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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Are the Dudleyz retired then? That is piss weak from WWE if that is the last we see of them.  I'm not saying three-hour tribute, but they deserve a send-off. Loved their work in the last year in putting over younger guys - while the other Attitude era stars turn up once a year at Mania for a pay day while kicking the shit out of the same younger guys. I'm hoping it is a fake retirement and they have one last face run to keep Gallows and Anderson away from Enzo and Cass. 

Edited by OzExile
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I always got the impression the Dudleys return was temporary and they would move on to be trainers and just pop up at Rumble and Mania and it looks like this could now be the case


As cool as it was to see Bayley on RAW it felt a bit underwhelming? It feels like this was the third opportunity for her to debut and it was long overdue, it was like watching a team lift the premiership trophy on the last day of the season when they sealed it 5 games before

And just gutted for Finn

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As soon as Enzo/Big Cass came out at the start I said to myself 'I bet Enzo just ends up playing manager' and I was right. Sometimes, the decisions this company makes baffles me.


Enzo playing the ultimately unsuccessful underdog in next weeks fatal 4 way would have been great.


As much as I've questioned whether Finn is fully deserving of the 'to the moon and beyond' push he's been getting, at least he's fresh. It feels like they're going to default to the status quo, which is gutting.


Call up Bobby Roode, he'll sort it out.

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Enzo the only guy to come out and not get a shot at the title? How does that work?


Are they deliberately booking him to be the sympathetic oppressed guy the crowd will love? If not, they're doing it anyway and will be surprised in a year's time when crowds are booing Cass.


Yay, Bayley.


Boo, no Bully Ray.


Titus O'Neil's live mic days are over.


Matches were what they were. Action always good but concept uncreative. Should have gone with a big royal rumble or battle royal in front of that hot crowd.


Still, there's a hook for next week. The threat of that shit arse Rollins as champion hangs over it like a great dane ready to piss though.

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Can only see Rollins coming out of that 4-way :( Reigns would be too regressive, Owens is working with Jericho and Cass isn't Enzo. 

I'm also disappointed in Enzo coming out doing belt-motions but not getting put in a match. 


they've got Heath Slater too over for their own good and now they're not giving him to us! bloody typical


the Zayn injury! I can only assume that was legit, how awful. I hope he doesn't have to take too much time off. 6 months for Balor too, fucking hell, though on the plus-side, that should see him return nicely in time for Mania


Titus shit the bed about 4 times in that promo and then almost fell on his arse after delivering the move to DY. Shame as I like the concept of heel Titus but he can't have gone up in anyone's estimation after that


did that Strowman jobber go off script for the fuck of it? Great stuff if so, I pissed meself. I can't imagine him being told to say that. I liked Strowman demanding a second 3 count, I'm fully on board with this guy now I've heard him on the Stone Cold podcast. Seems a good egg who knows what he's got to do and can only get better as a worker. Pretty exciting.


seeing Bayley debut was just a happy moment, not an all-time great debut or anything, but with her character and the crowd insistent on ruining it before it happened (pet peeve for wrestling crowds right there - wow you're so smart you figured out what's coming, better make sure to ruin it for anyone who hasn't!) it didn't really need to be


fuck that with the Dudleys mate. I was seething as the Shiting Stars came out. You're delaying matured singles Bubba, you bastards! And if they are actually gone, then well, what a waste.

Edited by sj5522
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Decent enough show, helped a lot by a crowd into most if it.


As others have typed, the 4 that made it into the title match are uninspired. Won't be so bad if they do some massive angle during or after it, but the show ending with Rollins or Reigns holding the red 'un and nowt else of note is a grand reminder that I can skip Raw most weeks and not miss it.


Charlotte is developing into a tremendous heel and unlike most of the roster, she's really good at saying her lines with a bit of authenticity. Bailey, of course, is going to be huge should they choose to have a clue.


Outside of Charlotte/Bailey, the hook for next week isn't that strong.

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I liked Strowman demanding a second 3 count, I'm fully on board with this guy now I've heard him on the Stone Cold podcast. Seems a good egg who knows what he's got to do and can only get better as a worker. Pretty exciting.



Glad it's not just me. My opinion of him has changed massively since that Austin podcast, just seems like a genuinely good dude, enjoying what he's doing. I'd like to see him as a dayglow babyface Crush eventually.

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