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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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How odd is this Dolph stuff by the way, I wish he would just sod off with his epilepsy inducing tights and stupid face. I was listening to a podcast a while ago (can't recall who) and they were saying Dolph does not get the business, and I honestly don't think he does. He literally has wrestled the same way now for about 9 years, whether heel or face, no matter the gimmick, no matter the situation. He wrestles this way on PPV, he wrestles this way on TV in a 3 minute nothing match, he just wrestles, in his shit over the top way, nothing EVER changes, not his demeanor, his body language. Nothing. He still comes out even last week hot on the heels of a turn and is stood on the ramp doing that hip gyration and flicking his wet hair at the camera shouting his usual bollocks like "OH YEAH YOU KNOW IT'S ME". Yeah, piss off Dolph.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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Ziggler is just a midcard talent. In fairness to him, he was half decent last year when they gave him a bit of a push, which is usually never the case when they give him a go. I thought maybe has was close to it clicking. However, as always, he can only go so far up the card before he's exposed. That's why I always find it funny when some fans moan about WWE not giving him a chance, because they have plenty of times. Only for Ziggler to do nothing with it, so he ends up back in the same spot. He's midcard and no more.


His Big E/AJ feud highlighted this and his problems. Ziggler was so bad in the babyface role, they ended up switching Big E into his role, with Big E eventually getting his push for a few months, before Vince got bored. 

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I quite liked the new look Chamber.


I honestly can't quite believe that Bray Wyatt is going into Wrestlemsnia as the defending WWE Champion though. I know that he and Orton had a match on PPV at the back end of the year and that its been reported that they were going to do it again at Wrestlemania, but Bray Wyatt as the champion is a complete mindfuck. Chamber match was good overall though, not the best one there's ever been but far from the worst either.


Rest of the show was a bit hit & miss I thought.

Ziggler can fuck off as can any knobhead who was chanting "thank you Ziggler".

I've nothing against Naomi, but "you deserve it!" chants for her, come off it.

And The Ascension looked a right pair of gimps, both in appearance and failing to put away a team who just been given an absolute pasting. What a pair of chumps they are. There seems to have been a couple of pro-Ascension signs in the crowd lately, almost like its some hipster-irony bullshit to pretend to like them. They definately belong in SCG's Room 101

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I honestly can't quite believe that Bray Wyatt is going into Wrestlemsnia as the defending WWE Champion though.

But seeing as they have two world titles again, and a Smackdown match clearly isn't going to headline WrestleMania (it'll be Brock/Goldberg or Reigns/Taker), it doesn't matter nowhere as much. Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus was far from a WrestleMania main event but as you had three matches bigger than it, you could have it as a world title match,

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Yet another quality PPV that.


First couple matches werent up to too much. Ziggler is just as aimless as he was coming into the turn. Nice bit of heat at the end of the match with the Crews injury angle, or at least it would've been if the FUCKING CROWD didn't chant "thank you Ziggler" during it. Aaaaaaaarrggggghhh!


Anyways, tag turmoil was decent fun. Glad to see them give the Usos/AA feud a couple minutes in the microwave. Through clever booking they actually had me convinced the cunting Ascension were leaving with the straps. So got into this one a lot at the end. Also I say this nearly every time they get screen time, but please please push the Sexy Cops!!


Natty/Nikki was decent, best performance of Natalya's I've seen in a long time. Don't mind the feud continuing although the constant beatdowns and brawls are starting to get a bit rinse repeat now


Orton & Harper was cracking. I hope that was a breakthrough moment for Harper and not him hitting a ceiling. I would assume he plays some role in the build to the Mania match and I'm extremely intrigued to see how


Naomi winning the title was a big surprise, but I'm cool with it. Amazing what a cool entrance can do for your career. She was a nobody before the split, now seems to be getting over nicely. I think she's decent in the ring too, adds a slightly different style to the division. Sweet stuff in the post-match, that's the only time I can recall a 'you deserve it' chant actually coming off as somewhat meaningful. Oh, and while I remember, Carmellsworth were gold on this show


Loved that Chamber. Everybody did great in their roles and it came off as really well-placed. Hints of an AJ face turn too, possibly. It may already be up there as one of my favourite chamber matches.

