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The Smackers Thread


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I love Jacob Fatu so much. It must be killing poor Solo to not have put a foot wrong but to watch someone come in and instantly and effortlessly surpass him with his aura and presence. Seeing him do a run in in that boot was pretty cool but it’s not like he’s gonna be able to do anything apart from run around like a bloody mad man destroying Reigns. I was expecting him to do a big move off the top by the end of his cameo. 

Pretty Deadly are craptatstic but I’d watch them trying to spin gold out of HHHumour sow over A-Town Down Under any day of the week. At least they have entertainment value.

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Another solid show, although it was far from spectacular. A symptom of a thin roster, really.

I do wonder if the plan is to separate Santos Escobar from Humberto and Angel, and have The Lucha Bros fight by his side instead, giving all three a big push. When you have a roster this weak, using a talent like Escobar in the way they have is pretty crazy. 

It’s the first time in a while when I’ve found the show a little insignificant. Raw and Dynamite have both felt like they’ve mattered recently, but outside of the Bloodline story, Smackdown feels a bit cold. It’s perfectly watchable, but it’s also perfectly missable. 

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They're building to a pretty insignificant PPV so no real surprise the TV is feeling quite similar. As you say, it's fine but hopefully they can get some bigger feuds in gear after Germany is out of the way.

Don't think KO will turn heel on Cody as it's a bit pointless and I wouldn't buy him as a genuine contender but I'd definitely like something different for Kevin beyond the Bloodline stuff. He deserves another proper feud.

Surprised they went with the Solo/Jacob jealousy hints quite that quickly but I guess we'll see what they've got planned.

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1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

They're building to a pretty insignificant PPV so no real surprise the TV is feeling quite similar. As you say, it's fine but hopefully they can get some bigger feuds in gear after Germany is out of the way.

I think with Smackdown, the problem is that it’s hard to see where those feuds will come from. You look across the roster, and it just feels so empty. I agree that Owens is unlikely to turn heel; and I mainly feel that Randy Orton probably will, and as well as an Orton/Cody match, I imagine we’ll get Owens/Orton; perhaps even at Wrestlemania. 

1 hour ago, DavidB6937 said:

Surprised they went with the Solo/Jacob jealousy hints quite that quickly but I guess we'll see what they've got planned.

Some of that is probably down to Fatu’s injury, but I wonder if we’ll eventually see Rock usurp Solo as leader, eventually dumping him (maybe drafting in Hikuleo as a replacement to keep up the numbers), so we have the full line-up of the original Bloodline feuding with Rock’s lot - Roman, Usos, Sami and Solo versus Rock, Tama Tonga, Tonga Loa, Jacob Fatu and Hikuleo at Survivor Series, perhaps?

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This show would improve significantly for having the Lucha Brothers and Ricky Starks in the mix.

Already teasing dissension in Bloodline Hollywood though. Fucking hell. Give it a rest, lads. Not everyone has to be a snide, backstabbing prick. Some people can just be mates.

I reckon Hunter has a designated team in the writers room that works exclusively on ANIMOSITY and BITCHY IN-FIGHTING within factions and tag teams. And this is Triple H’s brief every morning.



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23 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Already teasing dissension in Bloodline Hollywood though. Fucking hell. Give it a rest, lads. Not everyone has to be a snide, backstabbing prick. Some people can just be mates.

I reckon Hunter has a designated team in the writers room that works exclusively on ANIMOSITY and BITCHY IN-FIGHTING within factions and tag teams. And this is Triple H’s brief every morning.

And you had Escobar being unhappy with his goons, hence my suspicion that he’ll be partnered up with Penta and Fenix, whilst Humberto and Angel are either sacked off or paired with Andrade or something, in the continued cycle of keeping all of the Hispanic wrestlers together in some way; another thing Triple H seems bent on doing.

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Escobar can’t dump his lower card mates for a new group of mates again. Just add the Lucha Bros in to the mix and fuck the others off gradually. Maybe just stick Escobar with New Judgement Day or something instead, he’s promising but they’ve done fuck all with him.

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I really enjoyed when Cody tried to encourage Theory to turn on Waller, and the crowd didn't really react. "We're all waiting for it" We're not mate, Theory is a rubbish babyface.

The KO turns video was excellent, though, you have to give Waller that.

Agree that Raw is killer and Smackdown is filler atm. I think it mostly suffers from the fact that the show is still built around Roman, and he's not flying to Berlin, so the Bloodline are in a holding pattern, and Cody vs KO is not that interesting, and feels like time killing until the Orton feud. It happens sometimes, and summer on Fridays is probably the best time for it to happen.

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43 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Escobar can’t dump his lower card mates for a new group of mates again. Just add the Lucha Bros in to the mix and fuck the others off gradually. Maybe just stick Escobar with New Judgement Day or something instead, he’s promising but they’ve done fuck all with him.

Ordinarily I’d agree, but his lackeys have been so inconsequential on the main roster that I think they could get away with it. They can frame it as being a case of Escobar having been searching for the allies he needed to become a dominant force in WWE, and now he’s found them. Doing that would act as an immediate reset; which he probably needs. 

33 minutes ago, Duke said:

Agree that Raw is killer and Smackdown is filler atm. I think it mostly suffers from the fact that the show is still built around Roman, and he's not flying to Berlin, so the Bloodline are in a holding pattern, and Cody vs KO is not that interesting, and feels like time killing until the Orton feud. It happens sometimes, and summer on Fridays is probably the best time for it to happen.

It’s so strange. They have the two biggest stars in the company on Smackdown in Roman and Cody, and they seem to feel like that’s enough to keep them going. It’s generally watchable, but when there’s so much wrestling to watch - most of of a very high standard - ‘watchable’ isn’t enough.

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Owens/Cody segment was pretty decent this week, rest of the show was there. It's just so dull at the minute, Smackdown has gone off a cliff since Wrestlemania.

Crowd were pretty shit too, hopefully just because this was a dull show and they'll perk up for the PPV. France and the UK it was not.

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I enjoyed the Ludwig Kaiser cameo, he's absolutely brilliant and the more I see of him, the more I want to see him get a sustained singles push. Given how thin the Smackdown roster is, he could easily jump over permanently and become a top heel. Here's hoping Vinci ends up showing he can add just as much value to a show as his former stablemate. 

Andrade/Hayes must be the most boring feud to have consistently excellent matches that I've ever seen. The two undeniably have chemistry, but I couldn't tell you why they're even feuding, or how all of this started. 

I also thought Owens/Cody was good, but there's not much to say about it other than that. Smackdown needs an injection of life, and (presumably) a Randy Orton heel turn, when it happens, isn't going to be that. Orton's really fun right now, and I'm not sure a heel turn would make him anything other than boring. We'll see. 

There's at least some interesting talent in NXT right now. Fuck the draft, bring a few of them up. Or move a few wrestlers over from Raw. Have Domink Mysterio lose a 'loser leaves Raw' match with Rhea, send him over. Maybe Ludwig Kaiser jumps, or Ethan Page when he drops the NXT title. Trick Williams is still developing, but he has enough positives to him to justify an early call-up. If they do sign the Lucha Bros and Ricky Starks, don't send them to NXT, put them straight on Smackdown. 

Smackdown isn't bad right now, but it's just kind of...there.

Edited by RedTwoster
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I wouldn't say he has become a bore per se. Crowds still love him. Kids still adore him. He's just fallen into the same trap most of the good guys do in that the chase is always far more interesting. That and Roman still feels like the THE guy. It's a difficult one. They'd almost be better off on different shows at this point.

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