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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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New Day are on the turn again. Last night they were badgering Tom Phillips like they would have a year ago on the HIAC pre-show, then there was the finish to their match with Cesaro and Sheamus, then the primary guys they cut promos on last night were Heath & Rhyno + the Hype Bros. Reckon they could start being good stuff again and a good way to get the belts on either Cesaro & Sheamus or Enzo & Cass down the line


Bet episode of Raw in a while that, Goldberg kicks ass. Just his entrance is fucking hype like I'm not accustomed to in this day and age, it makes me a bit dizzy. Spear of Heyman ruled. the Heyman in an ambulance angle is cool.


Jericho brilliant again. The key.......of Jericho. Reigns, um.. I just wish he didn't engage in corny insult trading and just Superman Decks cunts. 'The stupid idiot store' wasn't that much of a 'zinger' Foley


Even the cruiserweights picked up some much needed momentum, with that good promo from Kendrick. The high spot was a bit mad, you'd think it'd be saved for a big rematch down the line, not to mention TJP nearly snapped his head clean off..


Battle royale was loads of fun


Rollins looking like the high energy, mad-bumping face he should be at the end and a cool moment in the ring with Reigns. Much more solid than usual.

Edited by sj5522
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IT was amusing that Jericho & Reigns both sounded like they were coming outand wrestling large portions of the match in silence as Vince desperately tries to hide the massive pops Jericho gets and the barrage of heat for Roman. Rollins showed great fire, though.

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Ha, sure. Would be different in a really welcome way for me. The end of that battle royale was proper good stuff, perfectly done.


Another aside in that battle royale that I noticed is that Darren Young has started dressing AS Bob Backlund now, which I like.

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So uh... we all on board for a Braun title run next year? Because I think that'd be pretty sweet.

Not really, no. I'm not into him that much. Shit name, boring attire. He's ok, but nothing more than that for me.

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You're gonna miss out on the Braun revolution, brah. I'm sure they'll dick it up anyway, but he's the hoss I've been waiting for and the latest guy I've been having notions about. This is usually around the time of the year where as a viewer I get desperate and look to the kind of guys I used to fill up memory cards with.



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The attire could be better, agreed on that. The vest is counterproductive, no reason to be hiding that physique as we saw in the Wyatt compound vids. Plus his trousers look like he's pissed himself, really odd.

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Put me in the Braun for the Belt camp. I love the big mad bastard. He's as green as grass, sure. But he's the total opposite of everyone else on the full time roster, which is a good thing as everyone else is the bloody same.


If Seth Rollins gets the belt sometime from Kevin Owens I think Braun murdering him would be tonnes of fun. And you're lying if you say you wouldn't like to see Rollins flattened by a proper Hoss like Strowman.


Did anyone else think the camera work last night kept fucking up, shaking, or being far too close to people and missing whats happening?

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I don't mind the greenness, but he doesn't come across as a 'hoss' to me. I like my hosses to be wild, arms swinging all over the shop. He seems a bit too early-Kane for me. Slow moving, quite rigid. Which can be fine, with the right presentation and/or gimmick, I just find him a bit dull at the moment. Fantastic physique and size though. Facially he looks quite menacing too, so the blueprint is there.


I hope at some point Triple H explains why he's lent him his tights from 1995.

Edited by PunkStep
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Goldberg's Spear and Jackhammer looked fantastic. Yes, he had a bit of a slip before hand due to probably nerves and rust but they pulled it back together and it looked great afterwards.


It was brilliant to see him get cheered the way he should be as well. I'm slightly suprised they didn't have him talk after how well it went two weeks ago, but I loved seeing him bust out the big guns.

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