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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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10 minutes ago, Daaaaaad! said:

I think as a piece of television produced for a mass audience, it wasn't bad. Would personally have started with Ospreay vs. British Bulldog Jr. then transitioned into the opening angle - as has been mentioned, first impressions are important and that became confusing very quickly, although I suspect the prime objective was to get over Stu Bennett as a recognisable star on the show - but it was engaging and generally enjoyable. I'll be interested to see how well it's received going forward, fingers crossed it becomes a regular fixture in Saturday night viewing. 

I wonder if the start of the football season will impact ratings ?. 

Agree with the idea of starting with Bulldog, would have given the show more of a theme.

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2 hours ago, JNLister said:

I assume the Nandos thing is that people might [wrongly] assume it was product placement, which has to be declared and highlighted.

Pretty much everyone on Facebook group for the old era British wrestling is slating it as expected, but I'm amused by all the complaints about how it's a disgrace and they shouldn't call this World of Sport. I don't have the heart to point out that, well, they haven't.

I like how the old school forget they were part of the reason why Wrestling disappeared from the mainstream in the first place. Boring matches 4 life. 

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I'll say what Tony Schiavone said to DDP after his first match. It's good for the first one, but if its like this in a few weeks, it'll be the shits.

Definitely a lot of stuff that make it promising, but the production and the commentary puts me off it so much. A lot of pro wrestling clichés on the one show as well. Heel GM, tag partner doing the Sid exit on the tag, shit finishes etc. But it's the first night in, so hopefully it grows into a better show as the weeks go by.

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I want this to succeed, but it needs tweaks. The wall of sound and rapid-fire camera shots made this more of a headache than anything else. Watch NXT, and there's quiet moments, build up, crescendo, taking the audience on a ride. This was not that. A TV show needs to attract an audience that take interest in the adventures on offer, the characters, who has the belts, etc. A women's match for the title, with no build up? Why? Where's the opportunity for drama, the chase, getting to know the characters? It certainly has the talent to succeed, but it won't like this. Some nice moments, from Kip and Osprey especially, but a far cry from where it should be. And what's worse, there's so much around nowadays, in the UK alone, to watch and learn from. There's no excuse for some of the amateur mistakes made here. I want it to be good. Please, make it good. 

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The most notable and off putting part of the show was how bad the camera work and editing was. The rate at which the camera angles changed during matches made them feel like a blur and it made it difficult to focus on they actual wrestling and the editing cut slight parts of the matches out which ruined the flow of the match and was confusing.

The first match was a shambles, why didn't they announce the elimination of Crater to make it more obvious to the fans and viewers that he was disqualified? And did Lynskey didn't fuck up the finish? They seemed to scramble to explain what had happened regarding Rampage not being eliminated, if it was a botch along with Justin Sysem (if that's how you spell it) botched dive and Kirby landing on the camera man then why didn't they just redo the match? it's they luxury afforded to a tv taping. The botched dive and other minor issues with the wrestling made the overall presentation look amateur, it could have been tidied up if they redid the matches.

The production was flawless (minus the camera work and editing) but it was to big and flashy for the weak and rushed matches which struggled to establish a story in the short time they had.

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2 hours ago, C-Rock said:

The most notable and off putting part of the show was how bad the camera work and editing was. The rate at which the camera angles changed during matches made them feel like a blur and it made it difficult to focus on they actual wrestling and the editing cut slight parts of the matches out which ruined the flow of the match and was confusing.

The first match was a shambles, why didn't they announce the elimination of Crater to make it more obvious to the fans and viewers that he was disqualified? And did Lynskey didn't fuck up the finish? They seemed to scramble to explain what had happened regarding Rampage not being eliminated, if it was a botch along with Justin Sysem (if that's how you spell it) botched dive and Kirby landing on the camera man then why didn't they just redo the match? it's they luxury afforded to a tv taping. The botched dive and other minor issues with the wrestling made the overall presentation look amateur, it could have been tidied up if they redid the matches.

The production was flawless (minus the camera work and editing) but it was to big and flashy for the weak and rushed matches which struggled to establish a story in the short time they had.

