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Craziest WWE Backstage Rumours

Direct Impact

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3. Ben Stiller got stoned with Road Dogg & X-Pac before a Raw appearance in 1999.


How is this a crazy backstage rumour? The crazy rumour would be that this didnt happen.


Snoop Dogg was always the rumour I heard, though. There's even a picture of Road Dogg and Snoop looking out of it from SummerSlam 99.

Hey don't shoot the messenger :-)

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so what's the story behind Savage and Stephanie then? ive obviously heard about it before but is there actually any details or does anyone know how that story originated?


I don't think many specifics have ever come out but Meltzer addressed it on his radio show in 2009 and seems pretty sure that it's true. "In that company among the top people, they all believe it and nobody knows for sure because it's never brought up." Here's the link:


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