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What's good for boosting energy levels and combatting fatigue?


Anything you can take or do?


berocca, ginseng, multivits



will all help to varying degrees.


So did a Total Warrior 10k in 2hrs 31.. SO yeah that was cool . Considering, ill take that as a fucking massive win. Cheers

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  • 1 month later...

Since the end of June I stopped doing the high protein low carb diet I was on. I somehow managed to drop around 20 pounds and I have been scoffing pizza, chips, ice cream and drinking a hell of a lot of beer. I have still been training, though I couldn't do as much BJJ as I would've liked due to my shoulder slipping out of it's socket for the umpteenth time.


After being really happy at losing a stone and a half, I went to the gym to do some weights for the first time in a long time. I felt as week as a kitten trying to do bench presses, at least I was kicking arse with leg presses and squats.

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That happened me too sir, when I dropped the carbs and the 5/3/1 routine, and went on Joe Mangaliellos workout.

My bench dropped dramatically (dropped 20kgs on my ORM), as did deadlifts, and I'm fucked trying to squat anything over 90kgs anyway coz of a knee injury, but my endurance ramped up from all the giant sets and fuck all rest periods.
I found taking that Peak 400 by Promera along with Thermobol/Thermopure or a pot of coffee and a BCAA supp pre-workout helps with getting the strength up. I notice the difference if I don't take that little concoction pre.

I cant take creatine coz it gives me a poxy allergic asthma reaction, so I use Peak 400 in it's place, and it's a great strength booster. Cheap too, boss.

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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All I was doing was ORM to get a judge on my strength after the injury had healed up to a point where I felt comfortable benching. I haven't been able to do push ups for roughly five months. The problem I had was that I was favouring my right over my left, so I wasn't able to lift correctly.

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My health has been shocking over the last 6-8 months and therefore my fitness has dropped. This time last year I was hard at it training for Kili but this year I feel like I've gone backwards. I won't go into my health issues but I don't have the energy/motivation to go to the gym but it's upsetting me that I'm losing everything I built up last year. I'm still losing weight (which is good) but not as much as I want to be. It's so frustrating. I wish I had a gym buddy to make me do stuff even when I don't feel up to it.

Edited by Monkee
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That's why I do MMA, because left to my own devices I won't do shit. I need to be with a group of people who are willing to push each other. Two thirds of it is just pushing yourself to go to the gym in the first place the other third is pushing yourself when you there. You climbed a mountain, so you went to the gym. You need to find something else to give yourself that motivation to go there regularly. Maybe sign up for a tough mudder or something similar for next year and set goals you want to reach before it.

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I wanted to do a trek of the Great Wall of China but there's no way I could raise the same amount of money as last year so I wouldn't have been able to afford it (if you raise over your target my CEO pays your costs). I do need something to aim for but I don't know what. There's no way I could do a Tough Mudder though.

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I use a tune that gets me motivated no matter what, well raise ya spirits. Usually Vince Di Cola or one of the Ace Combat ones.

Just do it, even if is 'crap' worth it.

I'm itching to get going again after TW at beginning of August, havent been able to do anything since due to a stupid virus. However that will change


EDIT: Half posted for some reason

Edited by patiirc
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I wanted to do a trek of the Great Wall of China but there's no way I could raise the same amount of money as last year so I wouldn't have been able to afford it (if you raise over your target my CEO pays your costs). I do need something to aim for but I don't know what. There's no way I could do a Tough Mudder though.

Tough Mudder was just an example of an event to aim getting in the gym for. You need to find a challenge for yourself, it could be something relatively small like walking from Brighton to London or climbing Mount Snowden. It doesn't necessarily need to be for charity either, just anything to get you motivated.
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I started working out properly in January of this year.  When I first started I was knackered after 10 minutes of cardio but I can easily do an hour now.  Work out 5-6 days a week for between 1-2 hours depending on my schedule.  Cardio, weight training and swimming.  If I can't get to the gym I walk 5 miles.  I have a Fit Bit which has been highly motivating and have walked over 500 miles since I got it in March.  Exercise is the best anti-depressant out there.  I didn't even know I had abs... 


My goal is to be able to do a Tough Mudder or Spartan race.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does any kind soul know of any decent methods of cooking sweet potato so they'll still be tasty the next day?  I make some lovely sweet potato wedges but, as I cook in bulk, they end up being left in the fridge overnight which makes them a bit soggy and unpleasant.  I made some sweet potato "cakes" the other day by mashing the potatoes with garlic, chilli, diced cougette and a bit of egg to hold them together, then pan fried them in a bit of olive oil.  They were really nice, but took absolutely ages to cook so they're not much of an option unfortunately.

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Aye, I usually do this most nights for my next days lunch, sir.

Boil the sweet spuds for about 10 minutes, take them out and cut them into chips. Douse them with egg white, chilli flakes and cayenne pepper and over cook them. I don’t refrigerate them at all. Once cooked I just put them in a bowl with cling film over them and bring them with me the next day. Chuck in the micro at lunch time for 30 seconds and they’re great.

If time is against you, just chop them up at feeding time when raw, dress them (even with the egg white) and pop in the microwave for 5 to 7 minutes from raw and boom, yer done.

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