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Great but minor moments that don't get talked about enough


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I watched the 2010 Elimination Chamber match this morning.

During Kofi Kingston's entrance he did his usual 2010 mannerisms but he subtly glanced over his shoulder a few times, which was a callback to the previous year's Elimination Chamber when Edge ambushed him during his entrance and took his place in the match.


I was impressed with the fact it was quite subtle, but then right before he got inside Michael Cole explained the whole thing which took the shine off.

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Remember hearing on a podcast recently an opinion that Santino’s comedy act doesn’t hold up as well today watching it back. I think that’s a harsh and poor assessment - there’s nobody on the roster at the moment that comes close to generating genuine laughter (apart from maybe Otis. Also announcer Trips) and some of his one liners were great. Admittedly the cobra and Santina stuff jumped the shark at times, but even then people still loved him. Look/listen the pop at the 2011 Rumble where he appears behind Del Rio and looks like he’s about to pull off the biggest surprise in Rumble history. Didn’t it also come down to him and Bryan a few years back for the strap in an Elimination Chamber match and the crowd were well behind him, or am I imagining that? He had the comedy down, but was a solid (if unspectacular) worker too in his own right.

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
Grammar and ting
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2 hours ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

Remember hearing on a podcast recently an opinion that Santino’s comedy act doesn’t hold up as well today watching it back. I think that’s a harsh and poor assessment - there’s nobody on the roster at the moment that comes close to generating genuine laughter (apart from maybe Otis. Also announcer Trips) and some of his one liners were great. Admittedly the cobra and Santina stuff jumped the shark at times, but even then people still loved him. Look/listen the pop at the 2011 Rumble where he appears behind Del Rio and looks like he’s about to pull off the biggest surprise in Rumble history. Didn’t it also come down to him and Bryan a few years back for the strap in an Elimination Chamber match and the crowd were well behind him, or am I imagining that? He had the comedy down, but was a solid (if unspectacular) worker too in his own right.

That was the same year as the Rumble, how different things could have been had Santino pulled one of the two off

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