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Best things to watch on the network?

Jimmy Boy

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Loving the "Vault" section a lot more than i thought i would. The legends table chats has been good viewing.


Just thinking out loud, I'd love to see a show that follows superstars around their gym workouts. Plus, a films category would be nice.  

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Still making my way through Raw from 1995. Couple of things that stand out in most episodes. The first being that the main event is normally the first match. Presumably to hook people into watching. Secondly the commentary team, mostly McMahon and HBK so far, talk over in ring segments to a ridiculous degree. There's no point in having them at times.


9th Jan 95 - Own vs. Razor is pretty good. Bret stops Owen winning the IC Title in a pretty heel move and later comes down to help William Shatner after he gives Lawler a ridiculous monkey flip. Hakushi beat Matt Hardy in a squash. Hakushi was great. Can't believe they didn't make more of him in 1995 given the depleted roster. Tuxedo match is utter shite. bushwackers. Ugh.


16th Jan 95 - Jobbed Jarrett to Bret a week before the Rumble which seems pretty needless. Nothing show that only had Bret's involvement going for it.


23rd Jan 95 - The Bigelow/LT angle was actually pretty good. McMahon opens this show with a very sincere apology. Davey Boy beat the "Black Phantom" who google tells me was Gangrel. Kid & Bob Holly lose the tag titles to the Gunns and then cut the single worst promo in wrestling history asking for a re-match. World Champion Diesel hasn't been on Raw this year. But don't worry, they advertise a big match between him and Owen Hart. On Superstars!


30th Jan 95 - Bigelow is supposed to apologise to LT but challenges him. Really disjointed interview at the start with McMahon leading but ends well enough and Bam Bam comes across good. Bundy vs. Mabel in an over the top rope challenge. As abysmal as it sounds. Kid & Holly lose the rematch with the Gunns when Kid starts convulsing after missing a move from the top. I've no idea if this was legit. It was convincing and never went anywhere as an angle but I've no idea. Kama debuts against a big jobber called Jumbo Berretta. He had a big vignette the week before but comes out with no fanfare and McMahon and HBK ignore most of the match. Berretta gets way too much offence. This might be the worst debut in company history. Wonder why he didn't get over?


6th Feb 95 - Starts with a six man between Luger/Men on a Mission and Tatanka/Bundy/IRS. It's pretty shit and goes on forever. Luger jobs to Tatanka. Man Mountain Rock has a vignette and a squash match. He plays a bit of guitar too. He's a decent brawler and the gimmick isn't that bad. But why the fuck is he dressed head o toe in tie dye? Who thought that was what a rocker looked like in the 90's? He looks a right cunt. Wonder why he didn't get over? Ramon pins a jobber with the Razor's Edge which may well be my favourite ever finisher. Henry Godwinn is on it. I've an idea for a thread so won't say much about him. There's a sit-down interview between Vince and Diesel which is quite good. Diesel is just Kevin Nash without the swearing and they're basically telling his story. Vince refers to him as Kevin Nash at one point which surprised me. Diesel comes across well but it needs following up to talk about his motivation and why he's such a big, kick-arse bastard.


20th Feb 95 - Pretty shit show memorable only for the return of SID as Michaels bodyguard. Cornette on commentary does a decent job of getting over Sid as a psycho right off the bat. Diesel beats Jarrett in an average match. I really hated Jarrett as a kid and he doesn't do a right lot for me now. I'd later love the guy then hate him and then really like him again. Diesel looks incredible during his entrance. You can see why they were desperate to back him. He looked a million dollars. The Blu brothers win a squash. Then stare into the camera like they've never seen one before. Obviously there are no cameras where they come from. But there are tattoo parlours obviously.


No sign of The Undertaker on Raw yet. The urn is on every week though, in possession of the Million Dollar Corp. Who are a really shit top heel stable BTW. Absolutely awful.

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They are listed in order up to October 1996, but annoyingly there's a handful from 1996 missing. Could be an error, or due to music edits needing to be made but hopefully they'll be added eventually.



