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WWE.com saying Rollins was reinjured last night, might be a work but fucking hell if not..

We might get the HHH match at Mania 56 if we lucky

Edited by sj5522
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Probably a work, or maybe a minor injury. Anything serious and it would have been announced yesterday.


If it was serious though, Bret Hart might have a meltdown. The man who injured Tyson Kidd injures the man who is 'dangerous and lousy'? In(jure)ception!

Edited by Jimboski88
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As much as I don't want it, I can't see past it being Reigns, what with the Undertaker looking a mess at the Rumble, and the fact that Reigns and Rollins are seemingly cool now (Did Rollins ever apologise to Reigns or was it a case of 'well we both hate the same people again...'?)

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That's really easy to sort out though, if they want go that route (which does spring to mind as the most logical if Rollins does end up missing Mania).


Joe tells HHH he's sorted out his Rollins problem like he asked, so now he gets his reward (title shot or whatever). HHH denies him it so Joe goes postal and starts a beef with Hunter.


I don't think people will be reticent to cheer Joe, nor is Rollins so beloved as a babyface that people will continue to hold the attack against him by the time Mania rolls around.

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Mania is still 2 months away though, is it such a bad injury he is confirmed as being out that long allready?


If he can come back before Mania then this injury can be played into the story easy enough and actually adds another layer to the story between the 2 of them

Edited by MVP RULZ
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I'd love it if it was Nakamura. Triple H vs Shane could be good too, but who does that leave for AJ Styles?

There was a silly rumour (which didnt sound remotely true) about doing Cena vs Joe vs AJ. In a "CENA DOES AN INDY THREEWAY!" match. But Joe's on Raw now. I fear we'll get AJ in a multi-man ladder match with Ambrose and them.


They could bring in Bobby Roode to wrestle Triple H and it'd look like on WrestleMania the Acade when you pick the same wrestler and they just change the colour of the trunks.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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