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Your Most Hated World Title Reign in History

Liam O'Rourke

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CM Punk's first World Heavyweight title reign springs to mind for me...


Wins the title on a MITB cash-in after Batista has battered Edge. First PPV defence against Batista goes to a double DQ, he then gets to beat JBL who no-one was taking seriously as a main eventer at all by this stage, and then loses the title when he gets booted by Orton in a backstage promo, and about an hour later still isn't well enough to defend it. All the while, it's being drummed into us that he's a flukey, lucky champion who didn't deserve to be where he was.


Add to the fact that a bloke who was half dead from a match earlier in the evening came out in his place and actually won the match.

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Its only a short one but I always disliked Kevin Nash's 1999 WCW title run.


I didn't have access to Sky at that point and only had WCW to watch which was fine and what I preferred to watch but from taking the title off DDP at Slamboree who I thought could of used an extended run as champ, Nash's reign led to:


2 dodgy makeovers

Liquid shit shot into a limo from a septic tank

An imitation Kevin Nash who looked more Al Snow than anyone

A contortionist who nearly didn't make it out a gym bag

More shit

The Hummer angle

More fake Sting nonsense


David Flair World Title shot

Savage manhandling Gorgeous George and slapping Torrie Wilson (possibly for her poor acting)


And the utter bollocks tag match where anyone could win the world title by pinning Nash.


This also led to the return of American Made Hulk Hogan but I guess I can't blame Nash for that. Probably not the worst run I just couldn't stand it.

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I'd say one of Del Rio's 2011 WWE Title reigns, All anyone wanted to see was Punk, Cena, HHH (and even Nash and Awesome Truth) mix it up and see where everything went and you just had Del Rio still there in the middle, still going on about his destiny and still being shite


I don't actually dislike Del Rio but he was so out of place at that time, I know he'd won MITB and they had to do something with him but Christ his reigns got in the way of what could have been a fun 4-5 month feud between Cena and Punk for the belt

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Add me to the JBL and Rey camps.


For added laughs let's not forget that Rey also won the WWE Title during the Punk fucking off angle and then lost it the same night because he was thick enough to answer the challenge of a fresh Cena.


Oh yeah he also lost the WHC the night he won it because pulled a MITB cash in.


Actually I would argue that excluding stupid non wrestler shit Rey is the worst World champion of all time. At least Jibbles only had one reign.

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Miz...because it's The fucking Miz. The very fact that he has headlined Wrestlemania is proof positive to every want to be wrestler that anyone can make it. His run didn't even lead to him becoming a top level star for a prolonged period. Instead he was dropped straight back down putting over other useless fucks like Brodus Clay on PPV and now dresses like Kylie Minogue from the 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' video

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Miz...because it's The fucking Miz. The very fact that he has headlined Wrestlemania is proof positive to every want to be wrestler that anyone can make it. His run didn't even lead to him becoming a top level star for a prolonged period. Instead he was dropped straight back down putting over other useless fucks like Brodus Clay on PPV and now dresses like Kylie Minogue from the 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head' video


He was a belting heel at the time though, I always agreed with Nash or whoever it was who said he shouldn't be champion as he doesn't look like he can win a fight but at the time he had Riley with him and he was basically a stereotypical chickenshit heel but with a fair amount of charisma, it's not like he was going toe to toe with all the top faces and annihilating them, he had to cheat to beat Jerry Lawler yet I thought he still came across as a good champion

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I liked Miz's cash-in on Orton and I thought he was a decent enough foil for Cena. That week when he came out with a bald cap on doing The Rock's mannerisms everyone online was like 'OH SHIT MIZ STEALS TEH SHOW.' He was really good opposite Lawler in that ladder match as well.


He was never a favourite of mine but that run was fine. In hindsight it looks daft that he went over Cena in the Mania main and was a central part of the fucking Rock's return angle, but at the time he held his end up fine and most of the opinion you read online reflected it. There are loads of WWE  title runs that deserve more hate than that (like the one that's currently going on).

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Jericho's undisputed reign in 01/02. Just couldn't take him seriously as champ even though he'd beat Austin and Rock for it. He was trying way too hard to be a heel (like Rollins currently) and was overshadowed by Rock, Austin/nwo and then Triple H, Steph and Steph's fucking dog in all three of his feuds as champion. Just seemed a waste of crowning an undisputed champion in the first place.

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Enjoyed reading through this, I notice that nearly everyone has nominated a WWE reign. Do you think that's telling of the product? Was WCW booking much better? Or is it more a case of more viewers and the age of posters?

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Considering I'm a massive Undertaker fan, I'm going to go with his 1999 reign. Austin was still red hot in the mainstream and Taker could barely move but they decided to put the belt on him in a screwy finish at Over the Edge, so basically a undead zombie winning the title in the main event of a PPV where one of your guys has tragically died.


