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Strange Encounters with Wrestlers

Ironic Indie Lad

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Since I'd read about  the Wrestling with Shadows documentary in Power Slam at some point in 1999, I'd been calling the BBC asking when it was scheduled pretty much every month. One day in November 1999, I saw that Bret Hart was going to be appearing on The Big Breakfast to promote the film which was airing on BBC 2 that weekend. Bret was and still is a big hero of mine and I wanted to meet him, so made contact with the people representing him in the UK the morning of his appearance on the off chance he might be doing a signing. To my surprise, his UK PR was extremely receptive to me, a fan, and very insistent on me coming to an autograph signing they'd organised literally 5 minutes earler for later the same day at the Sports Cafe in London. 

So after college, I got a train into town and headed to the Sports Cafe. I think it was a Thursday, but it was pretty empty and the only thing advertising Bret's appearance was a message written in chalk on one of those free standing boards outside the place.I thought that was pretty odd, considering this was Bret Hart and he was a huge wrestling star. Anyway, I went in (slightly worried I might be thrown out as I was 16 at the time) and met his two UK PR people who were very pleased that I had come and said they'd be sure to introduce me to him, etc. From speaking to them, it was apparent they didn't know much about wrestling or Bret Hart which was a bit worrying. I noticed there was a hand-written 'reserved' sign on a two-person bar table with a single stool near the main door. Apparently this was where Bret would be signing. I had arrived earlier than requested, but it was now about 15 mins after the start time his PR people had given me and the unfortunate reality was slowly dawning on me that I'd be meeting some knock off Brian Dixon-style 'Joe Bloggs tribute to Bret the Hitman Hart'. I picked up my college bag and went outside, weighing up what the quickest way home would be. To my surprise, strolling down haymarket with a backwards hat, black top and jeans, was the actual Bret Hart.

I held the door open for him and he was cordial. He headed straight to his PR people who looked slightly embarrassed at the setup they had for him. The turnout consisted of me and two tourists who happened to be passing by earlier in the day and saw the chalk sign. He had a few photos taken and then chatted with me for a while. He had some WCW 8x10s with him and he signed one for me. He also signed a copy of Power Slam I had and drew devil horns, a black eye and missing teeth on a picture of Vince McMahon in the magazine. I chatted to him for a while before stepping aside - the two tourists had now been joined by a handful of people in the bar who recognised him plus some of the Sports Cafe staff also joined the queue to meet him. I don't know if they knew who he was or were asked to do so for the purpose of a photo - I suspect the latter. Bret was done within about 15 mins, such was the paucity of people. I chatted with him a little afterwards; he was going over to Bryan Adams's place afterwards (the singer, not Crush) and then wrestling at WCW Mayhem in Toronto at the weekend. I was made up to meet my hero though a little embarrassed for him due to his PR. That Mayhem match would prove to be the last world title win and great match of his storied career before an errant Goldberg kick the following month forced him into retirement the next year.

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I was in Japan in 06 and went to an Osaka Pro show. In order to get in to the arena, you have to walk through a tiny Osaka Pro shop, selling figures, T-shirt’s etc.

After the show, (my wife & I were the only westerners in the crowd, and the entire crowd sat cross legged on the floor), we spent 10 mins in the shop.

Out of nowhere, Ebessan runs from the back, pats me on the head, and shouts random Japanese phrases at me, with several random English words thrown in, one being ‘mountain’ another being ‘Lizards’. 

Then Super Delphin pops out and starts giving a speech in Japanese whilst excitedly shaking my hand. Ebessan also started to do Dhalsims ‘winning hand clapping’ dance, and handed us both lots of sweets.

It’s the only wrestling show my wife has been to. 

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20 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

I was in Japan in 06 and went to an Osaka Pro show. In order to get in to the arena, you have to walk through a tiny Osaka Pro shop, selling figures, T-shirt’s etc.

After the show, (my wife & I were the only westerners in the crowd, and the entire crowd sat cross legged on the floor), we spent 10 mins in the shop.

Out of nowhere, Ebessan runs from the back, pats me on the head, and shouts random Japanese phrases at me, with several random English words thrown in, one being ‘mountain’ another being ‘Lizards’. 

Then Super Delphin pops out and starts giving a speech in Japanese whilst excitedly shaking my hand. Ebessan also started to do Dhalsims ‘winning hand clapping’ dance, and handed us both lots of sweets.

