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Build a Dangerous Alliance


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That picture of the Dangerous Alliance in the Raw thread got me thinking. What a fantastic looking group, apart from Bobby Eaton's mullet.

I miss a decent stable in WWE. Apart from their desperate obsession with trios, the abysmal League of Nations seems like their last attempt.

Put together a super-group. Whatever style you like taking whatever influence you like.

Cheesy, I know, but I'd like to build a group, taking bits from the Horsemen, to make a genuine main event heel of someone like Drew McIntyre who appears to have just about everything. I'd nick the Horsemen/Evolution dynamic and ensure they were always dressed up, arrived in style, film interviews in first class on the plane or in penthouse suites. I think we're overdue four guys living the life. make a change from WWE telling us that they don't pay enough so guys like Big Show and Shawn Michaels are fucking broke!

I'd put Dash and Dawson in with McIntyre. They're a couple of tough looking guys with old school physiques, don't hog the spotlight and, importantly, would make McIntyre look bigger. I think Mojo Rawley fits the vibe too. Thick set, former NFL player and a good heel. I think that could be the business. In an ideal world, I'd stick Tessa Blanchard with them too. She looks tough as fuck and it would be a nod to the past.

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You’ve got to have Paul E. For the mouthpiece for me 

I’d have drew in there has my world championship chasing wrestler who has all the tools clearly.

as a curveball someone who I think who would be a tremendous heel Midcarder still with Heyman doing his promos and that’s shelty b. 

I’d be tempted to throw American alpha in their as douchebag heel tag team similar to Haas and Benjamin before them.

and little miss bliss because why not she’s incredible 

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It's incredibly difficult with the way the roster is presented now because nobody elevates anybody any more. In the likes of The Four Horsemen, Flair and Anderson elevated the likes of Benoit, Mongo and Malenko that few extra steps up to the point where they're not on the highest level but the faction looks the real deal and they don't look out of place fighting main eventers. You can't do that now unless you only use lower card or you only use upper card, because the levels are so much clearer.

My initial thought for a stable would be Ambrose who I feel did so much better as the unhinged member of a violent team than he did as a goofy singles guy, but then I think who else would I team him with that doesn't devalue him? The likes of Mojo Rawley as you mentioned, Rick, to me would instantly make any stable look twice as shit because he's Mojo Rawley. Same reason the likes of half the tag, cruiser and lower card wouldn't get a sniff. You have to find people who are either new to the roster and not tainted yet, or are stuck in that middle card limbo without the stink the likes of Ziggler have. You also have to then, from that small pool of people, not pick someone who doesn't need it. The likes of say Shinsuke Nakamura, Jeff Hardy, or The Miz aren't going to benefit at all from a stable.

I know this is a bullshit answer, but I don't think anyone on the current roster would do well in a stable. It's either going to drag someone down or not make any sense.

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51 minutes ago, Freddie-hartland said:

Ambrose leading a faction with ciampa and authors of pain could work

Ciampa doesn't need to be in a faction. Am integral part of his gimmick is that he only looks out for himself and what he wants, and fuck everything and everyone else. Ciampa is the best heel they have, I'm not sure he would elevate anyone else in the group, or that anyone else could add to his gimmick. 

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3 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

I miss a decent stable in WWE. Apart from their desperate obsession with trios, the abysmal League of Nations seems like their last attempt.

I know it’s not WWE proper, but there are four guys in Undisputed Era technically.

My group would be centred around Velveteen Dream, and the idea that anyone associated with the Dream would become a winner by proxy. The Revolution to his Prince. He would gather other wrestlers down on their luck (from anywhere on the card - even someone who’s, say, just lost a big title match) and create a group with him at the centre. I’d call them The Experience.

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Reigns as the smug champ.

Drew as the muscle with an eye on the Gold.

Ambrose as the unhinged antangonist

Ronda as the Chyna figure but a helluva lot more sexy

Kurt Angles son as the arrargont youngster, flicking eyes at Ronda and being the first to go through to get to the top guys....work horse as well.

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7 minutes ago, The King of Old School said:

I would have liked a disgruntled veterans group in WWE lead by Cena & Orton

That sounds like a club of Millionaires. You could have them face off against some Young Blood. I think you're onto a winner here!

Trips: "Strip all the Champions, we're starting again"

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