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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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Yeah I don't understand why Triple H would go out of his way to hand Owens the title then, a few months later, tell him to basically ditch Jericho then sit back and watch Goldberg decimate him for the belt. Unless Owens himself already has a trick up his sleeve, or Trips knows in advance that Lesnar will come in and fuck up Goldberg, he should be having a hand in the outcome somehow. There are almost too many possibilities for this one.

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Well the actual was pretty uncreative, but at least it didn't involve a house burning. They clearly don't fancy Goldberg doing much with his knackered knee, but at least his Spear and Jackhammer still look absolutely deadly. The Spear, in particular, looks like it could take down a building.


Putting the belt on proper stars is exactly what this nothing belt has needed since the start. Owens is too midcard, right now, to be the one to at least add a little prestige to it. Having Big Bill and then Lesnar have a run makes sense.

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Predictable show all round. Solid action but nothing that really stood out above the normal (pretty high) standards.


Often difficult to judge a WWE crowd but I feel they've missed a boat not having Enzo and Cass win in front of a crowd that was hot for them. It's not their fault, they do this all the time. Build and build and it ends up anti-climatic.


Roman couldn't get a good match out of Strowman. Reminder of how green the big man still is. Fair play to him though, he took some fucking big bumps and didn't hold back.


Women's stuff was what it was. Why they're putting their best babyface in a position where every win is tainted though, I dunno.


Rusev's haircut is great. Now rebuild the fucker.


Main Event went about how I expected. It's what it needed to be too.

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Overall a meh card.


No complaints about the main event from me despite the fappers elsewhere online bashing it, the women's stuff is baffling though - Bayley is on course for a more dusty title reign than Owens had. I was expecting at least one more swerve whether it was Sasha costing Bay or attacking her after the match, I guess they're holding it off.


Decent enough hoss match between Roman and Strowman but nothing special, I'm still trying to work out how they get Roman's match sorted for Mania or what Strowman, Joe or Sami will be doing.


Cruiserweights had the match of the night, great effort from them both, Neville's in great form.


Hopefully we get some answers tonight.

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Neville deserves a great chunk of credit for getting the Cruiserweight division back on track. It was looking like a massive bomb of a decision to stick them in front of proper crowds, but Neville has come in and done wonders, considering what they were doing before he won the belt. It's still not particularly amazing, or anything, but Neville has done a good job with the opportunity.

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Neville deserves a great chunk of credit for getting the Cruiserweight division back on track. It was looking like a massive bomb of a decision to stick them in front of proper crowds, but Neville has come in and done wonders, considering what they were doing before he won the belt. It's still not particularly amazing, or anything, but Neville has done a good job with the opportunity.


Neville's work has been good but I think they deserve credit on the whole for sticking with the concept after a bumpy start and continuing to build the feuds and the characters and slowly introduce new ones to the Raw audience. We've seen in the past them get bored of stuff like this and either abandon it or just take the piss out of it. I was certain that by now, they'd have just oiked it off to 205 Live on the Network where no-one would see it.


KO's fighting talk before the PPV. Ooh, Matron...



KO's promo before the match was really good. It's a shame that KO's promos have fuck all to do with the character he portrays.

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That match at Mania with Brock is going to be a complete and utter shambles, isn't it?


I love Goldberg, but he looks like he's going to break both his legs running the ropes. They have, have, have to make that the smoke and mirrors match. Just bring fucking everyone out for it like with Sting vs. HHH a few years ago. Heyman, Gillberg, the NWO, Bischoff, literally anyone so that Bill doesn't end up collapsing like World Trade Centre 7. 

Edited by Gus Mears
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I thought the show was a complete shambles last night.


Joe/Zayn could've been accomplished in half the time. Surely Zayn is SmackDown bound after Mania?


They've built up or got at their disposal five fairly solid, over acts in the last few months, namely Owens, Charlotte, Strowman, Enzo/Cass and Nia Jax and the solution was to job all five out on the same show. It's like they can't build their own storyline arcs or just get tired of things halfway through and pull the trigger at the wrong moment.


