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Away from the ring matches


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Best and worst match types that don't take place in a ring?

I really liked the Lions Den they used a couple of times. Cool little gimmick for someone to make their own that is, I think. It was different and felt dangerous. A take on that could be good for something different. Loved it when McMahon was going to go in there with Shamrock. Shame we didn't get a proper match.

There'll be loads of bad ones nominated, I'm sure, but having just watched November 1999 WCW, Jerry Flynn's "The Block" challenges which took place in a sort of boiler room area were fucking terrible. One of Russo's worst ideas at that time and that's saying something. Love too that Flynn explains the rules as barefoot and the second week, someone wears boots.

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When was the last time they really did one of those? I can't think of anything beyond Eddie Guerrero doing a couple of Parking Lot Brawls with Cena and JBL in 03/04.

My favourite's probably Kane vs. Big Show vs. Raven from WrestleMania X-Seven. One of the most fun Hardcore title matches I can remember, and I don't think any of it happened in the ring.

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10 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

When was the last time they really did one of those? I can't think of anything beyond Eddie Guerrero doing a couple of Parking Lot Brawls with Cena and JBL in 03/04.

My favourite's probably Kane vs. Big Show vs. Raven from WrestleMania X-Seven. One of the most fun Hardcore title matches I can remember, and I don't think any of it happened in the ring.

I guess Matt Hardy and the New Day fighting at the Wyatt's place count as the last times. The one that always sticks out for me is the Summerslam Boiler Room Brawl with Mankind and the Undertaker. I think this was the first time I saw Mankind - my uncle got me back into wrestling by telling me about this crazy bastard and I eventually got my hands on that PPV. It was madness, at the time I hadn't seen anything like it.

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In terms of match types, nothing particularly comes to mind, really. Think it comes down more to the quality of individual matches than the formats lending themselves intrinsically to good or bad outings. 

For specifics:

The Hardys' Final Deletion comes to mind - absolutely fucking mental stoner shit that was also hilarious. "It's a dilapidated boat!" And a shout-out to Vanguard1.

Also, Lawler vs. Funk, empty arena match. Iconic.


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Another WCW 1999 classic - the Junkyard Brawl at Bash At The Beach. You couldn't see what was happening for shit and the guys were LITERALLY killing themselves in this thing. OK, not literally. But half the people who competed got injured. Guys were taking dangerous bumps. One of the Mexicans got 50+ stitches. It was incredibly dangerous and yet utterly pointless. Spoiler: Finlay won. It did nothing for him.

And this was pre-Russo!

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

Another WCW 1999 classic - the Junkyard Brawl at Bash At The Beach. You couldn't see what was happening for shit and the guys were LITERALLY killing themselves in this thing. OK, not literally. But half the people who competed got injured. Guys were taking dangerous bumps. One of the Mexicans got 50+ stitches. It was incredibly dangerous and yet utterly pointless. Spoiler: Finlay won. It did nothing for him.

And this was pre-Russo!

This is my vote too. I've just watched it back for the first time since it was aired, and just all kinds of stupid. Even worse, I remember feeling short-changed back in the day that none of them did any fire spots and Finlay by pretty much just walking out. Just unremittingly awful.

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Is it just me or do they all tend to be shite? With a wrestling ring you have ropes to bounce off of, turnbuckles to jump off etc. With hardcore matches, its by necessity a largely punch kick affair with the use of weapons.

Other than the Boiler Room Brawl I struggle to think of any I'd like to go back to and watch again.

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As a twelve year old, I thought the Hollywood Backlot Brawl as the coolest thing in the world. I knew wrestling was fake, but not this. This was real. These guys were smashing each other with baseball bats and cars, for fuck’s sake! Awesome! 

They should do more stuff like this. Even if it was a feud I didn’t particularly care about, putting it in a different environment would make it stand out significantly. 

I want Samoe Joe and AJ to have a fight in AJ’s house. Throw him out of a window to end it or something. 

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