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Whats the nicest thing someone said to you recently ?


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Whats the nicest thing someone said to you or about you recently.


Not intended to be a bragging or grandstanding thread but fuck it, if someone said something good to you/about you then post it here.



My mother passed away 6 years ago, my dad has been living by himself untill last week when i moved home after nearly 10 years away.


Dad said to me yesterday that having me around reminds him of having my mother around the house again.


I nearly teared up.

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Someone came up to me off the street yesterday with tears in their eyes and said  "Gus, you're the best there is, was, and ever will be. I got into the public affairs business because I watched you write a briefing for mid-level managers about the results of the local elections way back when". I just nodded, smiled and gave him my sunglasses before heading back to my hotel room which was choc-full of beautiful women. 

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"It's a good thing you have a big willy or I fucking swear, you'd have been kicked out of this fucking house long ago!!!" : After herself slipped on her bum with a comically violent fall, because of a load of eggs I’d dropped out of the tray onto the floor, and only half arsedly cleaned them up.

I wouldn’t mind, it’s not like I’m Lexington Steele or anything, so I’m just grateful that (a) she ‘s never asked ‘Are you in yet?’ and (b) her past conquests must have had little Halloween monkey nut willys.

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The checkout worker in Iceland warned me that the loaf of bread I was trying to buy had split open and let me go and grab another. So, y'know. There's that.

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2 hours ago, RancidPunx said:

Not intended to be a bragging or grandstanding thread but fuck it, if someone said something good to you/about you then post it here.

Lovely idea for a thread this.  One of the biggest things i've had to do in recent years is accept that I add value to the world, and often, it's by consciously acknowledging, and not just dismissing positive things I've done, or that are said about me - think it's really important, good on you for starting this although fuck you for sharing that story, lump in my throat this end an'all now!

Despite having left several months ago, I had an email from my old boss yesterday saying the foster carers I used to support wanted me to be invited to their Summer BBQ next weekend which was lovely to hear given frankly i thought they'd be delighted to get shot of me.


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1 hour ago, Astro Hollywood said:

That I would have been great as a contestant on Gladiators.

Fascinated to know on what basis that was suggested? I love any world in which "such and such would be smashing at Atlaspheres" comes up in conversation.

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'Grecian, I'm emailing you about this not because it's anything to do with you, you're just one of the few people in this place who seem to know what they're doing and get it right.'


'Your beard is fabulous!' 


Two separate people, I should add. 



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Stunning girl said I was very handsome the other day but then I think it translates in Vietnam to "oh you're white can you pay for my coffee". At least I got to practice my Vietnamese with her for 30 minutes.

My boss said she is appreciating all the work Im doing which is always nice to hear.


But best thing was a few weeks ago when I told a class of 17 teenagers I wasn't going g to be their teacher on the next course. Lots of sighs and requests to have me. I take that as a big compliment in my work. Very hard for students to be happy your leaving in front of you. Very easy to get indifference as your not a smartphone device. Almost impossible for them to be sorry to see you go. What made it nicer was that they were a problem class 2 courses ago and now are fantastic high flyers. Very satisfying results for me

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