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The Notorious v Money


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Given the participants, I wouldn't rush to sit down for dead-on 9pm.

I love that SBG story Herb. I find myself acting like that whenever I bump into MMA fighters. I think it's because I come from being a pro-wrestling fan and seeing how utterly embarrassing some pro-wrestling fans can be when they meet a wrestler. I'm always trying to play it cool, acting like I'm just a casual fan asking for a quick photo, when inside I'm thinking, "fucking hell, it's Big Nog! *Internal Squeal*"

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Cheers for the heads up. I had completely forgotten that the first press conference was this evening.That's the second time this week that this forum has bailed me out (the first was a reminder that the Foxcatcher film was being shown on BBC 2) 

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What the fuck, man? What horrible crime has he committed this time? God forbid a reporter...you know, reports things. 

Schaub often criticises and takes an anti-UFC stance these days on his podcast from what I can tell. Why don't they do us a favour and get him shit-canned while they're at it? 

Ariel would've been the best guy for the MMA side to send over by far. For the hardcore Boxing fans who don't watch MMA, they're used to smug pricks like Max Kellerman and cantankerous miserable old cunts like Bob Arum and guys like that. Helwani would have been a breath of fresh air, even if they wouldn't admit it. For the casual viewers who don't usually follow either Boxing or MMA, Ariel would've been perfect for giving them the background on Conor and what he's about and why he's managed to bag such an impossible fight and payday.

Mauro Ranallo will have to do but I think Ariel would've done a brilliant job on this. Especially with the fight week interviews. Who've we got now? Just Boxing guys? That awful Elie Seckbach twat? 

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Looks like 10pm now. The YT video says "Live in 114 minutes" - even though it said "Live in 2 hrs" just after 7pm. I think it's just that the counter goes down in 1hr increments (and it has now switched over to minutes).

So at 6:59pm it would have said: "Live in 3hrs".

So yeah - 10pm.


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With any luck, Conor will kick back and request Ariel gets back on the tour. He seems to like the guy, always makes time to appear on the MMA Hour, and I suspect he played a part in getting him to host his Q&A earlier this year.

UFC are the fucking worst though, aren't they? It's like they're oblivious to how beneficial Ariel is to their company and the sport as a whole. In fact, it's indicative of a greater problem the UFC have, and it's one of the reasons why Conor vs. Floyd has awoken an excitement in me that I haven't had in months for the UFC. They're absolutely tone deaf to their audience these days. For a company that used to have their finger firmly on the pulse, they seem utterly clueless these past six months.

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Yeah, spot on Supremo. Similar to what I said 2 pages back. It's things like this that have made me really sour on UFC over the last while. Especially picking on Ariel who is one of the most professional around. It's pure childish bullying by Dana. Remember he kicked out Esther Lin & her husband because they worked for SB Nation too? The time Ariel broke the Brock news & they yanked him from the crowd. He's an asshole.

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Just now, David said:

The whole situation between Ariel and the UFC is down to one man. Dana White.

The guy is a fucking joke.

I'm going to wait for additional information to come out. 

However, you are almost certainly right. This whole situation reeks of Dana having one of his mood swings. 

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7 minutes ago, jimufctna24 said:

Skip Bayless is insane. 

Legit say any mad rubbish for headlines.

Edit: (Sorry for the live chat) Hilarious the sound was muted for McGregor's entrance and suddenly gets fixed when they introduce Mayweather.

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