When Wyatt was entering the chamber, going up to everybody's pods with his lantern, it served to remind me just how special this boy is. They don't come around like that everyday.

The time is now, make him a megastar.

Agree he should be a megastar but he's losing to Orton in 6 weeks which makes it a nothing reign.

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Oh don't get me wrong, I'm under no illusion that it's going on last or anything, but the very idea that Bray Wyatt is one of the world champions when he's been lost inthe wilderness for as long as he has is just a bit mad

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's weird because they've always protected him, having him on simmer for what- 3 years now? This is a long overdue title reign. It feels like Daniel Bryan retired years ago, and that was the last truly memorable Bray feud I can remember.

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Aye, I agree with that. He had those never ending feuds with Ambrose and Reigns, but they did nothing for all three involved because WWE lazily kept it going long past it's peak. It led to apathy on both occasions.


Wyatt v Orton, while decent telly, doesn't currently feel like a feud worthy of the title being involved. We'll see how it plays it, but it's got that CM Punk v Chris Jericho vibe to it. It's why I hope they follow through with Goldberg winning the other belt because Wyatt/Orton and Owens/Jericho are weak title matches, currently. The Universal title badly needs a star or two to carry it for a bit of time,

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What was the point of putting the belt on Cena at all? The 16th reign has been the biggest waste of time out of all of them. They should have kept it on Styles since he was the one who actually dropped the belt to Wyatt anyway.


Because they had to have Cena go over AJ, they can't have AJ beat Cena 3 times and John have nothing back, it's what the fans remember last, and now when folk look back the last time they faced for probably a fair while if Cena is tagging with his bird and AJ inevitably turns face is Cena pinning AJ clean and winning the title.

Cena could have eliminated Styles in the Chamber. It probably was to get the 16th out the way so they can build up to the record breaker, which is pretty stupid. Making 16 worthless is hardly going to get everyone hyped for 17.


If anything I reckon he should have won number 17 in his retirement match

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Rest of the show was a bit hit & miss I thought.

Ziggler can fuck off as can any knobhead who was chanting "thank you Ziggler".


Between him, the Rey expy and the Bobby Lashley expy there was only one person who could go over in that match. Not excusing the chants, but the mutants were wise to that.

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Why doesnt Naomi deserve it? Hasnt she been around for like 10 or more years, come through injurys and worked just as hard as they other female talent on the roster? Unlike many others past and present who were pushed from the begining and straight in to a title run, Naomi has made the best of what WWE has thrown at her learnt her craft and improved significantly over the years.


Were not stupid enough to know as fans that its always the best wrestler that wins the title. Its clear WWE have looked down the list of their female Smackdown roster and thought for all her hardwork and dedication over the years we will give her the title as a thank you and pat on the back. Its actually refreshing to see WWE give the title to somebody outside the usual women. She deserves it as much and if not more so than anybody else i.e. Alexa Bliss whos been around 5 minutes and good luck to her I say.

Edited by C-Rock
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Totally agreed. She's a baby face as well so it was perfectly appropriate, plus the fact not long ago a Naomi title win would've got over like a fart at a funeral made it significant. Clearly meant a lot to her to get that slice of approval for her good recent work. It's not like when Owens won his title and was probably inwardly cringing at the chants. Or the meaninglessness of saying it to DIY when the pop and the match they'd just had spoke for itself


I think her win caught most fans off guard and that was their way of saying "fair fucks, Naomi"

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Naomi's always been pretty sloppy and nowhere near as good as the commentary teams always want to say she is. She's been a future women's champion for god knows how long. All because she's a bit athletic. Well that's great but she's a shit wrestler. I don't think she's improved nearly enough for the amount of time she's been around and all that natural talent she apparently has.

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The only reason Naomi has won the belt is because she is from Orlando, so they will do the whole 'Naomi is walking into her home state, where WrestleMania 33 is the champion' then whoever goes up against her can do the whole heel thing and take the title from her in her home state.


That is the only reason I can think of, they will probably do a really cool entrance as well.


I skipped most of the show as only really care about the tag matches & Chamber. Both of which were fairly decent. Everything else on the show is getting everybody a run out who probably won't be at Mania (Nat, Apollo, Ziggler, Kalisto, Asseccion etc)

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