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Luckiest/Unluckiest Wrestlers Ever

Liam O'Rourke

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Mike Awesome. Was great in ECW, went to WCW and got lumbered with that stupid 'Fat Chick Thriller' Russo gimmick and when WCW folded, he went to WWE and kind of got lost in the shuffle (Undertaker was said to have not liked him either which probably didn't help).


I remember his match at ECW One Night Stand ten years ago against Masato Tanaka and it was quality. So sad that he passed away not too long afterwards.

He got injured not long after arriving in WWF, too, didn't he? I'm sure that by the time he got back the Invasion was long over and he never got beyond the odd match on Metal.

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Mark Henry. Lucky he got that ridiculously long contract in 1996 because if it was 2, 3, 4, 5 or maybe even 6 years, they'd definitely have binned him long ago. He eventually became a really effective big man, a good hand and a really decent promo but it took a long time. He's even luckier when you consider the talent around the roster in the early 2000s. There's not a chance he'd have been kept around with that competition if they didn't have to. He's pretty lucky to still be employed now I think. He's been utterly injury prone this last few years. I can't remember the last interesting thing he did.

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Mark Henry. Lucky he got that ridiculously long contract in 1996 because if it was 2, 3, 4, 5 or maybe even 6 years, they'd definitely have binned him long ago. He eventually became a really effective big man, a good hand and a really decent promo but it took a long time. He's even luckier when you consider the talent around the roster in the early 2000s. There's not a chance he'd have been kept around with that competition if they didn't have to. He's pretty lucky to still be employed now I think. He's been utterly injury prone this last few years. I can't remember the last interesting thing he did.


There's not been much since that fantastic Raw angle with John Cena. Didn't think that was as long ago as June 2013 though!

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Mark Henry. Lucky he got that ridiculously long contract in 1996 because if it was 2, 3, 4, 5 or maybe even 6 years, they'd definitely have binned him long ago. He eventually became a really effective big man, a good hand and a really decent promo but it took a long time. He's even luckier when you consider the talent around the roster in the early 2000s. There's not a chance he'd have been kept around with that competition if they didn't have to. He's pretty lucky to still be employed now I think. He's been utterly injury prone this last few years. I can't remember the last interesting thing he did.


There's not been much since that fantastic Raw angle with John Cena. Didn't think that was as long ago as June 2013 though!


In fairness, he might deserve a job for life based on that. Magnificent performance.
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Lex Luger.


The guy looked great but how he got to the spots he did is beyond me

In a sense he was lucky in that it was his look that got him hired (though that too must have been as much hard work as luck) but from 1988 until his crappy title reign in 1991, he worked hard to improve, became good in the ring, was genuinely over and deserved his spot 100%.


For a lucky wrestler, I'd say Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. Yes they worked hard, had great matches and deserved to be stars in the 90s. I strongly suspect, however that if the steroid shit hadn't hit the fan when it did, they'd have been stuck in a sort of Arn Anderson or Ricky Steamboat 'great mid-card guy' spot for a lot longer, if not permanently.


As for unlucky, the one that jumps straight to mind is Brian Pillman. He comes in to WCW, got a good push, had great matches with Flair and Luger, then Jim Herd decides he doesn't like him so gets de-pushed. After shuffling about the mid card for ages, the Light Heavyweight title feud with Liger shoots him right back to prominence during the Kip Frey period. But then Bill Watts comes in, decided Pillman is too small and is over-paid so jobs Brian out in the hope that he'll quit. Eventually, Pillman gets stuck in a throw-away team with Steve Austin, they get totally over and end up main eventing with Ric Flair. Then politics get in the way, the team break up and Pillman goes back to jobbing. After a couple of years of nothing, Flyin Brian ends up part of the Horsemen, strikes gold with the Loose Cannon character and becomes the talk of the business. But then just as he signs for big money with the WWF, he crashed his truck and almost loses his foot. When he finally gets back in the ring, he's hooked on pain killers and winds up dead within a year. Never had someone seemed on the right track so many times only for it to be swept away.

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This cunt wins luckiest by a million miles. He's never even approached being anything other than completely fucking useless, yet WWE decided in 2001 that he's going to be a big star some day and pushed him like it for years and years. He beat John Cena and CM Punk in 2012. None of his pushes worked, they screwed over far better prospects in the process -- and even after they finally gave up on that dream, they threw the bastard loads of work in NXT. He's even fallen into the head coach spot because Bill DeMott made people get their arses out.

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Ahmed Johnson.

WWF were keen on the big Johnson in a time when they were in flux, but the dope kept getting injured.

They kept giving him a push, kept trying to do something but he just kept pulling or tearing something untill he'd missed the boat and wound up in wcw in a dire feud with Booker as a fat Big T over the rights to the letter "T"


Edit: On checking that I read it was a legit fucked kidney, which is somehow worse for him.

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Terry Taylor was under consideration to be in the original Fabulous Ones with Stan Lane before Steve Keirn got the gig instead


Rumour is Taylor was up for the role of Mr Perfect in the last 80s with the role going to Curt Hennig and Taylor ended up as the Red Rooster

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Rick "The Renegade" Wilson.


Inadvertently got a big push due to the Warrior situation, then got humiliated and dropped down to jobber territory. After his WCW release, his name was mud and nobody would touch him.

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Mark Jindrak can consider himself unlucky being dropped by Evolution. He had a great look and altough his work at the time was limited he was no worse than Orton or Batista . Those guys where made by the getting the rub with Hunter and Flair and seeing how he's progressed to now be a very accomplished worker in Mexico. I think he would of have a decent chance of a good mid card run both in and after the group. Regardless of what you think of him as a talent getting chucked from Evolution was super unlucky

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Terry Taylor was under consideration to be in the original Fabulous Ones with Stan Lane before Steve Keirn got the gig instead



Lane also got the gig in the Midnight Express because Condrey quit and nobody could get a hold of Tom Prichard, who was Eaton and Cornette's first choice as replacement.



Mark Jindrak can consider himself unlucky being dropped by Evolution. He had a great look and altough his work at the time was limited he was no worse than Orton or Batista . Those guys where made by the getting the rub with Hunter and Flair and seeing how he's progressed to now be a very accomplished worker in Mexico. I think he would of have a decent chance of a good mid card run both in and after the group. Regardless of what you think of him as a talent getting chucked from Evolution was super unlucky

I don't think luck had much to do with that. Batista was always first choice. They considered putting Jindrak in the spot when Batista got injured but Trips fought to stick with the original plan, which obviously paid off.


I think either Kennedy or Dibiase is the unluckiest. Probably Dibiase since Kennedy did contribute to his own problems, Dibiase was just an innocent victim of circumstance. Apparently he narrowly lost out on being NWA World Champion instead of Flair as well

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