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Westminster Attack

Chest Rockwell

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So there's been an attack and Westminster.


  • A police officer has been stabbed in the Houses of Parliament in central London
  • The alleged assailant was shot by armed police
  • Witnesses report seeing several people being "mowed down" by a vehicle on Westminster Bridge
  • Footage on social media shows people lying in the road
  • Metropolitan Police say they are treating it as a terrorist incident and buildings are in lockdown


Not a lot of information available yet, and as usual the rumour mill is firing on all cylinders. Thought it would probably be worth having its own thread,

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I've got friends working in Parliament and they all just want to go home. I know it's natural to somewhat tie yourself to these things to a greater degree than is necessarily true, but I'm there every couple of weeks and feel pretty shat up by this.


Lot of speculation that I don't want to post until confirmed, but in terms of additional stuff that is confirmed: at least 1 pedestrian was killed and a lot more injured.


Goes without saying, but just horrible. Feel terribly for innocent people hurt and caught up in this.

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The Guardian posting footage of people lying injured on the bridge is a bit poor taste.


Staying off Twitter seeing as all the usual shit is being spouted until full facts are known.


Cancelled an interview due there near there today. Fucking glad now

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I haven't seen any confirmation that the police officer has died?

The crashed vehicle on the Bridge has been investigated for a suspect package.


The London Eye has been stopped (with people trapped on it).

Horrible situation.

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When was the last successful terrorist attack (assuming it's confirmed that that's what this is) in London? Was it 2005? Or I supoose the Lee Rigby murder counts. Its actually surprising we haven't had them more regularly.


I also discovered just how terrible a person I actually am when I got the early breaking news notification about a shooting that had taken place at parliament. My first thought was: "Hopefully it was Theresa."

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Chest, don't you work in Westminster? Has this affected you in any way?


People here are freaking out a bit. We're not really close by, we're based over in the city not too far from Leadenhall, but I can understand the panic.

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When was the last successful terrorist attack (assuming it's confirmed that that's what this is) in London? Was it 2005? Or I supoose the Lee Rigby murder counts. Its actually surprising we haven't had them more regularly.


I also discovered just how terrible a person I actually am when I got the early breaking news notification about a shooting that had taken place at parliament. My first thought was: "Hopefully it was Theresa."


Our intelligence services are excellent which is the main reason why.


I work about 10 minutes away from Westminster and go home via the tube station, but everything's calm and people are working away where I am, can't let these terrorists (assuming that's who they are) affect me too much or I'd have a breakdown worrying about something like this happening every day.

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I know it's my own fault and its Facebook, but I can't help but notice that the people saying kill the terrorists who attacked parliament are the same who on 5th November say how Guy Fawkes was a hero and had the right idea.

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I'm standing by for the Officer(s) who fired to get an absolute roasting from the press, allowing the parents of the subjects free reign to lambast the police and label the shooting an assassination.


Oh and be hauled over the coals by the IPCC whilst suspended from firearms duties they put themselves forward to do with extreme risks for no extra financial gain.

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Whilst given what little details have come forward thus far, it seems a justified shooting. However, I'd be very worried if there wasn't an investigation every time someone was shot dead by the police. I know this will be a very sensitive subject for you, TDK, I'm not posting to antagonise.

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I also think the media and the public generally have more sympathy when police shoot terrorists than they do when police shoot standard criminals.


My girlfriend is in lockdown. She is scared and having to run an office with some worried people. I think she will be fine but this stuff does affect people. She has even said she is worried about getting on the tube when she can leave.

It's hard but she should try not to worry about bombs on the tube or anything. This is a pretty unsophisticated attack. If they had explosives, they'd have used them already I reckon.

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