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Posted (edited)

Using the OSW Review criteria, who are the five guys that make you go "alright! It's my boy!"


What are the Qualities to be A Boy?

#1 Unsuccessful – No WWE/WWF, WCW/NWA or IWGP World Championship reigns. TNA doesn't count because it's on par with winning water by turning on a tap

#2 Unpopular – He must not be respected in general or have hope for the future.

#3 Untalented – There has to be a certain cringe factor. You have to be a little ashamed to admit you’re a fan.


To get the ball rolling:

Steve McMichael would be King Boy, Steve Blackman, Drew Galloway, Paul Burchill, Marc Mero

Edited by WyattSheepMask

Kevin Fertig in the short-lived Mordecai gimmick

A-Train/Albert/anything he did apart from Tensai

Elix Skipper


Bo Dallas

Posted (edited)

Mideon. Preferably in his Ministry guise but his dashing turn as a greasy goon bouncer in Southern Justice is great too.


I genuinly loved him as a kid when nobody cared dick about how well Attitude Era midcarders wrestled up until 2000. Apart from 'Taker he was the only real 'goth' one there in the Ministry to me. I loved his eye shirt and cute little Taker symbol bindi and green wrist tape. That tattoo of some bloke on his bicep.


That and the Ministry jobber theme is the king of killer baddie Jim Johnson riffs from that era. I still listen to it all the time.


Bull Buchanan is another one. I think I just really had a thing for big dopey pricks who seemed like Streets Of Rage bosses. I love Baron Corbin at first for that same reason. Dudes a big salty goon.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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"Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce was my boy. I haven't seen him in years, mind. But at a time when ROH had just started to become too Indie-circlejerk for me, I loved that he was doing something different, and that it was essentially just simple and old school and kinda dull. Nothing flashy. I don't remember anyone else being a fan of his at the time.


I genuinely always hope X-Pac is at an event doing photos in the ring, not because I would get one but because I think X-Pac is the greatest of all time at being rubbish.


Buff Bagwell, I freaking LOVE Bagwell, when Southside booked him I got a front row ticket... He's got the stuff.


When I watched through all the WCW PPV's on the network I thought Ultimo Dragons schtick with all the title belts was the best bit of cheese... Ever.




Vampiro because see above


I genuinely always hope X-Pac is at an event doing photos in the ring, not because I would get one but because I think X-Pac is the greatest of all time at being rubbish.


Buff Bagwell, I freaking LOVE Bagwell, when Southside booked him I got a front row ticket... He's got the stuff.


When I watched through all the WCW PPV's on the network I thought Ultimo Dragons schtick with all the title belts was the best bit of cheese... Ever.




Vampiro because see above

ah yes, Vampiro too! couldnt get enough of characters like that when I first got into wrestling

Posted (edited)

I genuinely always hope X-Pac is at an event doing photos in the ring, not because I would get one but because I think X-Pac is the greatest of all time at being rubbish.


Buff Bagwell, I freaking LOVE Bagwell, when Southside booked him I got a front row ticket... He's got the stuff.


When I watched through all the WCW PPV's on the network I thought Ultimo Dragons schtick with all the title belts was the best bit of cheese... Ever.




Vampiro because see above



I'd disagree that Dragon was unsuccessful or never showed promise or ability or isn't respected from the criteria above. But was he one of my boys? And would he have been in my 5 favourites ever? Undoubtedly.

Edited by stevieg1980

I always liked any of Nelson Frazer's personas, pleather coat Viscera is my favourite.

I liked Viscera, until he came back on Raw 04-ish and got really rapey with Trish for some unknown reason. Then it tied in with the even rapier Kane & Lita storyline and I've been trying and failing to suppress it from my memory ever since

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Test was my boy. His name is shit, he never really had a gimmick, his moves were all over the top moves you'd give your CAW on No Mercy 64 and he only had one good match in his career but I always had time for the big goof.

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