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Stuff everyone likes

Devon Malcolm

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A follow-up to that thread I did a few months ago about people everyone likes, how about stuff? Don't be afraid to speak up and cancel suggestions! You're among friends here!


Can't imagine there's a person alive who dislikes that song, surely.

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You're going to roll your eyes, D-Mal, but there was one point in my life when I hated it. Largely because I was working as an usher at Thriller Live in the West End, and it was part of the incoming and outgoing playlist - hearing it sixteen times a week will eventually wear you down.

But it is a cracking song, and as the years have gone by I'm glad I've come to love it again.

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I'm afraid if she was still about, pat would nix that one. Claimed that Goldeneye was one of the most overrated games of all time!

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27 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I'm afraid if she was still about, pat would nix that one. Claimed that Goldeneye was one of the most overrated games of all time!

I'd have to agree, unfortunately. It hasn't aged well at all, unless your playing one-handed rockets mode. My counter-point would be;


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8 minutes ago, Accident Prone said:

I'd have to agree, unfortunately. It hasn't aged well at all, unless your playing one-handed rockets mode. My counter-point would be;


SNES version was better. 

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I always feel like the GoldenEye ageing argument must derive from how outdated the control scheme in particular came in the wake of subsequent console shooters. Halo usually gets credited with changing the game, but TimeSplitters done it a year before and I'm sure a few Dreamcast ports also had an approximation of what we're more used to today.

Going back to that N64 scheme can be tough, and if it controlled more like today's shooters I still think it would be as fun as Mario Kart 64 for most people. Never got the whole thing with graphics ageing, similar to how I don't think Scooby-Doo has aged. They're all cartoons. Old games involved a wonderful piece of filling in between their tech limited aesthetic and your own imagination that's all but lost in big budget titles today. 

Point being GoldenEye is sexy and the only people who didn't love it at the time were PlayStation acolytes who couldn't handle the big boy controller. 

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