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General Adnan's Football 17/18


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4 minutes ago, Porkchopcash said:

Believe me i am not as what you have described above. However, i work in a factory and start work at 7-730 am every morning and come in most days to people you have described above. LGBT community is being discussed nearly every day on mainstream tv ITV. Not always done by the right people representing the cause. The other week it had a girl on there claiming she should be called her name real birth name one day, then if she draws a pencil muzzy on her the next day she should be called by a mans name? Then theres cases of make prisoners claiming they are now women and going into womens prison and raping females. 

I will say that i do slightly feel that the LGBT community is being overpushed, like Cena or Reigns and will have a negative affect on people. But will still sell a load of t shirts.

What in the world?

OK. Let's start off easy. Do you have a link to this story about a male prisoner "deciding" they're female, being sent to a women's prison and then committing rape? 

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5 minutes ago, Porkchopcash said:

I will say that i do slightly feel that the LGBT community is being overpushed, like Cena or Reigns and will have a negative affect on people.

My word. 

Gays should work the indies and pay their dues before getting a push to the main event scene.

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Think it needs a seperate thread tbh. The LGBT Thread, genuinally. Need to discuss 3 sets of toilets and changing rooms in shops. For such a small minority of the population is it all worth it? Theres other minorities that do not get treated this way. Genuinally not my views, but they are out there.....

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30 minutes ago, Porkchopcash said:

Need to discuss 3 sets of toilets and changing rooms in shops

Most places only have one changing room, therefore they are unisex ones.  It's no biggy for me but I'm a man.  I can understand why a woman may feel uncomfortable sharing a changing room with a bloke though.

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That isnt the issue tbf, from now on there is going to be a male, female and transgender changing room in top shop which is good for publicity i guess. People i know feel that within a few years people will be looked upon to be bigotted to call themselves a man. 

Men and Women exist. I agree there us a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of brave people who exist in a gender they were not born into. What people i know is having thr LGBT community rammed down their throats at every corner they turn. Not me.

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2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I have no idea what this means. What are you talking about?

If people become too aware of the bummers and tuppence ticklers, they'll become bummers and tuppence ticklers themselves. Human race then dies out because the next generation are doing the shagging wrong.

1 hour ago, Porkchopcash said:

I will say that i do slightly feel that the LGBT community is being overpushed, like Cena or Reigns and will have a negative affect on people. But will still sell a load of t shirts.

Do they those "all over" prints like Randy Orton used to have?

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2 hours ago, Cod Eye said:

How is Brownhill playing fir you? He was very well though of at Oakwell and a massive part of why we went up the other year. Many of us were gutted when we couldn't get him permanently. 

Fits and Starts, Undeniably Awesome Talent, Preston were plenty pissed when he went, I feel he'd progress more in a better team, with stability, but yeah the raw stuff is definitely there, one of our better players towards the end of last year. Now doing the business again, but so frustrating. Hopefully another Bobby Reid, who's potential I've been banging on about for ages, and this season is scoring for a laugh.

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1 hour ago, Porkchopcash said:

Believe me i am not as what you have described above. However, i work in a factory and start work at 7-730 am every morning and come in most days to people you have described above. LGBT community is being discussed nearly every day on mainstream tv ITV. Not always done by the right people representing the cause. The other week it had a girl on there claiming she should be called her name real birth name one day, then if she draws a pencil muzzy on her the next day she should be called by a mans name? Then theres cases of make prisoners claiming they are now women and going into womens prison and raping females. 

I will say that i do slightly feel that the LGBT community is being overpushed, like Cena or Reigns and will have a negative affect on people. But will still sell a load of t shirts.


So, you work in a factory? That somehow makes you 'different'? Fuck them factory workers and their unionized ways and secure pay structure. How dare they blight society with their mere existence!. not fun is it?

The reason that LGBT issues get discussed 'all the time' is because society is still full of bigotted asshats who tie into 'knowledge' about sex and gender that has only been around since the Victorian Times anyway and decide to abuse and denegrate everyone and everything that is different to their 'safe ideal'  You are aware that much like being Gay, the T part of things is due to a wonky androgen receptor meaning that this all happens whilst in the womb?

Prisoners 'claiming they are female and raping' Well oh very dear. I suggest you do some research as to how female hormones effect the male body and make that impossible. 

As for over pushing. I got locked in a taxi on Friday night by the Taxi Driver and then another man, and called every name under the sun, just because I'd deigned to go out and have fun.  Remind me as a presumably straight white male the last time that happened to you?

Until shit like that stops then the LGBT movement wont stop.. 

Going back to football, Mario Gomez, Germany Striker says it best https://www.theguardian.com/football/2010/nov/11/germany-bayern-mario-gomez-gay-footballers


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4 hours ago, Porkchopcash said:

People i know feel that within a few years people will be looked upon to be bigotted to call themselves a man. 

People you know are fucking dickheads then.  I bet they voted Leave, seriously don't associate with those bells.

(EDIT - Not leave voters, the white blokes are the most discriminated against group twats.

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