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Once You See It....

Devon Malcolm

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What kind of experiences have people had with this sort of thing? You know, when you see something that completely changes your perception of something or even someone in an instant.


The one that stands out to me was when I was looking something up online about the porn star Dillion Harper for a blog entry I was doing and happened across a 4chan thread about her that pointed that she bore a resemblance to a certain celebrity:-





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Jeremy Beadle's little hand.


Yeah. The thing I never thought to look for during Beadle's About though was whether he made much of an effort to cover it up so that people didn't clock it and realise who he was earlier.


On a different note, when I was a kid, an uncle of mine (who didn't have an opinion on cheese on toast one way or another from what I remember) pointed out the clicker the weather forecasters had on the telly to change images. From that point on and to this very day, I pay almost no attention to the forecast and far more to when they are about to click it. Or whether they choose to hide it or not because some do and some don't. Why is that?

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@Devon, yeah absolute same thing! Think it was Lee Evans who had a gag about them playing scaletrix with them...


When I was 4 or 5, we had very dark green sofa and carpet. I swore blind they were brown. They fucking were brown. To the point where I would cry and cry about my family not believing me and taking the piss out of me for it...


Two years later, I was diagnosed as colour blind. The cunts.

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I only noticed yesterday when I had 4 Music's tribute to George Michael on how bizarrely similar to princess Diana he looked when he was young and clean shaven. Now I've seen it it seems so obvious and I don't know how I never noticed before.

Ive been wondering for decades why he was sniffing his pit on the cover of Faith.

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