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Ive just got a 3D tv and its looking like it'll work out cheaper buying a 2nd hand PS3 than a 3D blu ray player so my questions are. How is the PS3 as a blu ray / 3D Bluray player, is it any good, noisy etc? Also which of the PS3 exclusive games should i be looking at getting, Uncharted and The Last Of Us are the top of my list, any more?

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Didn't get round to finishing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon when I bought it months ago, so I got back on it last week. The final mission got a massive mark-out from me, just a brilliant and fun mission.



John Matrix will appreciate this :thumbsup:


This is why i should browse the boards more often and get out of my comfort zone, my only access to gaming is via a Mega Drive handheld port thing, so suffice to say, not much in here for me usually but something implored me to have a look and that is AMAZING. Is that a legit part of that game?

Edited by John Matrix
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Didn't get round to finishing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon when I bought it months ago, so I got back on it last week. The final mission got a massive mark-out from me, just a brilliant and fun mission.



John Matrix will appreciate this :thumbsup:


This is why i should browse the boards more often and get out of my comfort zone, my only access to gaming is via a Mega Drive handheld port thing, so suffice to say, not much in here for me usually but something implored me to have a look and that is AMAZING. Is that a legit part of that game?


It is indeed. The main character is voiced by Michael Biehn too ;)

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Ive just got a 3D tv and its looking like it'll work out cheaper buying a 2nd hand PS3 than a 3D blu ray player so my questions are. How is the PS3 as a blu ray / 3D Bluray player, is it any good, noisy etc? Also which of the PS3 exclusive games should i be looking at getting, Uncharted and The Last Of Us are the top of my list, any more?


It's a rock solid Blu-ray player, you should probably also but the Blu-ray remote as well though since navigating with the pad can be a pain.


Yakuza 4 and Valkyria Chronicles are worth a shot.

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After playing nothing but Skyrim from November 2011 to the day GTA V came out, I then played GTA V until I'd gone through it twice and then got bored of the online stuff... just in time for Elder Scrolls Online's release.


For that, I got a spanking hot PC. I then quickly found that Elder Scrolls online is shite so have then caught up on gaming in general. First, I got Skyrim but with all them glorious mods and extra quests and stuff. I sunk about 100 hours into the game once more.


I needed to play other stuff so here's what I've done so far (in order):


- South Park: The Stick of Truth

- Tales of Monkey Island (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

- Portal 2

- Portal

- Antichamber


Steam's sales are wicked btw. You PC gamers already know this.


I started playing Far Cry 3. Looks great but plays like a fucking turd. So I've moved onto the following that I'm currently playing:


- Quantum Connundrum

- Borderlands 2

- The Stanley Parable


I've got these still to start at some point:


- L.A. Noire

- Max Payne 3

- Witcher 2



Is Watch Dogs on PC still buggy as fuck or is that overstated?

Edited by aaron
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I'm currently working my way through Fallout:New Vegas and it's one of the most fun gaming experiences iv'e ever had. Never really saw myself as much of a gamer, especially an RPG guy but this and Oblivion have easily been my two favorite ever games.

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Yakuza 3 and 4 are the unsung heroes of this generation, they're both stupidly good fun and the storyline plays out like a great violent soap opera.


Yakuza 3 is fun but the cuts (over 20 side missions I think among other things) left a sour taste in my mouth. Yakuza Dead Souls is good fun as well IMO once you get used to the controls, I really need to finish it one day.

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I never managed to finish Dead Souls either, same reason with the weird controls. It's a shame though as it's a pretty good game underneath that, they just need to set the controls more like a typical TPS game. I'm still holding out for Yakuza 5 to find its way over here, I've played the japanese demo and you can tell that it's a nice step up from 4.

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I'm currently working my way through Fallout:New Vegas and it's one of the most fun gaming experiences iv'e ever had. Never really saw myself as much of a gamer, especially an RPG guy but this and Oblivion have easily been my two favorite ever games.


I've not long played through New Vegas again after my PS3 broke down and I got a new one.

I enjoyed it so much more than I remembered, I think I loved 3 so much and played it to excess so when I only really put it down when I got New Vegas it was too soon and overkill for me.

I really got into the story and the characters and it felt such a fun and enjoyable way to escape the world for a few hours when I fancied it.


I dread the day I pick up Skyrim off the shelf and start that again. So, so many hours lost on that and I didn't even get to the end of the dragon story, which was sort of the main one.

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Maverick, have you played Fallout 3 or Skyrim? Both are widely regarded as being better than New Vegas and Oblivion, so you'll love them. I think I only prefer Fallout 3 because of the brilliant DLC packs- as the New Vegas map is excellent and much less of a bastard to get around compared to DC in Fallout 3. The fucking subway...


But as for Skyrim...oh man. That game has exercised emotions I didn't even think I had. So, so much better than Oblivion in my opinion. It's probably my favorite game of all time.

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Maverick, have you played Fallout 3 or Skyrim? Both are widely regarded as being better than New Vegas and Oblivion, so you'll love them. I think I only prefer Fallout 3 because of the brilliant DLC packs- as the New Vegas map is excellent and much less of a bastard to get around compared to DC in Fallout 3. The fucking subway...


But as for Skyrim...oh man. That game has exercised emotions I didn't even think I had. So, so much better than Oblivion in my opinion. It's probably my favorite game of all time.


Fallout 3 was good, but the ending of the base game left me completely flat. I much prefer NV.


Skyrim is great, though.

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Without sounding like a bell, when does it get good in Fallout 3? I remember buying it for a tenner new in an Asda clearance when it was still relatively new but losing interest in it. I made my character, and got to a bit with a preacher and a bomb. I mean, right at the beginning. I felt like I was aimlessly wandering around not really sure what I was doing. I might give it another go, but don't know if it's just not for me. I like Skyrim, but tend to get bogged down in the detail lest I miss something - so I'll read all the books and waste hours.

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