He's not included on the next RAW for obvious reasons but then loses to Austin by DQ a week later when the Corporate Ministry run-in and the Greater Power reveals himself to Austin.


Then Big Show challenges Taker and annihilates him, only to be screwed out of the title because Taker goes through the ring on a chokeslam.


He only beat Triple H by DQ because Rock interfered, this being before anyone bought HHH as a main event threat.


Taker v Rock at KOTR is an overbooked mess and one of the worst matches of either men's careers. 


He then loses the belt to Austin the next night on RAW.


Given that they had done such a job on protecting Taker over the course of eight-and-a-half years, they about eight minutes to turn him into another whiny, bitchy, heel jobber who hid behind his cronies.


If he was injured in the first place, I don't understand the title change, surely they could have swapped someone else in there in the weeks after Over the Edge or even just held up the title as a last resort.


Then they gave away what should have been major title defences on free TV with little, if any build.


Utter baffling crap that just seemed to designed to get Vince, Shane and HHH more over.

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Enjoyed reading through this, I notice that nearly everyone has nominated a WWE reign. Do you think that's telling of the product? Was WCW booking much better? Or is it more a case of more viewers and the age of posters?

I'd say it's a combo of age and greater WWF exposure over here mixed with a smaller history (stopping in 01 where most picks seem post this) and a less well published back history pre early 90' late 80' (if we blur the wcw/nwa transition)


I'd say some early wcw are in for a shout, runs like Ron Simmons, poor Baz Windham (who deserved better) and that run where luger just stopped giving a toss leading to Superbrawl.

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Enjoyed reading through this, I notice that nearly everyone has nominated a WWE reign. Do you think that's telling of the product? Was WCW booking much better? Or is it more a case of more viewers and the age of posters?


It's got to be age of posters primarily. Most of us didn't start hating wrestling until after WCW was dead, so it has a rose tint compared to stuff we've watched more recently as wrestling-hating adults.

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Enjoyed reading through this, I notice that nearly everyone has nominated a WWE reign. Do you think that's telling of the product? Was WCW booking much better? Or is it more a case of more viewers and the age of posters?



It's got to be age of posters primarily. Most of us didn't start hating wrestling until after WCW was dead, so it has a rose tint compared to stuff we've watched more recently as wrestling-hating adults.

That's a cracking point as it goes. I wonder what the percentage of people's time as a wrestling fan is spend loving it. Got to be about the 30% mark.
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Shane Douglas' 42 year long reign from 1997 to 1999 (with 3 title defenses) is the worst thing in the world ever. He was starting his journey into facially resembling Norman Pace (which has now ended with him making appearances as a celeb lookalikey at nightclubs in a double act with Jeff "Deal or House Party" Jarrett), he had a gammy arm which people blame for his lackluster performances, although he was boring as fuck at all points after 1995. His much vaunted "promo" work was going on about "Dick" Flair which was an act more tired than the octogenarian flasher was by this point. Railing against someone who ruined your pop at the big leagues in 1992 doesn't hold much water when you fucked up your own pop at the bigger leagues in a better spot 3 years later, and he's not on TV at the moment anyway as WCW's suing him and as much as the ECW mutants would normally join the pillorying of Flair, they had a love for the oldschool at heart hence popping wild that same year for Buchwhacker Dudleys and JYD. They probably felt sorry for Ric. Oh, and the matches. Well, the few matches he did have, as his arm was HIV positive, but when he did put on the yellow and tassles he more than made up for time lost with Chris Robshaw-esque incompetence. Shane Douglas vs Al Snow at Wrestlepalooza. If you have to make it clear to the crowd somethings an epic, then it's not a fucking epic. Epics are organic. Not lying around doing fuck all for 20 minutes then having everyone carry you about on their shoulders at the end like you just at the age of 28 finally lost your virginity to the woman who looks like Robbie Coltrane who works the fag counter in Londis. Nothing happens. At all. Douglas is shite, Al Snow is shite,the "THIS IS A CLASSIC!" booking is shite, and the aftermath is the shiteest of all. It's one of my least favourite matches ever, and I've seen pretty much everything. It's even worse than when Shawn Michaels tries to do his "acting" (I'm sorry, I love you) and it's more cringeworthy than the scene in Corrie when Bill Roache tried to show emotion as Mike Baldwin died in his arms. He also during this time started the legendary "Not Lazy" patented Shane Douglas promo technique of:



B - Go "HAHAHAHAHA!" a lot like a sex offender



E - Something about shagging Francine despite looking like her dad taking her to work at his nightshift to stop her sucking cock for white lightning on the park 






K - YOUR ASS WILL BE FRANCHISED (given the vote?)




So yeah, fuck Shane Douglas. The only good thing he ever did was the sketch where him and Hale put a cat in a microwave.

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