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The Smackers Thread


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Totally agree with the two posts above.  @Supremowas complaining about Gratitude Era title wins, and this was always the problem going right back to Benoit.  If you have a GOOD heel and a good face, you can build that face's win into a special moment - Lex Luger in WCW for example.  I've no doubt Sami winning the title at WM would be amazing.

But what then.  What programs will he work that year that will improve gates and ratings.  Which top heels can take clean losses to him.  What's his WM program next year.   If Reigns is off for a bit then go with Sami, but have 12 months sketched out.

If Reigns isn't taking hols, then IMO a match with The Rock is a bigger WM main event.  Have him beat The Rock, then reheat the Sami thing.  Hell, have Sami help get him the win at WM somehow, making Reigns pissed at him, or something.


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Can't believe anyone can argue in good faith that because Hangman's Title run didn't match the build up then they never should have pulled the trigger. No horsey entrance through the streets. No, "we're proud of you" - the graphics team. No small nod of acceptance from Matt Jackson. No crescendo as the ref counts three. No literal tears of joy as he knocks the can of beer away in order to hug his friends. Genuinely one of the best moments in the history of watching this nonsense. But we shouldn't have done it because the Adam Cole stuff was a bit rubbish. Unbelievable.

Sami Zayn's title run could consist of nothing but a best of seven against Kane. It would still be worth it.

Anyone who campaigns for The Rock has to publicly apologise the moment he starts doing the shitty insults and awful, "battle promos," that do the complete opposite of building up a match. Bitch of the table LOL.

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15 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Can't believe anyone can argue in good faith that because Hangman's Title run didn't match the build up then they never should have pulled the trigger. No horsey entrance through the streets. No, "we're proud of you" - the graphics team. No small nod of acceptance from Matt Jackson. No crescendo as the ref counts three. No literal tears of joy as he knocks the can of beer away in order to hug his friends. Genuinely one of the best moments in the history of watching this nonsense. But we shouldn't have done it because the Adam Cole stuff was a bit rubbish. Unbelievable.


I’ve not said they shouldn’t do it again, but if you are, then have a second act that come close to matching it. It’s why MCU movies got so big as the story led to what was next, not just satisfying that one film. To me without the bloodline story you have mid carder Sami with the big belt and no idea what happens next. So he looks shit in a role he shouldn’t be in, and the belt isn’t any better off for being on him. 

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49 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Anyone who campaigns for The Rock has to publicly apologise the moment he starts doing the shitty insults and awful, "battle promos," that do the complete opposite of building up a match. Bitch of the table LOL.


39 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

"Superman punch? You fake ass jabroni. I work with the REAL Superman. Buy Black Adam on Blu-ray NOW! *eyebrow raise*"


I'm 100% pro-Dwayne, but these takes are hauntingly bang on. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Sami Zayn's title run could consist of nothing but a best of seven against Kane. It would still be worth it.

Don’t you threaten me with a good time!

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This, “…and then what?” approach is a weird stance to take . How many big wins or World Title victories at Wrestlemania have truly continued their momentum into the following months? Even the biggest Wrestlemanias, with the biggest stars, have seen everything cool off with the typical Summer lull. Wrestlemania 17 -> Two Man Powertrip.

Something else that needs to be considered is the very real possibility that The Rock would get booed against Roman. He was an unlikeable knobhead against Cena. Imagine him against this version of Roman? It has the potential to be a massacre. Even worse if Sami is still a part of the Bloodline.


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1 hour ago, Louch said:

To me without the bloodline story you have mid carder Sami with the big belt and no idea what happens next.

I’m not following this logic. Wouldn’t this apply to anybody who beats Roman? They’d still have to come up with something for McIntyre, Sheamus, Gunther, Lesnar, whoever ends up beating him. Why would this be any different with Sami?

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3 hours ago, Nick James said:

Roman should be pulling double duty over a 2-night Wrestlemania for both titles. The match Vs The Rock one night, Sami the other. Put Roman over The Rock on night 1, then close with a feel good moment of a Sami win on night 2. 

This is the way. 

Roman Vs Rock is objectively the best business move for the one show of the year that needs to do massive business and still something I'd love to see, warts and all. I get that the Sami thing is shit hot right now but it's hardly a strange take to want to see WWE do Roman Reigns Vs The Rock at a WrestleMania instead. 

But then I also want to see the Sami thing. And it's the absolute ultimate payoff for your week to week viewers. 

Another thing is WrestleMania has great cred with top guys pulling double duty. I feel like it's a sort of trope in waiting. WrestleMania X, WrestleMania XXX, WrestleMania err...39. Close enough. But Roman could and should absolutely be in that company with Hart and Danielson. 

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2 hours ago, Slapnut said:

I’m not following this logic. Wouldn’t this apply to anybody who beats Roman? They’d still have to come up with something for McIntyre, Sheamus, Gunther, Lesnar, whoever ends up beating him. Why would this be any different with Sami?

It should be a permanent superstar making moment. Zayn ain’t ever Gonna be that 

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There is literally nobody on the roster I’d like to see beat Reigns for the title more than Sami Zayn as I’m sure is the case for a lot of people. In fact not even more, there is nobody else I’d want to beat Reigns. That is the sort of thing it should come down to. How they book him afterwards to keep him popular is on them to figure out.

I’m in no way comparing Zayn to Austin but at no point did “how do we book him afterwards” come into the argument and it never has when someone gets over with the fans.

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