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Bloody hayfever; a moaning thread


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I type this between sneezes.

Who else gets hayfever? The throat-scratching, nostril-pounding, eye-watering, eyelid-swelling reason that you can never enjoy the summertime?

I've had it as long as I can remember. The person who cut the grass at school always used to just leave the cuttings behind him on the field, and I'd come back from break times with my eyes swollen shut and my nose all red and having to try and function the rest of the day. It's not got better as I've got older. Taken a tablet and had local honey this year and I've still sneezed four times while writing this post.

Let us moan, unless you don't get it in which case damn you for being able to enjoy the outdoors in nice weather.

Image result for lisa allergy

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I get it, but the symptoms seem to noticeably improve if I take my tablets last thing before bed - I really don't know why that is or if it would even work for anyone else.

Alcohol completely fucks me though, so if I'm drinking in the park/outdoors I'm a watery-eyed, sneezy mess - tablets or not.

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19 minutes ago, Otto Dem Wanz said:

I get it, but the symptoms seem to noticeably improve if I take my tablets last thing before bed - I really don't know why that is or if it would even work for anyone else.

What do you take?

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It writes me off when it lands. Like Gladders, I’ll have sneezing fits that’ll hit near the two-dozen mark. I’m allergic to antihistamines, too, so my options are pretty limited to treat it.

I started taking this daily a few years back and as sceptical as I was, it really has worked wonders. One spoonful a day regardless of the time of year and it’s made a huge difference.

I still get those frantic sneezing episodes but nowhere near as frequently as I used to; at its worst about a decade ago, I had up pull over on the motorway as it was that bad I couldn’t see out of one eye. 


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I have a weird reverse hayfever, in that every spring, I'll get hayfever symptoms when I'm indoors, and be fine when I'm outside. Some kind of seasonal dust allergy. 

BTW, a few years ago when I was a fair bit more flush, I was taking these herbal supplements called Aller-Pur, which actually worked for me. Had to take them over a period of time, a sort of "loading dose" but after about a week they were really working. 

Unfortunately they're expensive because they appear to only be available by import. $30 for a one-month bottle. Can't afford it any more, but thought I'd mention it in case any of the moneybags demographic on here might be interested. 

EDIT: Ah - did a quick double check and they appear to have reduced in price, at least on eBay. Only $20 now:


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I paid 10 poxy quid for 6 Certrine tablets the other morning because I walked outside and I was sneezing, sniffling and eyes streaming within minutes, and the bastards had worn off by the time I left work at half four. Only stuff that properly works is this giant bottle of pink 'allergy medication' pills that I bought in Walmart a few years back when I was visiting the ex's family. They are diphenhydramine pills, and unfortunately have the side effect of making you so doped up that a nodding junkie who has just shot up looks more alert than you.

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On 6/29/2019 at 4:46 PM, Otto Dem Wanz said:

Good luck @Devon Malcolm, hope it works - its a bastard of a thing to deal with.

Update - it didn't really, but I'm willing to try anything at this stage short of a sinusectomy.

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