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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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2 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Is there an easy mode that I'll be able to fly through to just do so the fun climbing puzzles and enjoy the story without getting stuck or frustrated?

My time is really limited atm but this game looks like it'll tick a lot of my boxes..

There is and you won’t miss out on much by using it. The combat is pretty decent and I started off on hard but quickly moved down through to easy when I just wanted to explore and get around the islands. The only issue you’ll have is that certain areas are level capped so if you manage to get to them through the barrage of invading ships you’ll get one hit killed the moment you set foot on land. That being said the starting areas and next ones you move to are big enough to keep you occupied whilst moving up the levels. It’s a huge world.

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I'm awful at stealth games, with the exception of Untitled Goose Game. I've tried Assassin's creed and just don't think I have the patience for then. 

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I thought this was what PlayStation Now was about? Maybe they're going to merge it into PSPlus. 

They are. I've read the article now. 

Edited by jazzygeofferz
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38 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I'm awful at stealth games, with the exception of Untitled Goose Game. I've tried Assassin's creed and just don't think I have the patience for then. 

You don't need to use stealth the latest Assassin's Creed games. For the earlier ones then yes- you'd be fucked paying AC2 without it. But for Odyssey, Origins and Valhalla you can basically play it as a sword-weilding melee motherfucking lunatic.

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Yes the article infers that Now is being smooshed into Plus, and making that a tier. Sounds like everything in the back catalogue will be streamed though, which Sony is not good at. Even 20 year old PS1 games. 

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Sony are no worse than anyone else at streaming games in my experience, all these companies including Google Stadia suffer from input lag even with a solid connection. IIRC they don't even do it themselves and use Gaikai who were a big deal in the inital days of cloud based gaming.

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5 hours ago, PunkStep said:

You don't need to use stealth the latest Assassin's Creed games. For the earlier ones then yes- you'd be fucked paying AC2 without it. But for Odyssey, Origins and Valhalla you can basically play it as a sword-weilding melee motherfucking lunatic.

I second this. The stealth stuff has basically been completely removed from the newest games. It's actually usually easier to just jump into a fight like a blood thirsty maniac than it is trying to sneak kill everyone. 

Edited by LaGoosh
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I've played through new Vegas again, just as good as I remembered which is nice, and I've now tried the DLC as I never got it on PS3. 

Started with dead money and so far it's a real disappointment, I'm finding nothing really drawing me in on the story and the quests have felt more frustrating than challenging. From what I've read they get better so I'll just slog it out to the end now I'm about half way through. 

I'm also on the lookout for a good online FPS on steam. I used to love bad company 2 & Battlefield Vietnam because the team mechanic and balance meant I could be a useful part of the game and have fun even if I was a bit shit and generally you were worse off for camping than playing properly. I can see BC2 is on Steam, is there a way I can see rough numbers for how many people still play online before I buy?

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