Owens and Jericho should not have split up yet. Goldberg should've taken Jericho out a couple of weeks ago to negate his presence at Fastlane. Owens takes Goldberg out earlier on in the night but Bill overcomes the odds, spear, jackhammer for the win. The next night on RAW, Jericho returns and says he's not going after Goldberg but instead he's holding his Festival of Friendship for Owens next week, then you do the big turn and have a hot US title match at Mania.


Which means Reigns/Strowman can end in a distraction. Reigns finally gets him down, sets for the spear ~GONG~, Reigns is distracted, turns around into the powerslam for three. You start Reigns/Taker on RAW and then Strowman asks Foley for competition and gets put in the battle royal and destroys that field to win it and then probably batters Foley the next night on RAW to get rid of him as GM.


They took the belt off Charlotte too early. They should have had Bayley lose a couple of shots and be told that she's not up to the task, she goes to the back of the line and has to work her way up, so she goes through Dana, Nia Jax (at Fastlane) and then, crucially, Sasha on a RAW before Mania to earn the shot. Charlotte could've carried on her record at Fastlane by beating Emma(Lina) or bring an someone in on a one-shot deal and then at Mania, Nia beats Sasha to keep her moving in the right direction and Bayley finally wins the big one but with help from Sasha. The next night Sasha fucks Bayley up to turn heel and they run that feud through the summer and Charlotte says she has nothing to prove to anyone because she's beaten everyone - enter Nia Jax.


If ever there was a time to bust out a Dusty finish for the tag belts, this was it. They seem determined to run Cass getting sick of Enzo's shit and booking Enzo to be a completely annoying geek, when that's not what people want. Again, have them finally win the big one at Mania in front of a hot crowd that's doing their shtick.


As for what they do with all the loose ends at Mania, it's either battle royal time or maybe they do an interpromotional 10/12-man with the GM jobs on the line? RAW loses and it gives Stephanie an excuse to jettison people to SmackDown.


At the moment, it feels like they have all the tools for a stupendous WrestleMania but they're either a) determined not to deliver or b) incapable of working out how to get everyone worthwhile on the card without the show running two-and-a-half days.

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Might have been more effective if they hadn't used pretty much the same finish four weeks ago. Is entrance music now the deadliest move in the WWE?


Starting to get a morbid curiosity out of Mania main events the past few years. I thought they would have to really go some to top Reigns/HHH but they could have surpassed themselves this year. I can't complain too much though as I will still watch like a gimp.

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This makes Charlotte the face, right? I can't help but think any WrestleMania moment they have planned for the Raw women's belt is now going to be a massive anticlimax. Bayley's winning the women's title clean and ending Charlotte's PPV unbeaten streak us surely what they should have done with it? Between this and shooting their bolt on the Orton turn last week I'm starting to feel like Mania will be a big bust.

Roman's win over Strowman was another of those stupid wins where he capitalised on a mistake for the win, just like when he won the Rumble. I only hope Strowman can rebound from this better than handsome Rusev did.


The cruiserweight title match was brilliant.


Joe & Zayn was a good opener. That finish was very well done.


Rusev, Jinder, Cesaro & Show was blatant filler, but not bad little matches. I guess Rusev & Jinder 50/50 on Raw for a few months now.


Enzo's & Cass's promo was the best one they've done in a while. They appear to be back in baby face territory again now. The match against the Biz Cliz lads was good. Keeps the feud rolling as well.


Goldberg was hobbling a bit on his way to the ring. That surely doesn't bode well for Mania where there'll be a massive ramp for him to have to get down. They're going to need a lot of smoke and mirrors for that match.


Graves was brilliant explaining why Owens was taking so long getting in the ring. Talking about the adrenaline rush passing and the likes. Raw tonight could prove interesting.

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I can see the Lesnar/Goldberg match either being a two move Lesnar squash, or them exchanging finishers in between stalling/selling for 10 minutes. It's probably Goldberg's last match, so I guess they don't need to worry so much about protecting his knee, because he's doing nowt thereafter.


Personally, I'd have them gimmick the ring, or something, for a massive big man v big man impact spot.

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