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Craziest WWE Backstage Rumours

Direct Impact

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Seen this article on Facebook; The 10 Craziest WWE Backstage rumours? What do you think of the list? Had you heard of them all? Any more to add?




10. Rey Mysterio dated Jennifer Aniston in the 90s

9. Raven is a naturist (nearly got in a fight with Austin over being naked infront of Debra)

8. Lita was a slut in Mexico, doing sexual favours for training.

7. Sid had a pet squirrel he travelled with. He put it down his pants once as a dare & got his nuts bitten.

6 JBL known for bullying new wrestlers like Miz, used to "haze" them by soaping them up in the shower.

5. The Ultimate Warrior died in the 90s and was replaced.

4. Randy Orton like to victimise people by shitting in their bag.

3. Ben Stiller got stoned with Road Dogg & X-Pac before a Raw appearance in 1999.

2. Macho Man gave Hulk Hogan a black eye before Wrestlemania IX

1. Macho Mans affair with teenager Stephanie McMahon

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I remember reading that Vince give Hogan the black eye because he threatened to pull out of WrestleMania 9 at short notice.


All these and more are all part of the Urban Legends list.  Most of which as you can tell is utter bollocks. Although a few have been confirmed during various shoots.


Here's the list  http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling3/kotdm15/listsleeze.html

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I wish this one was true.....

Chris Benoit invented the triple German suplex back in the 80s; Steve Strong was the Trans-Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but was a real dick about it backstage, so one day before a match with Benoit, Beef Wellington jacked off all over the back of the belt before he put it on. Once the match began, Strong's belly was so sticky that Benoit couldn't get his arms off of it until after the third suplex.

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3. Ben Stiller got stoned with Road Dogg & X-Pac before a Raw appearance in 1999.

How is this a crazy backstage rumour? The crazy rumour would be that this didnt happen.


Snoop Dogg was always the rumour I heard, though. There's even a picture of Road Dogg and Snoop looking out of it from SummerSlam 99.

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3. Ben Stiller got stoned with Road Dogg & X-Pac before a Raw appearance in 1999.

How is this a crazy backstage rumour? The crazy rumour would be that this didnt happen.


Snoop Dogg was always the rumour I heard, though. There's even a picture of Road Dogg and Snoop looking out of it from SummerSlam 99.

They list is odd. Half urban legends and half stuff that is widely believed to be true.

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I wish this one was true.....

Chris Benoit invented the triple German suplex back in the 80s; Steve Strong was the Trans-Canadian Heavyweight Champion, but was a real dick about it backstage, so one day before a match with Benoit, Beef Wellington jacked off all over the back of the belt before he put it on. Once the match began, Strong's belly was so sticky that Benoit couldn't get his arms off of it until after the third suplex.

That's brilliant, pure school yard stuff.

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10 was a well known publicity stunt by WCW. No truth in it. Meltzer wrote about it in the Observer.

6 & 4 are well known as being true, given multiple other people there at the time of the various incidents have spoken about it in the past.

2 wasn't true - Hogan had a boating accident a few days before WM9. Or at least that was the story put out.

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