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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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I'm really enjoying the Monday Night War series but i still don't know how they're going to fill another 15 episodes with various themes about the story. As it seems they're looking into various characters that helped win the war each week. We know there's going to be episodes featuring Austin, The Rock, Undertaker,Triple H and Vince himself as these were key characters during this time. Or are they just going to fill these episodes up with anyone that was employed during the Attitude Era?

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I know, but the nWo was a given as at the time it was the biggest thing to happen in wrestling for a long time. It would be impossible to do anything about WCW in the 90s without the nWo


Yes but my point is that they could balance it out like you had said and give the likes of Goldberg his own episode during the run.

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The next episode is all about Montreal and what happened as a result.

Well WCW get the WWF Champion to add to their incredible roster. WWF loses it's best drawing card in Canada and Europe and is already miles behind in the USA. Also Vince McMahon's reputation will be tarnished beyond repair and peopl like Mick Foley don't even want to work for him. So WCW will obviously put them out of business in a year. No problem.
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I quite enjoyed the Foley one but I was disapointed to see the next episode is Montreal. Hoping to see a more WCW centric episode next week.


I was naively hoping it'd all be a bit more in depth but the numbers, ratings etc are just fluff to fill graphics on the screen. It was telling in the Foley episode when they were going on about This Is Your Life being such a ratings hit, but never gave out the actual numbers it did.


I wish we lived in a world where it was possible Meltzer or somebody could be on these things.

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How many are left? 11?



The Rock


Kane (maybe)

Triple H

Mr McMahon



Montreal Screwjob? Or something on crossovers -- Bret, Jericho, Big Show, Jarrett etc




The end of the war


David Arquette and other desperate ratings tactics has to be in there surely!


Also some talking heads on the PPV business model would be interesting. 

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I was doing a google search to find out what Nitros had been edited and I got got directed to a post that said Nitro 8/5/96 and the 12/9/96 show have exclusive footage not shown on the original broadcast. Is this the only Nitros to contain footage like this on the Network? Or have certain Raw episodes done the same thing.

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