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The Smackers Thread


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None of it matters anyway. Sami Zayn won the title in Montreal, it was the greatest moment in the history of pro-wrestling, and everything since then has been a dream we’re going to wake up from.

Look at where we were a year ago though. We had it all. In retrospect, this should have been nominated for promo of the year. The bit where he shouts right down the hard camera in French is unbelievable. 07:30. My heart burst for how much I supported him in that moment.

But yeah. With the way everything has gone down? My main excitement for Wrestlemania now is that Bayley returns to her old music and it’s even half as magical as Sami returning to his. There ain’t no stopping us now.

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2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

I dunno. I've always preferred Rock when he was a heel. I just don't see him leaning into the old Corporate Champion/Hollywood Rock since he's off doing PR for the UFL and damage control for TKO.

No way he plays a heel, but he's a heel to me. Not just because I'm a teary eyed Codester, but because I think The Rock just comes across as the most awful prick. It really is the worst of both worlds to me.

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One of the most face-palming aspects of this is that they’ve fumbled one of the last remaining dream matches that they have to offer. A lot of the people pissed off by this would be genuinely interested in Reigns/Rock in different circumstances. Even if it goes ahead and the backlash fades, it’s happening under a cloud that will make it feel much less special than it could. 

12 minutes ago, waters44 said:

Crowd reaction at Raw tomorrow night will be interesting

It’ll be interesting to hear how effectively piped in crowd noise can disguise any backlash. I expect they’ll try to ride it out for a few weeks, but I hope they course correct quickly.

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4 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Yeah I was thinking he was unusually active. Hopefully if he has been on the Teremana he'll do a Jericho at some point and start shouting at people.

Be mad if as well as breaking they're audience they've broke The Rock.

Turns up on Raw unannounced with a stinking hangover, chopper hanging out yelling at Cody 'it's all your fault!'

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They're not doing either but Cody/Seth and Rock/Reigns on night one leading to a Cody/Reigns unification match is better than the triple threat idea. I mean, the unification stip is meaningless because one of the belts is meaningless but the belt is dead either way and at least they can run both Reigns matches. Fuck knows how you'd get there though.

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9 minutes ago, Vamp said:

They're not doing either but Cody/Seth and Rock/Reigns on night one leading to a Cody/Reigns unification match is better than the triple threat idea. I mean, the unification stip is meaningless because one of the belts is meaningless but the belt is dead either way and at least they can run both Reigns matches. Fuck knows how you'd get there though.

I'm guessing that conversation starts and ends with Triple H, Nick and Brian G sitting down with The Rock and saying 'so on night one you lose, and on night two...'

If The Rock is coming back to lose, I can't imagine he's coming back to lose in the semi-finals of the Retcon Cup.

@Supremo is right. There's no good fantasy booking here, and it isnt happening anyway. Every bit of fantasy booking i've seen makes someone, usually Cody, look an utter twat.

I think my favourite - though perhaps the maddest - is that just as Cody is about to challenge Seth, Punker returns and convinces Cody not to be talked out of his big moment, and also 'something doesn't feel right' about the way The Rock talked Cody out of it. Drew comes out attacks Punk, and Rollins fights with Drew somehow to make Drew/Rollins (with Punk on a Pole presumably) and then somehow over the coming weeks it comes out Rock is in cahoots with Roman/Heyman and it was a clever plan to keep Cody out the way (as Roman is scared of Cody) but Cody, inspired by Punk, foils the plan and then it's Cody vs The Bloodline at Mania and he has to overcome Roman as well as Jimmy, Solo and Dwayne to win the title. I guess it'd be the start of a year long build to Roman/Rock.

It's lunacy. But I'd take it.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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2 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

I’ve seen various dirtsheets report that when The Rock was pitching to make Rock/Roman happen at mania he was also proposing him going over as well. Can you imagine?

Yeah. I can. The Rock ain't coming back to lose is he? He's lost enough with that awful Black Adam film. And as much as I like WWE atm, it would be such a WWE thing to do to have Roman lose to a part timer. 

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I wonder what Cody’s doing whilst The Rock is re-posting positive videos on his Instagram, like a teenager trying to pretend everything’s going great?

Just giving blind people the best times of their lives, of course. He’s unbelievable.


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Bores keep talking about how this decision is "best for business" like we're supposed to give a shit and be happy about that. Why is the average fan supposed to care about that? Especially when it's a multi-billion dollar corporation that can stand to lose a quid or two?

And besides, is it *that* good for business and their image? How many more people are actually going to put money into the company because the Rock will be main eventing Wrestlemania compared to what they'll lose from fans telling them to fuck off and now the mainstream media picking up on how badly received this has been? And that this is such a transparent attempt at cleaning up their image and distracting from the Janel Grant stuff?

Yes, of course they should do the match at some point. But the timing's all wrong. The knock-on effect is their biggest babyface since Daniel Bryan looks a fucking total dipshit and chump, they've buried the other world title to a degree it won't recover from, and nobody's talking about Bayley's brilliant angle and that's been affected too. Among other things. Plus even Logan Paul's telling them it's a shite decision. 

It's one of the worst decisions in wrestling history and I can't even be arsed reading the Bleacher Report results now. They can't rescue this. If they do, it would be the most successful about face in the history of our great sport. Not gonna happen.

Also, they managed to make everyone hate The Rock. Even by WWE's standards, a staggering achievement.

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