I've watched the occasional one from 93-96, but once they get to 1997 I think I'll watch them all. Easily my favourite year of WWE, same as a lot of people on here I'm sure.

Edited by The Dart
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Are the raw episodes listed so you can watch them all in order from start until now? Or do you have to mess about going through the dodgy search system?

Yeah, they're in order. You go into Shows, Raw Replays and then select the year. Slightly irritating on the PS3 app because they're in reverse order so you've got to scroll across to the early ones.


I've watched the occasional one from 93-96, but once they get to 1997 I think I'll watch them all. Easily my favourite year of WWE, same as a lot of people on here I'm sure.

Absolutely. It's ace. I've just watched 1997 though. Only took me 2 years! I'm making better progress with 95 for some reason.
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There's a 25 minute version of the 1995 Hall of Fame ceremony now, which WWE says is all the footage that's still available from it.


Edit:  they've done the same with the available footage from 94 and 96.

Edited by JNLister
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There's a 25 minute version of the 1995 Hall of Fame ceremony now, which WWE says is all the footage that's still available from it.


Edit:  they've done the same with the available footage from 94 and 96.

Thanks for posting that. When they didn't up them the other day I wouldn't even have looked.


I've just watched all three and Captain Lou's speech might be my favourite all time. He's a riot. Vince isn't wrong banning thanking him. They lay it in thick.


Is that Mean Gene/Hogan tag match on the network? Looks like a riot.


Also Renee Young fans should definitely check them out.

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Just watched the Booker T doc too. It's essentially 30 minutes of a fantastic documentary. It's simultaneously fascinating and so under developed it skims past everything in a blink of can eye. Surely the full doc will be a DVD release!?

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Just got done watching the latest episode of Countdown, looking at international sensations. What a load of crap, they had Davey Boy ranked only at number 6, below the freaking Great Khali, Sheamus in the top 3 ahead of Sammartino and no Yokozuna or Wild Samoans in the list period despite featuring clips of them. The only thing that was right was putting the Iron Sheik number one

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Been watching the bret hart 'dungeon collection' in bits all week and yes I'm biased because bret is my favourite ever but it's just been captivating. His in ring work was second to none. Even matches you don't expect to be great are great. Hart's v twin towers and a earlier 90's match v undertaker so far are examples of just great story telling.

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Watched the Hall of Fame from 2004 and 2005 and Booby Heenan was absolutely brilliant. It is such a shame what has happened to him over the course of the last few years with a terrible illness, I cannot help but think he would have been a bit of a main stay as a Hall of Fame inductor.

Edited by Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz
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I'm finally upto the episode of Nitro that features the debut of Scott Hall. Been watching RAW and Nitro in order a swells the respective PPVs. Nitro is absolutely miles ahead of RAW from an entertainment standpoint, but the last two WCW PPVs (Uncensored and Slamboree 96) have been absolute shockers (the crowd only seemed to react to Sting at Slamboree after sitting through a shitheap of a lethal lottery tag tournament) whereas WWF's efforts on PPV have been hit and miss. With The outsiders/nWo angle about to kick off, this is the time I've been looking forward to catching as I missed WCW at the time and am feeling a tad old as I remember watching these episodes of RAW the first time around

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With The outsiders/nWo angle about to kick off, this is the time I've been looking forward to catching as I missed WCW at the time and am feeling a tad old as I remember watching these episodes of RAW the first time around


You're in for a fucking treat. Without repeating a load of stuff I posted to the "Old School" thread (where I basically watched every episode of Raw from 93-95 and every Nitro 95-96) - the unpredictability of Nitro after The Outsiders turn up is an increase of about a hundredfold in excitement terms from when you were bored shitless watching endless Hogan/Savage vs Dungeon/Horsemen re-runs. I genuinely feel like I watched Hogan & Savage vs any two of Flair, Arn and Sullivan about twenty times while I was getting through those shows.

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