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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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2 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Given the current landscape, I like the idea of a Four Way. Cody, Sami and Drew all getting a Mania main event spot as a thank you for actually turning this business around would be a nice touch in what’s become an extremely shit situation. Those lads actually put the work in and built those big gates, rather than The Rock just waiting until it was hot to stroll back in. Seth can be in the match too, I suppose.

Rocky sucks chants though. Wow. The man can’t catch a win anywhere right now. Pro-wrestling was supposed to be his safety net, where he’d always be welcomed back and beloved. Gone and Black Adam’d and XFL’d it, haven’t you, Dwayne?

I don't think it's appreciated enough how actually easy to please modern wrestling fans are. They want to immerse themselves in the talent year round, and see them triumph at the big shows. They want to see LA Knight, Cody Rhodes, Sami Zayn et al do well.

It's not even in a 'ROH BOYZ PLZ VINCE' way where they're trying to subvert the shows, they just like what they're given between May and December and would like to see more of the same between January and April.

It should be mind bendingly easy to give the people what they want, and the numbers have proven they can still make money and do good viewership that way. Their raging hard-on for 1999 is now tripping them up way more than it ever has before.

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20 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

Their raging hard-on for 1999 is now tripping them up way more than it ever has before.

It's bitterly ironic, considering that that particular peak was triggered by fan reactions telling them "We like Steve Austin" in late 96/early 97, and them listening. Who'd have thought?

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Despite the car crash of Smackdown, still plenty of ways they can get out of this mess.  Cody demanding the Roman match at EC then aim to unify the belts at WM.  Or rather the story needs to be finished at MSG. 

The beginning of Raw was incredible. 

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1 minute ago, OzExile said:

Despite the car crash of Smackdown, still plenty of ways they can get out of this mess.  Cody demanding the Roman match at EC then aim to unify the belts at WM.  Or rather the story needs to be finished at MSG. 

The beginning of Raw was incredible. 

Unifying a belt they just created not even a year ago. That's smart business.

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1 minute ago, TheScarlettChad said:

Unifying a belt they just created not even a year ago. That's smart business.

They'll just create a new title and eventually unify that as well. It's part of the evolution/wallpaper now.

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3 minutes ago, OzExile said:

Cody demanding the Roman match at EC then aim to unify the belts at WM.

As it stands, Reigns isnt working Elimination Chamber.

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You just wonder what the hell they're doing really and not in a good way. There's some really good stuff in WWE at the moment, and they seem to have flubbed a load of it.

Drew is excellent, Seth has stepped his game up, Cody is somehow still over and everyone loves Sami...and yet...a four way seems throwaway. Seth/Cody is being overshadowed by what happened on Friday. If they do go with a one on one it doesn't feel special at all, mainly as Seth's been made to look like a chump and so has Cody.

I think people are WILLING this to be part of something, but I genuinely don't think it is.

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1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

It should be mind bendingly easy to give the people what they want, and the numbers have proven they can still make money and do good viewership that way. Their raging hard-on for 1999 is now tripping them up way more than it ever has before.

I do wonder if we're in for some convoluted, silly Attitude-era-esque shenanigans at the press conference on Thursday. Reigns somehow baited into fighting both nights and Rocks match being non-title (as the "Head of the Table" thing is inexplicably more important for reasons), with some sort of  eye-rolling "gotcha" on Reigns cooked up by Cody and Rock, only for there to be a sting in the tail where Cody had to "defend" his shot against Sikoa on night 1 or something equally unnecessary.

I believe in the end they will have a satisfying resolution, but for some reason they seem intent on tying themselves up in logic knots to get there.

So yes, very 1999 in many ways.  Complicated rarely equals compelling and I think they are risking a lot of backlash, or worse, apathy during a time they can ill-afford to diminish what little good will the company has given what's going on outside the bounds of storyline. 

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I think the pivot is on. 

Cody didn't officially commit to the match with Rollins and this is going to linger on to the point where he has to reach a decision. He will then change his mind. 

However, I think it will be a triple threat at Wrestlemania. This would actually benefit The Rock too, for he can take breaks inbetween the Cody/Roman exchanges AND it keeps advertisers happy because The Rock is still in the picture. I'd be 100% fine with a triple threat - Cody then gets to finish his story, Rock/Roman can build to another singles match down the line and Cody can be the company's new quaterback. 

I don't think they anticipated the negative reaction towards The Rock, but I do think everyone will come to the collective realisation that this is the new way to go. 

I'm fine with a multi-man match for the World title too with Drew winning the big one in front of fans - which means Rollins can then take time off, he can feud with Sami in the interim and then Punk when he returns. 

Trust the process. 

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It's a repetition of how they "fixed" the same issue with Benoit, but a triple threat could work.  There's an argument that beating Reigns AND the Rock on the same night gives Cody an extra bragging right (I think Jericho is STILL bragging about his Undisputed win).

You could then build a singles Rock-Reigns match for later in the year, and move onto Cody-Punk or whoever.

We do then have to live with the WWE pretending this was always the plan, which is excruciating.

1 hour ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

They want to see LA Knight, Cody Rhodes, Sami Zayn et al do well.

Throw LA Knight in and make it a 4-way dance!  The Rock and Knight in the same match!  You're a goddamn genius.

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29 minutes ago, mim731 said:

I do wonder if we're in for some convoluted, silly Attitude-era-esque shenanigans at the press conference on Thursday. Reigns somehow baited into fighting both nights and Rocks match being non-title (as the "Head of the Table" thing is inexplicably more important for reasons), with some sort of  eye-rolling "gotcha" on Reigns cooked up by Cody and Rock, only for there to be a sting in the tail where Cody had to "defend" his shot against Sikoa on night 1 or something equally unnecessary.

I believe in the end they will have a satisfying resolution, but for some reason they seem intent on tying themselves up in logic knots to get there.

So yes, very 1999 in many ways.  Complicated rarely equals compelling and I think they are risking a lot of backlash, or worse, apathy during a time they can ill-afford to diminish what little good will the company has given what's going on outside the bounds of storyline. 

You've absolutely nailed this comparison. Remember when the Corporation forced Mankind to wrestle Mabel on the Heat before the Rumble 99? Same energy.

10 minutes ago, Loki said:

(I think Jericho is STILL bragging about his Undisputed win)

There is no think about it, brother.

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The pivot is definitely on. A load of signs being handed out, all in the same font, commentators referring to it, some of their talent tweeting the hashtag and playing into the rocky sucks chants. A three way isn't a good idea as it ruins both stories, so I expect the double header is on. Seth having his reject belt rejected and defending it against the mens chamber winner (surely not Drew) in the 2nd tier main event is probably appropriate.

So, essentially, in storyline, Cody caved to the Rock and then had a bit of a cry and wants his ball back. What a babyface. 

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