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The Smackers Thread


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As much as I like the Bloodline stuff, the "breaking character laughing" every week is clearly part of the script, it all works too well and WWE are playing into it with how they show it. If WWE didn't want them laughing then they wouldn't be, not every week, it quite clearly played into the segment this week. Every time Roman looks like he's going to lose it, Sami makes everyone laugh and it calms down for a bit. Until the next time.

It's still good like but to think it's all off script and not planned is clearly not the case

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Just now, Doog said:

As much as I like the Bloodline stuff, the "breaking character laughing" every week is clearly part of the script, it all works too well and WWE are playing into it with how they show it. If WWE didn't want them laughing then they wouldn't be, not every week, it quite clearly played into the segment this week. Every time Roman looks like he's going to lose it, Sami makes everyone laugh and it calms down for a bit. Until the next time.

It's still good like but to think it's all off script and not planned is clearly not the case

“It’s a work, brother.”

Fucking cheer up.

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7 minutes ago, Doog said:

As much as I like the Bloodline stuff, the "breaking character laughing" every week is clearly part of the script, it all works too well and WWE are playing into it with how they show it. If WWE didn't want them laughing then they wouldn't be, not every week, it quite clearly played into the segment this week. Every time Roman looks like he's going to lose it, Sami makes everyone laugh and it calms down for a bit. Until the next time.

It's still good like but to think it's all off script and not planned is clearly not the case

I'd hate to be around you at Christmas.

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16 minutes ago, Doog said:

As much as I like the Bloodline stuff, the "breaking character laughing" every week is clearly part of the script, it all works too well and WWE are playing into it with how they show it. If WWE didn't want them laughing then they wouldn't be, not every week, it quite clearly played into the segment this week. Every time Roman looks like he's going to lose it, Sami makes everyone laugh and it calms down for a bit. Until the next time.

It's still good like but to think it's all off script and not planned is clearly not the case

“Thank you for this wonderful birthday card sweetheart… but seriously, vegetables can’t talk, nevermind make puns, and it’s going to have to go in the bin.”

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Doog just exposed himself as Vince's burner account. 

You just know Sami would have been yelled at by Vince for breaking Jey and Roman like that but that's what made love this more. Roman asking Jay if he was if was not feeling Usey was just beautiful.

 That segment was just fantastic. Male soap opera is a stupid cliche but that segment was pure male soap opera. Roman's face when Jey said I don't give a damn about the tribal chief might be the moment of 2022. WWE are actually doing a thing I care about. 

I hope someone pointed at Bray after that and yelled "that's a Pro wrestling storyline" 

Edited by Tsurutagun
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14 hours ago, Supremo said:

Imagine being poor Becky Lynch, sitting at home, watching Ronda Rousey constantly stink the joint out, knowing you’re likely going to be relied on to carry Ronda to a Wrestlemania feud and main event match. Becky must be dreading it. What on Earth happened to Ronda? Was she always this shit, but we refused to admit it? She’s painful to watch right now.

She had one of the best debuts ever and I think it's only in hindsight you realise just how much work Triple H and Stephanie are putting in to getting her over. Kinda amusing since Triple H used to have a reputation for not showing any arse. 

I also wonder who put the match together and how rehearsed it was. I suspect they ran through it more times than she gets to run through her matches now. She was always a shit promo. 

She's under trained, over exposed and older than a lot of wrestlers are when they start training. Really, if she wasn't shitter than everyone else you'd worry about everyone else. 

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12 minutes ago, Vamp said:

She's under trained, over exposed and older than a lot of wrestlers are when they start training. Really, if she wasn't shitter than everyone else you'd worry about everyone else. 

Is she under trained though? We don't really know how much she's done but it always seemed like she was at least putting the effort in and should be improving. But it doesn't feel like she has much.

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4 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Can't decide if I liked Ucey or this best. Two perfect moments.

For all the shit they get on their camerawork and editing (and rightly so) it was excellent in this segment.

The front that Jey shows when he says it, rolling the shoulders and flexing, before realising that's not the route he should be taking is great character work. Jey Uso is playing this role absolutely brilliantly and for me, warrants a nomination for Wrestler of the Year, just great week in, week out.

EDIT: I'm fine with Triple H bringing back some more of the women from the NXT days, that side of the roster could do with some refreshing. Emma is solid and had some good years with Impact. Rumours they're after Chelsea Green as well, Cardona will be there like a shot if Chelsea AND Tenille are back.

Edited by Nick James
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Not that it matters but seen it pointed out on Twitter that Uncle Howdy had an earring in that Bo Dallas used to wear so more likely him that was under the mask than Bray. It was still shit either way right enough.

I think Emma would be a good return if anyone actually liked the gimmick she came back with. I don’t know if it was Emma herself wanting to be more serious or if it was WWE struggling to book her character but it was the innocence and fun side of her that got her over in the first place in NXT as opposed to the pound shop female Boss Man look and crap theme tune.

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1 hour ago, Tsurutagun said:

Dancing Emma was only ever a small arena gimmick. Once she did that in a bigger arena, half the fans were thinking "what's that weird thing she's doing with her arms. 


Well, sure, if you just treat it as “she dances”. In NXT she was far more layered where you knew she was a bit of a klutz and a bit daft, it was never just a dancing gimmick alone. The dance got over because people liked her entire character as a fun, innocent, non-corrupt personality not just because it was a fun dance.

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25 minutes ago, FUM said:

Well, sure, if you just treat it as “she dances”. In NXT she was far more layered where you knew she was a bit of a klutz and a bit daft, it was never just a dancing gimmick alone. The dance got over because people liked her entire character as a fun, innocent, non-corrupt personality not just because it was a fun dance.

It’s been Emma’s gimmick ever since she left. 

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I genuinely envy these people who are able to be so engaged with Bray’s stuff. Entire Twitter threads and YouTube videos, “unpacking,” the subtext and symbolism, trying to predict what it all means and where it’s all headed.

Honestly, god bless them. To still have this enthusiasm and belief in him after over a decade of nonsense characters, promos and story threads that never ever went anywhere, never made a lick of sense and never paid off to any significant degree. Just a load of vague, ambiguous bullshit. Endless spooky, mysterious first acts that dissolve into incoherent nothingness. Is it any wonder all these rumours of Bray going into movies didn’t pan out? If his work in pro-wrestling is anything to do by, I’m not convinced the idiot has ever finished watching a single film or knows that sometimes a story has to - you know - conclude in a satisfying manner.

And yet they still gobble it up and are as convinced as ever that any day now we’ll find out who Sister Abigail is, or what all the Funhouse stuff meant, or why Alexa Bliss was covered in black goo, or who the Wyatt 6 are, or just how many characters Bo Dallas was secretly dressed up as. The mind boggles. He’ll still be at it ten years from now. YouTube videos trying to decipher the symbolism behind the eye patch Grandad Bollocks is wearing.

Edited by Supremo
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