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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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There's also Microsoft's recent acquisition sprees which may result in a lot of Xbox exclusives this generation. Depending on who's games you like. 

Edited by Onyx2
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3 hours ago, scratchdj said:

Actually, the Series X is a more powerful machine.

Our internal testing is showing the PS5 as being marginally better all round, particularly in fps but it's very tight - and it's our first next-gen game to be fair.

The move to SSDs and the reliance on GPUs in modern gaming has turned almost everything about game performance on its head.  We're re-writing everything from scratch even down to how we load data into memory, when and why.

Thanks for all the responses - I'm leaning towards staying with the Xbox family, which is nuts as they tend to die after a couple of years, you'd think I'd learn my lesson.


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31 minutes ago, Loki said:

which is nuts as they tend to die after a couple of years, you'd think I'd learn my lesson

I had that with the 360, but 5-6 years in and I haven't had a single issue with the Xbone yet. And it gets used a lot, what with three of us using it regularly. 

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I have a feeling in future with the introduction of all these game services we won't have a console (with the probable exception of Nintendo), but just a device to play games on, and then game subscription services/marketplaces. Heck it'll probably just be a TV that we sync a controller up to and stream the games. 

I'm still plugging through Jedi Fallen Order. I've got a nice pink light sabre now, but I do keep getting lost because of how labyrinthine the levels can be. I'll bet half of my total play time when I've finished is me thinking I've found my way back to the ship when I've actually just managed to make the loop I've managed to end up in a different size or shape. 

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6 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I'm still plugging through Jedi Fallen Order. I've got a nice pink light sabre now, but I do keep getting lost because of how labyrinthine the levels can be.

Some levels are diabolical. Dathomir was the worst culprit, really poor design. 

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I was running around the ice caves on Ilum for about an hour last night. It gets frustrating. 

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8 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I have a feeling in future with the introduction of all these game services we won't have a console (with the probable exception of Nintendo), but just a device to play games on, and then game subscription services/marketplaces. Heck it'll probably just be a TV that we sync a controller up to and stream the games. 

I don’t think this will ever be a total reality. As long as they’re shifting 100m consoles per gen PlayStation will always sell consoles same as Nintendo. We’ll definitely get a surge in boxless service based gaming as broadband gets better and supply chain issues rumble. I can see the whole generational box thing getting a bit more abstract as console gaming starts to resemble pc gaming more and more.

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I fought Malicos last night on Jedi Fallen Order. It was a massive pain in the arse and I eventually had to nudge the difficulty down to "story", at which point it was much too easy. I've stuck it back on Jedi Knight now, but my bloody XBox pad has started acting up, so I might have to leave it until I can afford a new one. 

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1 hour ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I fought Malicos last night on Jedi Fallen Order. It was a massive pain in the arse and I eventually had to nudge the difficulty down to "story", at which point it was much too easy. I've stuck it back on Jedi Knight now, but my bloody XBox pad has started acting up, so I might have to leave it until I can afford a new one. 

If you don't mind going third party and wired then I've found the PowerA Xbox pads to be pretty great, it's my main controller on PC now. I think it cost me around 20 quid from Argos.

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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

If you don't mind going third party and wired then I've found the PowerA Xbox pads to be pretty great, it's my main controller on PC now. I think it cost me around 20 quid from Argos.

I've seen one of them at Asda. I'll probably go and pick one up when I get the chance. 

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I got a pretty good third party PS4 controller a couple of years back that's managed to last longer than either of my Sony ones. 

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