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Foley is Crud


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With all the merchandise sales (DVD/Blu-Ray, figures etc) I really can't imagine that Foley is THAT hard up that he has to go out and do all of this shit that he does week in and out. I genuinely believe that he craves attention and wants to be one of the 'legend' guys but is mainly known for doing stupid stunts that required little actual talent or being the guy that introduced a sock puppet. 


Don't get me wrong I think Foley did incredibly well and sacrificed a lot for the business (his body is screwed) but he needs to know when enough is enough.  I don't know how mentally well he is (the video about 'fanny pack' months back was a little odd) but physically he really needs to work on his weight or he will be dead before he is 55. 


It's got to a point that he is no longer seen as anything other than a joke. Combine this with the fact that he often comes off as rude and money grabbing during signings/appearances doesn't help his legacy. 

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I actually don't mind ol' Cac'. He had his ear ripped off, nearly done himself in with the Hell in the Cell match, did the deathmatch stuff in Japan and his ECW stuff with the Anti-Hardcore promo's and his work there in general was top notch, plus he over achieved in his first stint in WWE as Mankind with the title win. His first book is probably the pinnacle of wrestling autobiographies too. Whilst he hasn't had a HOF career like Flair, HBK, Hogan et al I think you can respect what he's done in wrestling. I think on the LOW roundtables and interviews he comes across quite well, but from the stories I've read here he comes across as rude & such, which and whilst he was over, he was never super over like Rocky, Austin, Hogan et al were, you should treat the fans with more respect. I think when you're someone like Mick Foley, who wasn't really ever truly a 'star' in a sense that Stonecold was to use an example, you should treat everyone who turns up at an autograph/booking signing or event with respect and be thankful of their support.


I mean I think there's wrestlers/divas lower on the totem pole who are rude etc to fans too and they haven't had half the career that Mick has, so I don't think he's an exception to the norm. Plus you have to factor in other things too, such as some people just have bad days etc, plus he's no doubt got some issues with the amount of head trauma/concussions over the years. I don't really know what the deal is now with him & WWE, but the sycophantic pandering to Vince doesn't sound cool or right, I mean, he probably is fairly well off as he talks about his penny pinching in Have a Nice Day, so I doubt he needs to be on the ins with Vinny Mac, plus Vince should be thankful of what he put himself through for WWE. I think he's like one of those older footballers who came around at the wrong time before the Premiership TV rights money came in, like he took all the chairshots, falling of the Hell in Cell, blowing himself up in Japan, cutting himself open with barbed wire etc. & I think on the back of Have a Nice Day he details all his injuries & such for nothing really, whilst now the WWE talent hardly ever get badly banged up and take a modicum of the beating his body took for the same or even more pay. 


So yeah, Mick Foley doesn't seem too bad a guy, I think you could probably think of other celebs or non-celebs (from reality TV etc) worse in other forms of entertainment/sports than Cactus, but I understand when people have had bad personal experiences with him like at autograph signings & such they should vent their feelings. I mean it's thanks to the fans who watch wrestling that the likes of Cactus are turning into stars and that years later people still remember them and want to get their photo with them & a signed photo etc. This sounds cliched, but without the loyalty of wrestling fans it would be like the advert WWE has with D-Bry, there wouldn't even be an audience to perform in front of and there wouldn't even be a wrestling industry at all. 

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Anyone listened to him on Marc Maron's podcast? It was ok to listen to, although the amount that ol' Mick pumped himself up was pretty gross. Going on about how Tori Amos, of all people, told him that "he's done enough" with regards to helping people. What a Saint. Him talking about working for RAINN was the worst seeing how he perves over most women. The thought of him being the one answering the phone to women who've gone through that turned my stomach.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, if I've read his Facebook right: 


- The teeth he's had knocked out (and put back in) have gone all nasty and he's had to have them removed. 


- Except, the dentist won't let him keep them, so he's going to pull them out himself in order to preserve them as keepsakes. 


- The one that went thru his nose at KOTOR has come out, but there is another that he plans to remove with a hammer.  



So, assuming I've read it right. that leaves four possibilities


1) Foley's lying about all of this

2) He actually believes his wrecked teeth are museum worthy

3) He's too tight to pay for the dentist/wants to sell the teeth

4) After seeing his ear chucked away. he's got some sort of aversion to parting with parts of his body when he's separated from it.  Wouldn't surprise me if there is a draw full of toenail clippings in the Foley Christmas Room. 

Edited by Doctor Whos Next
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  • 2 months later...
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So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.


I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"


He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh

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So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.


I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"


He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh


Mate this may come as a shock to you . . . but comedians make stuff up. 

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So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.


I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"


He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh


Mate this may come as a shock to you . . . but comedians make stuff up. 


While you are correct, normally the camera wouldnt pan to the person being talked about to have the punchline revealed as BS

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  • Paid Members


So glad I found this topic for my first post. Social media has made me hate certain people in the wrestling business with Foley topping the list and Jericho being a close second. I was tempted to go to one of his shows and a meet and greet, and after reading all this I'm glad I decided not too. What a moany, whiny embarrassment he's become. What really annoys me is how personally offended he gets about all the hate that Cena gets. I was watching Dusty Rhodes HOF Speech recently and Dusty mentioned Cena and everyone booed. The camera showed John laughing because he doesn't care, but Mick was behind him visibly upset and moaning to who I assume is wife.I also watched Cheap Pops on the Network and he told some lame story that I can't remember but the punchline was something that his son said. The camera showed his son during crowd reactions and he said to his Mum "But I never said that"

He tweeted Russo yesterday saying he was glad Russo enjoyed his son Deweys wrestling writings and how he wishes WWE would take a chance on a Foley in creative. Urgh



Mate this may come as a shock to you . . . but comedians make stuff up.

Yes, I'm very much aware of that. But it's a little bit embarrassing, that's all I was saying

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