The commentry announced Crater was DQ'd and Lynskey was vocal and tried to get him out. Nor did he botch the finish, it was just the storyline. Not sure why you thought it was a mistake, that was the plan all along. I would rather they did WWE replays though, rather full screen meaning you missed the ongoing match

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I don't watch wrestling much these days and haven't done for years, but this was the first time we've ever watched wrestling together as a family. The time slot is perfect for that, and the constant advertising had it very much in the forefront of our minds that it was coming up.

My son Lucas is 10 and he loved Crater, hated Grado, to the point that in the final match I asked who he wanted to win, and he said anyone but Grado. He was wowed by Osprey and felt sorry for 'Gold Pants' in the tag match, as did my wife.

I thought it was a pretty decent first show. I thought Alex Shane did well on commentary but the woman added nothing. Not sure I like Stu as the executive unless he plans to wrestle down the line. Otherwise he's way too big.

I still don't like Grado and really can't see his appeal at all. Daddy had a presence in spite of his lack of skill, Grado doesn't. Osprey did little for me - he's very acrobatic but I'm not sure it's wrestling, not to my taste anyway. 

Really like Rampage and Sha Samuels. Most others need to work harder on showing some kind of personality. The babyface in the main event was really bland.

As an hour of family entertainment on a Saturday it's great fun though and it's a real buzz for me to watch wrestling with Lucas, something he's not really been fussed about, aside from the odd Royal Rumble. He actually said 'no spoilers' as they started to show clips from next weeks show at the end, so he's his fathers son for sure. We'll be tuning in to the next show, and we've talked about all going along to show, if that's even a possibility.

I watched WOS when it was on originally, and whilst this is absolutely nothing like that in terms of how wrestling has evolved, it's great to see it back in ITV and in such a prominent slot.


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I thought it was good.


Good, modern look. Crowd sounded into it. Commentary was very decent, even if it was Alex FACKING Shane. Wade Barrett as an authority figure. Well mic'd. In ring action generally. Smith/Ospreay was a tidy little stunt fest. Backstage announcer is excellent. That promo by Sabian was remarkably good for BritWres. Grado comedy spots. The slo-mo replays. The excellent hook for next week.


That one horrible camera angle that makes the ropes wonky. The BritWres special crap ring canvas. Crater is fucking atrocious looking, like someone insisted on Giant Haystacks and this was the best they could do. A few edits were too obvious and clunky. The were a bit too quick with the slo-mo replays. Too many crowd shots and too much encouraging of the old "thumbs down" which is unbelievably naff.

Things to work on but a good start.

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8 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

The commentry announced Crater was DQ'd and Lynskey was vocal and tried to get him out. Nor did he botch the finish, it was just the storyline. Not sure why you thought it was a mistake, that was the plan all along. I would rather they did WWE replays though, rather full screen meaning you missed the ongoing match

That may be the case but it came across as messy and for us to believe that an experienced referee would miss the fact that another wrestler hasn't been eliminated did no favours for Lynskey especially after being admonished by Bennett it made him look incapable.

It may have been the case, that type of finish (as best as I'm aware) has never been used before so made it difficult to understand.

It was announced that Crater has been eliminated for the viewers at home but for the casual fan or certinally those there live I'd of preferred a clear message from the ring announcer that he had been eliminated, I think a clear announcement he had been DQ'd would have drawn more heat towards him as well.

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Reportedly the overnight viewing figures are 960,000 and an 8.6% share. I'd describe that as not disastrous yet, but it's definitely going to have to grow the audience from there.

According to DigitalSpy forums:



- It skewed 54% male
- It skewed 9% 16-34
- Biggest audience share among 45-54s
- Almost 50% share among the lower socio-economic DE group
- It had an ABC1 skew of 30%

Note that (as I read it), this doesn't mean 50% of WOS viewers were DE, rather than 50% of DE viewers were watching WOS. AFAIK the skew is how it compares to a (hypothetical) show that had a perfectly balanced audience demographically.

So the audience was significantly more male, surprisingly more higher socio-economic group and a little bit younger than the population as a whole. How that fits ITV's targets I don't know.

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