

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7 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I think the most interesting things about that CM Punk/Rollins segment was 1) Punk’s AEW jabs don’t land. The crowd don’t care so it just comes off as petty. But 2) Rollins absolutely cooked him there. At times Punk looked pissed which is either him acting well enough to be convincing or he’s gonna throw a strop anytime now and cook his own goose. It’s the most interesting I’ve found Rollins on the mic in years. No doubt because he didn’t do his stupid laugh. But still I was more interested in where this heads than his stuff with Drew if I’m honest. Really good work.

I think Punk is fine with getting his arse handed to him. It's not the first time. And in the context of him trying to apologise but failing it made sense for him to be pissed. Most of his feud with Drew has involved him getting ripped apart so it's not that out there.

I will say - and obviously this is a complete judgement on what we've seen and heard so far, nothing else - he does seem to be having fun and just letting himself enjoy something that was extremely unlikely to ever happen again. He's the kinda guy that one day might take something completely wrong and balls it all up in a second obviously, but I do think he's at least trying to be pretty chilled and enjoy the moments and all of that. Which is obviously what he did in AEW until he didn't so you know.. as always, time will tell.

But yes, his AEW references fall flatter than any time we argue.

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Punk is always going to be a snidey little prick at heart and he just can't resist the AEW jibes because its in his nature. I think the reason they don't land is because very few people in the WWE Universe™️ watch AEW. Its like Ken Barlow having a pop on Coronation Street at the National Theatre's production of A Midsummer Nights Dream because they once laughed at his Bottom. 

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Punk has ALWAYS been a snipey prick. Always. From the 'pipebomb', to 'x number of years I left Professional wrestling', to what he says these days. He hasn't changed and has always come across incredibly bitter at things, the only difference is that he's no longer aiming it WWE so the audience that lapped it up previously, not take offence. 

It's 2024, I can't believe people are still getting angry at shit he says and taking it to heart. 

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52 minutes ago, Nick James said:

Punk has ALWAYS been a snipey prick. Always. From the 'pipebomb', to 'x number of years I left Professional wrestling', to what he says these days. He hasn't changed and has always come across incredibly bitter at things, the only difference is that he's no longer aiming it WWE so the audience that lapped it up previously, not take offence. 

It's 2024, I can't believe people are still getting angry at shit he says and taking it to heart. 

I think the difference was when he came to AEW he had legitimate reasons to be angry at WWE. The way he was when he got fired (on his wedding day) and when he had his infection were bad. He also felt he was forced out of the business and lost years of his career because he didn’t want to grind on the Indies and he wouldn’t go back to TNA. But the AEW audience were mostly WWE or ex WWE fans, so they knew the subtext. But WWE fans by and large don’t watch AEW so they are probably unaware of what he was saying then and care even less about the jibes he makes at them now days. 

I’m certainly not angry at the pot shots he makes, but I wish he didn’t bother because your supposed to get a crowd reaction and when he does that he gets nothing. In fact the only think I am angry about with Punk is all the damage he did in his time at AEW like his undeserved title reigns and backstage drama which they are only just recovering from. 

Just focus on the storylines Punk, you have enough there to work with via Drew and Seth then make little jabs that don’t land.

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22 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:


his undeserved title reigns


Apologies for bogging the WWE thread down with AEW chat, but this seems like a harsh revision of his initial title win, at least. They probably hot-shotted his second title win in a failed attempt to course-correct the mess he'd left in his wake first time, but leading up to his first title win he was coming off the back of that all-timer feud against MJF and had been pretty much spot-on in everything he'd done in AEW so far. Up until the actual title feud against Hangman itself which is where the wheels started to fall off.

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On 7/9/2024 at 7:48 PM, Supremo said:

All the PG SUX lot are celebrating Carlito’s rubbish joke about Dom having an erection, thinking this is a sign of things to come when they move to Netflix.

I’m not gonna lie, it made me laugh…I think it’s Carlito’s delivery, and his general out-of-placeness with Judgement Day, I find him hugely entertaining!

It seems like @DavidB6937 might be with me on this one, but much against my expectations the Wyatt Sicks has really worked well for me so far. It would be a strangely sad if a group based around Bray Wyatt ended up being better than anything he ever did, but it’s still early days so we’ll have to see about that. But Bo Dallas has absolutely nailed it so far, let’s hope it translates into his in ring work, and that they don’t try to present his matches as mini horror movies.

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18 hours ago, RedTwoster said:


It seems like @DavidB6937 might be with me on this one, but much against my expectations the Wyatt Sicks has really worked well for me so far. It would be a strangely sad if a group based around Bray Wyatt ended up being better than anything he ever did, but it’s still early days so we’ll have to see about that. But Bo Dallas has absolutely nailed it so far, let’s hope it translates into his in ring work, and that they don’t try to present his matches as mini horror movies.

welcome back.

I think the problem with almost anything Wyatt based was it always started out great, it was what happened once they got in the ring that was where it started to go south (That said, the OG Wyatt run in NXT and WWE was pretty good, it was when it went down the supernatural path). I thought the Firefly Funhouse was great, but then we got The Fiend matches with the spooky red lights and it all went south again.

That said, even though I don't think much of the Wyatt Sicks so far (OH NO, FOG MACHINES!) I actually hope it does work out for them. Some talented guys, plus I feel for Bo and it would be nice to see him get a bit of a run again.

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Bo has exceeded my expectations with his performances in the videos. He sounds and looks uncannily like Bray without crossing over into a straight up imitation of his delivery. Way way better than I thought he’d be. 

I also like that the group’s motivations are rooted in real things so far. People who felt they were overlooked wanting to make an impact, and Bo feeling compelled to honour his brother’s memory. That’s all good stuff, on board with that. Also so far it’s suggesting that Uncle Howdy is just how these emotions and motivations manifest in Bo, like they impact his behaviour and he might do stuff as Howdy he wouldn’t do otherwise, but the costume doesn’t actually give him superpowers. 

Bo appearing in Adam Pearce’s office as a normal human being was encouraging too. 

The in-arena stuff still has me a liiittle sceptical though. Nikki Cross and the dry ice. If they can keep grounded in reality with a bit of a spooky aesthetic I’m on board, but if all the live stuff has to be spooky lighting and smoke machines and everyone they feud with has to play along with that, then it’ll go south for me. I will try to withhold further judgment until I see what the first match they have is going to look like. 

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2 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

welcome back.

I think the problem with almost anything Wyatt based was it always started out great, it was what happened once they got in the ring that was where it started to go south (That said, the OG Wyatt run in NXT and WWE was pretty good, it was when it went down the supernatural path). I thought the Firefly Funhouse was great, but then we got The Fiend matches with the spooky red lights and it all went south again.

That said, even though I don't think much of the Wyatt Sicks so far (OH NO, FOG MACHINES!) I actually hope it does work out for them. Some talented guys, plus I feel for Bo and it would be nice to see him get a bit of a run again.

Thanks Scorchers, hope you’ve been keeping well!

Normally I’d agree with you, and the murder scene they debuted with would have left me rolling my eyes (aside from anything else, why would Adam Pearce let them come back after that?) but the way - so far - that it’s been tied in to real life has made the Bo Dallas promos rather powerful. 

But you’re right to point out that some of the Wyatt gimmicks started well before falling off a cliff - that could easily happen here. But what’s encouraging is that Dallas feels very human, and traumatised. That can absolutely be channeled into an interesting character…or they could move on and focus on the daft ‘spooky’ stuff. Time will tell, but for me at least, it’s a case of so far, so good.

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