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Devon Malcolm

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1 minute ago, Dead Mike said:

TBH I couldn't give a fuck about the majority who voted to leave, they got conned by a bunch of careerist MP's & their tabloid friends. They voted for an undeliverable fantasy & this is the moment where reality smacks them in the face.

The fact that they'll likely get angry with the people who warned them about this in the first place, rather than the actual liars will just prove the claims that lots of them are just thick as fuck & want to be angry at someone, Whether that's the EU, brown people, Muslims, lefties, feminists or 'the elite'.

Well, that's your opinion and you're obviously entitled to it. Let's just hope that those who have the power to actually force through another referendum aren't quite so dismissive as I don't think it will end well.

I'm confident that we won't see another vote, although the watered-down deal that we get will likely see the likes of UKIP and Robinson rubbing their hands with glee regardless. Another vote that went the other way would literally be the far-rights dream result in all of this.

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13 minutes ago, David said:

As C-Bomb mentioned, Tony Blair broke every fucking law in the book during his stint as PM and he's still free to lecture us all on how we should think.

Hold on a sec, Dave - I didn't mention Blair to defend the referendum; it was the exact opposite, and I'm pretty sure you know that. It's because of him that I'm even more adamant now in my belief that we shouldn't allow this to happen again.

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2 minutes ago, David said:

Well, that's your opinion and you're obviously entitled to it. Let's just hope that those who have the power to actually force through another referendum aren't quite so dismissive as I don't think it will end well.

I'm confident that we won't see another vote, although the watered-down deal that we get will likely see the likes of UKIP and Robinson rubbing their hands with glee regardless. Another vote that went the other way would literally be the far-rights dream result in all of this.

The far right will always find something to be outraged about. You know what's more dangerous than telling them to fuck off? Pandering to them.

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Saying that the result of Brexit is untouchable because it'll gin up the far right smacks of people opining that the concerns of the midwesterners who were a massive part of putting Trump in the White House need to be front-and-center going forward because of some sort of righteous fury. Although that partially means a much-needed look at how the industrial heartland of the US can be put on a better footing going forward, it often also means "we need to bow down to a bunch of ne'er do wells who want to hearken back to a past that they only half-remember, at best. It's the worst kind of saudade, the kind that makes people want to smash up the machine just because it isn't doing what they like, and darkly pointing towards things "not ending well" and it boosting the likes of Tommy Robinson seems like a thin gauze covering the idea that bad policy ideas should be ground on with regardless, because it'll anger a segment of the population. Certainly, it was a slim majority win, but under shady circumstances where the system seems to have been gamed in several ways — so many parallels all over global politics right now. 

Short version — what Dead Mike said while I was typing.

Edited by Sergio Mendacious
Dead Mike is better than me
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6 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Hold on a sec, Dave - I didn't mention Blair to defend the referendum; it was the exact opposite, and I'm pretty sure you know that. It's because of him that I'm even more adamant now in my belief that we shouldn't allow this to happen again.

Well, guess what? It will happen again. And again. And again. 

4 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

The far right will always find something to be outraged about. You know what's more dangerous than telling them to fuck off? Pandering to them.

Yeah, but the far-right are primarily a fringe movement. It just depends on how keen we are to help swell those numbers up to the point where they become more of a concern than they already are.

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4 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

How do you know what the wishes of those who voted to leave are?

As far as I know one of the key issues here is that no-one knows or has bothered to find out, and in a lot of cases even the people who voted to leave don't know.


Norway deal means 

accepting EU rules on goods, services, people and capital, as well as competition and state aid.

if you voted leave then that would be a major sticking point? 


Edited by quote the raven
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13 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Yeah, let's all give up now. Nothing ever changes.

No one said anything about giving up, but I don't see it changing. There's as much chance of me becoming EU President as there is of Tony Blair seeing the inside of a jail cell.

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1 minute ago, David said:

No one said anything about giving up, but I don't see it changing. There's as much chance of me becoming EU President as there is of Tony Blair seeing the inside of a jail cell.

Blair isn’t going to jail... he should but he won’t. The sheer amount of people implicated means nothing will ever come of it 

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46 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

Saying that the result of Brexit is untouchable because it'll gin up the far right smacks of people opining that the concerns of the midwesterners who were a massive part of putting Trump in the White House need to be front-and-center going forward because of some sort of righteous fury.

I'm not saying that's the only reason the vote result should be untouchable, I'm saying that's a very real and possible side effect of simply overriding what was a democratic vote.

48 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

It's the worst kind of saudade, the kind that makes people want to smash up the machine just because it isn't doing what they like, and darkly pointing towards things "not ending well" and it boosting the likes of Tommy Robinson seems like a thin gauze covering the idea that bad policy ideas should be ground on with regardless, because it'll anger a segment of the population.

Saudade. Nice one. Thank the lord for Google ?

The thing is, people on both sides usually want to smash up the machine when things aren't going as they like, and they find excuses for doing so. Very rarely will they admit that they're thinking that way because they're just upset about losing. We're seeing a bunch of people at the moment who want to overturn a democratic vote mainly because they didn't like the result. And yes, I know all about the lies and deception. Quite frankly, I'd be more shocked if we'd seen a process that didn't involve lies and deception, it's what politicians do.

51 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

Certainly, it was a slim majority win, but under shady circumstances where the system seems to have been gamed in several ways — so many parallels all over global politics right now.

A slim majority win is still a win, and if it had went the other way I seriously doubt the same people crying just now would be all-ears to the wailing we'd be hearing from the opposite side.

This type of referendum was always going to result in one sizeable chunk of the population being unhappy, it's how these things work. What we need to now do is put together something that resembles a reasonable way out of the EU without robbing those won the vote of the result.

After that, maybe cunts should stop voting for the 'Tories? I know that's a radical proposition, but as a Scot it fucking astounds me how these bastards keeping getting into power. 

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