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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Given the current state of WWE booking, I'm expecting this casket match to end in a clean win for Kane followed by Daniel Bryan being released tomorrow, so the last time we actually see Bryan on a WWE show is the actual death of his character. And to be honest, that sounds a hundred times better than another 12 Kane/Bryan rematches until Wrestlemania.

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If that was supposed to be a condensed Raw, then bang goes the argument that cutting back to 2 hours would help.


Also, I know the commentators are supposed to get the talent over (though it rarely happens), but the opening part of the show trying to convince the world that Roman Reigns' dad is bigger than your dad was fucking weak. There's ways to present someone as a star, and then there's desperately trying to present someone as a star. Also I'm not sure Michael Cole should be on air acknowledging (by denying) that Reigns is the handpicked guy when it's the most obvious fucking thing in the world. Don't tell me why he's great, show me. TV match #217 against Big Show is not the fucking way, even if he finally got the win.


Plus points: Triple H's balls, Mizdow and the Magician, Bryan defying the odds and getting the crowd to care about a match with Kane in it.


Finally, last week - Reigns hitting the "Superman" punch on Noble and Mercury with a single blow. I mean, how...what?

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Wonder what the big announcement is? They certainly plugged it hard at the end. Got to imagine it's Reigns vs. Bryan at Fastlane for the title shot? I sounds ace tbh but not at all the way to make Reigns more popular.


I enjoyed Smackdown save for a couple of meaningless matches. Unfortunately Kane & Show dragged the arse out of the two big matches. Though in fairness, Show made Kane look like Usain Bolt by comparison. A long-ish match with Show plodding around is not the way to showcase Reigns. It's harsh on Show too because he took two ace bumps at the end but they don't mean as much because he's bored the arse off everyone for ten minutes.


Interesting how much they acknowledged the issues again. They certainly seem to be taking the Cena approach to this. I think that's the right approach, possibly with a view to turning Reigns at or just after WM. If they can't turn it around, they've got great options. And there are definitely more matches for a heel champion through to the summer. The crowd here was pretty split on the issue though so they may just embrace that like they did Cena.


Not a brilliant show. Definitely a "there's a long way to WM yet" feel about it.

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 Bryan got chucked out fair & square, Zack Ryder and Adam Rose have as much claim as Bryan does to a #1 contenders match.


Not really, as Bryan never lost his title in the first place and should be entitled to a straight up one on one match to get it back, surely? Although I guess you could say the same about Orton & Batista after Mania last year.


You are correct about it not making sense to put Reign's title shot up for grabs at Fast Lane though, a better announcement I feel would be that Bryan gets his title shot against Lesnar at the event to give the people what they want.

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Not really, as Bryan never lost his title in the first place and should be entitled to a straight up one on one match to get it back, surely? Although I guess you could say the same about Orton & Batista after Mania last year.

As discussed yesterday, they've made nothing of that so far. It does make sense if they choose to go down that road.


You are correct about it not making sense to put Reign's title shot up for grabs at Fast Lane though, a better announcement I feel would be that Bryan gets his title shot against Lesnar at the event to give the people what they want.

Apparently they're not paying the money to add dates to Lesnar's contracts but that would also be a really good top liner for the PPV. I'm still guessing it's Reigns v Bryan and in order for them to continue to book Reigns like a div, someone interferes to cost Bryan the match and set up WM.
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That's the only way they can justify it, by having Bryan cut a 'I shouldn't have had to be in the royal rumble as I should have had a match for the title I never lost in the first place'.

But as it stands, Bryan got chucked out the same as a bunch of other lads. Bray Wyatt has a stronger case, but that's not going to happen


Unless they're going to redo the whole match at Fast Lane

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Reigns should come out and instead of saying "the fans pay their money, they can boo who they want" should just go "all of you who are booing me can kiss my ass". Knowing them types of fans they'd probably start cheering him after that.

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The fact that the Authority were desperate to strip Bryan of the title in the first place, and they've (or Kane specifically) been screwing him over since he's returned, why on earth would the give him a chance at a title shot?

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