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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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I've been playing Shadow of Mordor for the last few days. I have to say I'm not getting the love. It's an OK game, but not worthy of the praise it has received imo. I'm finding it a bit boring and samey. Go hear, fight them. Go there, fight them. Although the fighting looks good, the mechanics are a bit basic and the fights are quite easy. The collectibles are not even a challenge to find. It's also a bit tedious that I have to sneak everywhere, or just run to avoid battles. In open world games I like to take my time and have a look around, but there are enemies everywhere. I know that's sort of the point, but I haven't had much time to take it all in.


It will tide me over until GTA V comes out next week, then I'll just sell it on.

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I much preferred Asylum to City. Could just be my shit sense of direction but I was awful at finding my way around in City and much preferred the more contained feeling of Asylum. 


I never felt like the controls translated well to a more open space.

Edited by Au
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I absolutely loved just gliding around the City doing fuck all other than leaping off tall buildings and maybe occasionally swooping down to thrash a group of thugs. I have a rubbish sense of direction too, but I found it doesn't matter when you don't care where you're going!



I'm the same with any good historic Spiderman game; just web-slinging around New York aimlessly for hours.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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I absolutely loved just gliding around the City doing fuck all other than leaping off tall buildings and maybe occasionally swooping down to thrash a group of thugs. I have a rubbish sense of direction too, but I found it doesn't matter when you don't care where you're going!I'm the same with any good historic Spiderman game; just web-slinging around New York aimlessly for hours.

Used to do the same with the old Spidey games / Hulk on PS2 hours of fun doing nothing. Lego Marel would be just as much fun if it threw some enemies into free roaming.


Anyways I've just got Walking Dead season 1 and 2 on xbox one. Only ever played the first episode on ipad so looking forward to it.

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I much preferred Asylum to City. Could just be my shit sense of direction but I was awful at finding my way around in City and much preferred the more contained feeling of Asylum. 


I never felt like the controls translated well to a more open space.


Yeah i'd agree with that. I did it all arse over elbow and played them in the wrong order after my work colleague gave me a loan of them both; much preferred Asylum.

Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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I preferred Arkham City due to the reasons above: being able to glide around and drop-kick thugs. I haven’t got that far with Origins to judge it accurately, as I got to the bit with Deathstroke, and GTA V came out and that’s taken up my gaming time ever since. But saying it’s a copy-and-paste job of City isn’t making me in a hurry to pick it up again.

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