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Theatre Thread

Gus Mears

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  • 5 months later...
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I've just agreed to be in a panto written, directed, and starring, Downton Abbys Thomas Howes.

I haven't acted for a while, and it's a 1 day rehearsal. This can only end badly. Luckily, I'm a masterful improv performer as far as panto goes. Unluckily he hates people deviating from script. 

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  • 2 months later...
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I've just got back from a surprise birthday present from my sister - the theatrical production of My Neighbor Totoro at the Barbican. Wonderful - a really loving and joyful adaptation that leaves you feeling uplifted and warm, just like the film's. Sadly couldn't take photos, but got one of the banner. If you can get hold of last-minute rush tickets or re-sells, I strongly recommend going, you won't regret it. There was a brief period where they stopped the show because of tech difficulties, but there was so much good will in the room, because it had been so good thus far, that everyone cheered and clapped when they resumed.


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11 hours ago, Carbomb said:

I've just got back from a surprise birthday present from my sister - the theatrical production of My Neighbor Totoro at the Barbican. Wonderful - a really loving and joyful adaptation that leaves you feeling uplifted and warm, just like the film's. Sadly couldn't take photos, but got one of the banner. If you can get hold of last-minute rush tickets or re-sells, I strongly recommend going, you won't regret it. There was a brief period where they stopped the show because of tech difficulties, but there was so much good will in the room, because it had been so good thus far, that everyone cheered and clapped when they resumed.


We were there last night too. You could really feel the anticipation of everyone before the first appearance of Totoro, which was just incredible. Even what they switched to following the technical difficulties would been great, but that first reveal was something else. When they were making the announcement I was dreading that they cancelling the rest of the show, which would’ve been devastating as we booked the tickets months ago, but thankfully everything worked out. 
Absolutely would recommend it to everyone though. If it ever tours I’ll be there in a heartbeat

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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  • 6 months later...
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5 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Bumping the thread as My Neighbour Totoro is returning to The Barbican from November 21st to March 23rd 2024


Yeah saw that a while back and forgot to flag it in the Ghibli thread. Had to sell the last tickets so will be going to this.

And also, Hamilton is coming to Southampton! In 2025, but hopefully worth the wait. 

Lot easier to get to than London that's for sure.

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I missed this thread at the time - I saw Totoro at the very end of its last run, and will almost certainly see it again when it comes back. It might be the best thing I've ever seen on stage, just pure joy throughout. 

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34 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Tickets were so scarce towards the end of the run last time, I sold mine to someone who was in the show for their mates!

It did seem to take a bit for tickets to start shifting, but I’m pretty that once it got close to opening it was virtually sold out.

With the success of the first run and the positive reviews I’d expect this to sell fairly quickly, I’ve already cleared it with my boss to allow me to duck out of work for 15 minutes to try and secure some tickets for around late February. Assuming that it does sell well (which it will) I don’t see why the RSC wouldn’t give it an annual run around that Christmas/New Year period, whether that be at Barbican or elsewhere

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