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Is anyone else concerned about John Cena? (small MITB spoilers)


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I loved the Cena/Owens match, maybe match of the year for me so far (although I haven't seen so many) I don't know why people complained about the constant false finishes that had me on the edge of my seat. Being a big fan of Indy wrestling from 2001-2004 this kind of match was right up my alley.


You've probably just nailed why people complained. Endless kick outs including of moves that really should end matches, like multiple finishers and corkscrew fisherman neckbreakers from the top rope is, to quote one of my heroes, "a bit indy."

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The novelty of the US open challenge leading to Cena doing Undertaker vs Michaels with midcarders has worn off for me, and I think the overexposure of that stuff hurt the specialness his matches with Kevin Owens. Obviously the feud stemmed from the open challenges in the first place, though, so it's not all bad.

I think that's a massive over exaggeration. He gave Neville and Zayn a shitload of lee way to build the impression that he might be losing the title but most of the other challenges he won comfortably while making the other guy look good.


Making the other guy look good by playing "kick out of my finisher, then I kick out of yours." Which he then did with Kevin Owens, to the surprise of nobody. Heyman's analogy with Brock Lesnar is that you can't have Christmas every day because then it's not Christmas. That applies to John Cena playing that game as well. Imagine how thrilling the Owens matches would have been if one AA was still a believable finisher.

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I would laugh if the next match is title vs title and vena wins

Surely Owens is losing the NXT title to Finn Balor in Japan, so his next match with Cena will be for the U.S. title

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I'm concerned about John Cena's elbows. He puts his arms down on every bump and takes the brunt with his elbows. Either his back is fucked and he's trying to soften the impact or he's going to have serious elbow problems at some point.

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The novelty of the US open challenge leading to Cena doing Undertaker vs Michaels with midcarders has worn off for me, and I think the overexposure of that stuff hurt the specialness his matches with Kevin Owens. Obviously the feud stemmed from the open challenges in the first place, though, so it's not all bad.

I think that's a massive over exaggeration. He gave Neville and Zayn a shitload of lee way to build the impression that he might be losing the title but most of the other challenges he won comfortably while making the other guy look good.

Making the other guy look good by playing "kick out of my finisher, then I kick out of yours." Which he then did with Kevin Owens, to the surprise of nobody. Heyman's analogy with Brock Lesnar is that you can't have Christmas every day because then it's not Christmas. That applies to John Cena playing that game as well. Imagine how thrilling the Owens matches would have been if one AA was still a believable finisher.

You'd have to go back years to fix that. It isn't something that started at WrestleMania.

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I would laugh if the next match is title vs title and vena wins

Surely Owens is losing the NXT title to Finn Balor in Japan, so his next match with Cena will be for the U.S. title

That looks like the likely outcome I just love the idea of John cena breaking the Internet as he becomes nxt champion

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Apparently, Cena's role the last few months has fucked his drawing power too, if Meltzer's to be believed.


The Team Cena tour opened on 6/12 in Springfield, IL, before 3,500 fans. 6/13 in Terre Haute, IN, drew 3,000. We'll see if this is a pattern, but Cena's drawing power has become more spotty now that they've moved him down from the focal point of the show to the guy being used to get the new talent over.




I'm concerned about John Cena's elbows. He puts his arms down on every bump and takes the brunt with his elbows. Either his back is fucked and he's trying to soften the impact or he's going to have serious elbow problems at some point.



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I think everyone he's faced since Mania, bar maybe Zack Ryder,  have kicked out of the AA. It definitely took away some of the drama of the Owens/Cena match for me even though it was still a very good match.


If Cena is as rough and banged up and he's rumoured to be it seems weird that it's now, after 10 years on top, that he's decided to do these sort of indy-riffic matches. It can't be good for him physically.

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You know, as a guy who pretty much done everything and is perhaps ending his career, perhaps John Cena is just doing some stuff that he has always wanted to before calling it a day. Not watching all the time these days, it certainly seems that is what he is upto having been the focal point for everything for so long.

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You know, as a guy who pretty much done everything and is perhaps ending his career, perhaps John Cena is just doing some stuff that he has always wanted to before calling it a day. Not watching all the time these days, it certainly seems that is what he is upto having been the focal point for everything for so long.


That's exactly why I find the whole thing so disturbing. So it turns out that John Cena was an indy fanboy at heart all this time, no different to the We Hate Cena guys he baited so deliciously at that one WrestleMania? Would he actually have been doing corkscrew rock bottoms on the Amazing Red every week if he'd had his way? It's the Cena character's equivalent of Hogan dropping the leg on Savage in 1996, or Austin using the McMahon endorsed steel chair in 2001.


That said, it'd be amazing if they could properly get him over as a workrate guy at this late stage, and through a cleverly executed turn have him end his career as a heel who is cheered by the 18-30 males and booed by the kids and women. They're still miles away from that, but if he spends the rest of the year letting NXT graduates kick out of the AA and then eliminates Roman Reigns from the Rumble with a chair or something I could see a proper Cena revolution in the stands.

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Re getting him over as a workrate guy, that does seem to be happening. It's only one example, but I was talking to a mate the other night who's hated Cena for ages because of the usual DW reasons. He's changed his tune now, though - his current wrestler of contention is Roman Reigns, again for the usual DW reasons, but (quote) "I'm actually starting to like Cena now, he's started having really good matches." Like I say, that's only wan opinion, but you could be on to something with that theory, Pinc!

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