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With Xavier Woods debuting in a tag team with R-Truth, this must surely be the first time a former TNA tag team has made it to WWE as a unit? I know the Naturals were mooted as being signed for a while but as I recall nothing actually came of it.


Were they even in TNA at the same time? I know Woods tagged with Jay Lethal.

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Didn't he debut in TNA with Truth? Also rumors that Mysterio limped backstage after his appearance last night. Be shit if he was injured again already


The quicker they sack the useless money black hole that is Rey Mysterio the better, but they never will because he's a merch machine and the only over hispanic act they have. If it was anyone else they'd have been long gone.

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That's a bit harsh. I reckon he should be kept on salary until the day he dies for the way he's killed his body for them. The reason he is always injured is because they always needed him and always rushed him back because they cant get new acts over to a level where they could use him sparingly. If they'd have taken care of him better, he'd not be in the condition he currently is.


Its a sad state of affairs that he's still more over that most of the roster, some 11 years after his debut.

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I'm sure it was Konnan (so take that for what it's worth) who said Rey's deal was restructured a while back so that he's on a Jericho-type deal where he only gets paid for when he's around. Sounded like a mutual thing, ie WWE saving money and Rey not feeling pressured into coming back before he's ready. No idea how true that is though.

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That's a bit harsh. I reckon he should be kept on salary until the day he dies for the way he's killed his body for them. The reason he is always injured is because they always needed him and always rushed him back because they cant get new acts over to a level where they could use him sparingly. If they'd have taken care of him better, he'd not be in the condition he currently is.


Its a sad state of affairs that he's still more over that most of the roster, some 11 years after his debut.


It is harsh, but every time he shows up he's either injured or gets injured. I'm not sure about the finance side of it all, but it's hard to see how one-match appearances twice a year is beneficial to Rey Mysterio or WWE at this point. It's not even like he's drawing, because he keeps returning as a surprise, or is gone the next week.

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Rey's kind of revolutionary in many respects. HBK was one of the first "smaller" wrestlers to do well in the WWE, but Rey is even smaller and for someone like that to win 3 world titles IIRC is a real achievement. I dare say that his success in that 11 year span has meant other wrestlers of a similar stature have had similar opportunities to actually hold a World title. Maybe not to make the same kind of impact he has, but he's certainly made a decent contribution since his arrival in '02.

Edited by Fatty Facesitter
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I'm sure it was Konnan (so take that for what it's worth) who said Rey's deal was restructured a while back so that he's on a Jericho-type deal where he only gets paid for when he's around. Sounded like a mutual thing, ie WWE saving money and Rey not feeling pressured into coming back before he's ready. No idea how true that is though.

Its different to the Jericho thing. Rey is on a deal where (just using a random number) say he's on a 3 year deal. His deal runs and if he gets injured its frozen. So he could be 18 months into a 3 year deal and only be two months into the contract if he's out for a long stretch. I dont think they've ever done that with anyone else. But he still gets paid for personal appearances and merch, so its a pretty sweet deal on both ends. He's like their resident super hero. His image is so popular with young kids, they have to keep releasing shit with his face on it.


They should have put Adrian Neville in a mask. Imagine how over he would be if he didn't talk and had a hook to sell stuff to kids.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Rey's kind of revolutionary in many respects. HBK was one of the first "smaller" wrestlers to do well in the WWE, but Rey is even smaller and for someone like that to win 3 world titles IIRC is a real achievement. I dare say that his success in that 11 year span has meant other wrestlers of a similar stature have had similar opportunities to actually hold a World title. Maybe not to make the same kind of impact he has, but he's certainly made a decent contribution since his arrival in '02.


Not to take away from him, but if you look at his title reigns, they were all shit. A pity run because his mate died, a transitional run to get the belt off Swagger and onto Kane and a run that didn't even last a single night.

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Xavier Woods actually has quite a lot of charm, potential and charisma so putting him with that knob R-Truth is gonna' do him no good. They already have more than enough of "fun time" babyface tag teams, this is just a waste of fucking time. They have so many people on the roster who have been around for ages that do nothing but fill up screen time.


The whole booking of this show was super weird and stupid.


Surely someone like Big Show who has been around for years might have thought "Hold on, we shouldn't do this big spot with Ryback. Let's hold it off for later down the road, we could make some money with this."

Edited by LaGoosh
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Can't argue with the booking and logic behind any of them. Still, to even get the belt in the first place is a massive step forward for workers of his stature. I still maintain that in spite of the circumstances surrounding his first title win, that even with Eddie living he'd have still gone on to win the belt. He was to unique and too popular for it not to transpire at some stage.

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The other thing with Rey is he's probably one of the few people that could walk into Mexico and actually earn big money. He's got to be better off on the WWE deal though. In Mexico he'd have to work to earn the money, in the 'E he can sit in his pants watching the telly while kids buy his t-shirts.

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