It’s the only wrestling show my wife has been to. 

I'd mark out for that but if she is not a wrestling fan that must have been completely fucking mental.

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7 hours ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

I'd mark out for that but if she is not a wrestling fan that must have been completely fucking mental.

It was a brilliant yet bonkers trip in general. We were there for 3 weeks, but in the space of 3 days alone:

- Climbed mt. Fuji unintentionally 

- Anthony Kiedis at the toy shop

- Earthquake (not the wrestler)

- Osaka Pro 

I’m assuming this kind of shit is the reason she married me. Now it’s more ‘damp proofing the kitchen’ and Peter Beardsley in Greggs. But you know, thrilling nonetheless.


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5 hours ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

It was a brilliant yet bonkers trip in general. We were there for 3 weeks, but in the space of 3 days alone:

- Climbed mt. Fuji unintentionally 

- Anthony Kiedis at the toy shop

- Earthquake (not the wrestler)

- Osaka Pro 

I’m assuming this kind of shit is the reason she married me. Now it’s more ‘damp proofing the kitchen’ and Peter Beardsley in Greggs. But you know, thrilling nonetheless.


I didn't realise they sold Eggs in Greggs

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On 8/28/2019 at 9:38 AM, BomberPat said:

I've worked with Joe E Legend a bunch, he's one of my favourite wrestling storytellers. Worked everywhere you can possibly imagine. Apparently while they were filming Celebrity Wrestling, one of the hosts (ex-Big Brother winner, I think?) bought him a talking Mr. T key ring and he used to prank call Roddy Piper to play it down the phone to him.

Joe E Legend's a lovely guy, always up for a chat, very friendly. I remember when he did a few dates in the later years of the FWA in about 2005, and I noticed he was walking to the ring with his PPW championship belt and I had to ask him: "Why that particular belt? Haven't you got a fair few?" to which he replied "Yeah, but I just like the idea of carrying a belt that says 'Pee-Pee W'". The silly sod.

Got a fair few from my time in wrestling. Getting stoned with Burridge, Shane and Snuka on the banks of the Thames at 5am (yes, I know about Snuka, but I don't think any of us were going to be able to tell him to fuck off at the time, and I was relying on Burridge for a lift).

Going for a Korean meal at a restaurant behind Centre Point with Great Muta and his missus. Really nice, outgoing people. They kindly gave me some All-Japan-branded aromatic cedarwood sake boxes. But the "Strange Encounter" part of it was two-fold: firstly was translating for his interview prior to his appearance at York Hall in RQW - for some reason, it took place in a Catholic church, and made for an odd atmosphere. Secondly was seeing the preparation and winding-down for his match - it took Akira Raijin an hour to tape up his legs to support his knees, and after the match, the numerous layers of tape were like casts, they had to be cut off. Was sad to see this legend so fucked up.

Chatting at the Skydome bar with D'Lo Brown, with him buying round after round of Scotch despite my protestations (kept offering to get the next round, and he wouldn't have it).

Walking with SUWA all around Camden market to help him find a Goretex jacket for when he goes fishing and hiking. Took ages - for some inexplicable reason almost everyone had sold out that day, but we found one in the end.

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Been ‘lurking’ for a few years and really enjoyed reading some of these so thought it was time for a contribution ….


After a show I was working as Crew on, Went for a curry in Nottingham with PJ Black and Matt Sydal. Back at the hotel we ended up watching Heatwave 98, which Sydal claimed was his first ever show he watched. Really cool watching that back and getting his take on what is one of my top 10 shows of all time.


Another time, went to London Zoo with Chris Sabin (Great Guy), Melina, Drew Gulak, Chucky T and Ospreay. Sabin threw out a great Barry Horowitz reference during a Penguin feed when the keeper said “ give yourself a pat on the back”


Speaking of Zoo’s, went to Woburn safari with Cedric Alexander just before he participated in the C/W classic. He was paranoid about not making weight so he went on the scales at the Zoo and we were winding him up that his reading of something stones had meant he was over the 205lb limit. After that, I whooped his arse comprehensively at WWF No mercy on the N64 using D’Lo Brown.  He picked Dean Malenko who Cedric said was one of his early inspirations.


Good Times.


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