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My wife decided as I'm difficult to buy presents for that she would buy me a record player to give herself the easy option of buying a record whenever she was out of ideas.

I didn't collect anything before, but in the last couple of months become slightly obsessed with getting new records annoyingly.

Does anyone else collect records? Where do you get yours from? Any great finds? Pride and joys?

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I posted this in the record collection chat in the metal/punk/rock thread but I might as well copy and paste it in here as this is a better place for it.


Here's my modest collection. Just over 300 records according to my Discogs list (which I still need to complete - https://www.discogs.com/user/wordsfromlee/collection?header=1&sort_by=artists_sort)

Top row L-R: First two rock/punk/metal, hip-hop, funk/soul

Bottom row L-R: rock/punk/metal, electronic, soundtracks/compilations, jazz/world/BBC sound effects

The little pile is some 80's ambient and late 70's jazz fusion stuff that I bought recently and haven't got round to listening to or organising yet.

I could genuinely talk about this stuff for hours. It's the only thing that keeps me going in life.

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27 minutes ago, mim731 said:

I think @UK Kat Von D has gotten big into vinyl, think he posted some pics in another thread. 

I wasn’t sure about starting a thread for just vinyl but seems like some other people are into it as well. 



Here is the bulk of what I have at the moment. My Dad gave me his old ones recently and since then I’ve been buying a couple every week. The more I get the more I realise I need. I even went to my first car boot in years recently on the hunt but only found boring shit 

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7 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I even went to my first car boot in years recently on the hunt but only found boring shit 

I got a copy of Sparks’ Kimono My House for £9 from a car boot last year but aside from that it is usually shit.

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I sold all my vinyl when I was 17 to buy a copy of Magical Mystery Bus so I could give it to an ex for her birthday to try and win her back.

Didnt work and I think the vinyl is now worth quite a bit. Still, she was made up with it, but yeah fuck that stupid decision as I loved collecting.

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There's a discogs app where you can scan the barcodes? That's tempting because there's no chance I'm doing it manually (I've not got loads,  about 1000 lps and about 100 7"s) I suppose the pre barcode / indie label pressed in a bedroom stuff would have to be entered manually but I'm tempted to set up a discogs account now 


Ill always regret those late 90s years of buying the CD because it was two quid cheaper and I could listen to it on the bus home.

But @UK Kat Von D I thought a man of your calibre would have the original cover of Appetite for Destruction!!! 

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3 minutes ago, Harry Wiseau said:

There's a discogs app where you can scan the barcodes? That's tempting because there's no chance I'm doing it manually (I've not got loads,  about 1000 lps and about 100 7"s) I suppose the pre barcode / indie label pressed in a bedroom stuff would have to be entered manually but I'm tempted to set up a discogs account now 

Yep. I spent a good day doing it a couple of years ago when I had a week off work. It was really fun. Should have taken me a lot less time than it did but I got distracted by reminiscing about albums I forgot I owned and reading the liner notes etc of them.

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36 minutes ago, Harry Wiseau said:

But @UK Kat Von D I thought a man of your calibre would have the original cover of Appetite for Destruction!!! 

I’m after a first press actually, I’ve got no issue owning multiples. I’ve got two Theatre Of Pains because some idiot called Tommy scribbled his name on the first one  

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Sold all of mine (approx 300) pre-house move. 

I’m heavily contemplating collecting again, but not until I sell off a different collection. Thinking of selling off my retro wrestling merch, it will at least provide funds to get the vinyl I’m after.

I did however pick this back up, it’s the 3rd time of owning it now. I love it a bit much.


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I'm In Your Mind Fuzz is incredible. King Gizzard's best. 

I'll do a photo of my setup later on, but I'm about two years into my collection. I'm at a comparatively modest but still bedroom window filling 100 records or so. It's gotten to be more of an addiction as time's gone on, though, and it's now without question my number one hobby. I appreciate that the subjective audio superiority of vinyl can be largely negligible with anything that was recorded digitally, that's it's a clunky bastard of a format that preys on cash grab remaster syndrome and that you can easily discover loads of new lads on Spotify. Nothing, still, beats sitting on the bean bag with a giant mug of tea staring out the window and listening to an LP. 

I'm still in that catch up period where I don't buy a whole load of stuff I don't already know on vinyl because I want to hear how it sounds. It's always badass, though, the odd poor pressing aside. Audiophiles can talk it out until the end of time, but vinyl's the sound I prefer.

I have a particular affinity for ambient house on the format. Boards of Canada, Selected Ambient Works all that Warp stuff. Made for vinyl. 

I've got nothing particularly crazy or rare on the format. A lot of local metal bands have started bringing a few vinyls along with them to the small but thriving gigs we get around Cork and Limerick and we always pick up one where we can so those are always interesting. Got a Mechanical Animals pressing in Paris a few months back that took me half an hour to find on Discogs before realising it was an unofficial German copy. Sounds class, though. 


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I have a fierce amount of vinyl accumulated since I got into me oul' wheels at around 15. I would say, genuinely close to 1000 records (mostly techno, trance and house, with some Mr.Bungle, P.A.I.N, Weather Report, Deftones and FNM thrun in) at this stage.
I don't really collect them anymore as have gone into the 'cheating bastard' realm of Denon decks - purely for convenience with the sheer pace and volume of tracks and promos being released weekly - but I still love a spin on the records out in my shed and if a new track comes out that I love (think the last one I bought on vinyl was a tune named 'Rotlicht' by Oliver Huntemann) I'll check if it's been pressed, and if it has, I'll buy it.

If I'm playing a gig anywhere, my preference is vinyl but on the flip side of that I fucking despise old school gigs/nights - which is really what you're limited to with Vinyl sets - because the majority of people that it drags out, are missing quite important teeth and wear Celtic jerseys with what's supposed to be the Man Utd crest indian inked onto their forearm, or vice versa.





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What did you start on @Scott Malbranque 

My first set was a Nu-Mark Blue Dog DJ-In-A-Box set which I begged for on Christmas 1999 after seeing DJ Craze and Tony Vegas on a DMC video that year. 

Me and 3 others (and I’m cringing as I write this) quickly formed our own crew, called Crew Cuts, hoping we’d be the next Scratch Perverts. We were all OK, I could beat juggle to a fair standard but my scratching was shit, but one of us, DJ Blakey was so fucking good he won the DMCs one year and now works for Serato and supplied all the scratching for Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse. 

Meanwhile I’m currently sat in my pants watching Pointless.

Here is a video of him winning the UKs in 2004. Skip to 4.30 to see some mental shit where he turns the metal plate upside down and makes a bass tone out of it. Blew my mind live. 


I still love a bit of turntabilism, but get turned off by just how technical it’s become.

Nothing I loved more than going vinyl shopping on a Saturday. Even though I don’t collect anymore, Banquet Records in Kingston is still one of my favourite places to go into. Anyone struggling to find something, give them a look and they’ll probably have it 

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