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Reigns being kept off tv kinda makes sense to stop more boo's but its not gonna help build the match, they need to keep the course til Mania then turn him heel next night on Raw or something but deal with it after Mania cos nothings changing til then.


I expect HHH to put Reigns over in some way before the show,


I'd have it advertised when Roman is coming back, have trips in the ring doing a promo etc ring surrounded by jobber heels, Reigns runs in no music or smae enterence, batters said heels, put them through announce desk etc and HHH can do a runner and look worried or something


Not the best idea I know but he needs to not get battered or end Raw with him looking like a bitch in anyway.


I know fans will shit on him being 'superman/like cena' but they'd be aswell going all out to make him as tough and badass as possible, the fans that like him will cheer him, the others will boo as they were going to anyway or may bring them round.

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It's all just utterly insane. If you can't use your top Babyface on TV because you don't like the reaction he's going to get, why does he even exist. Why does your TV Show exist. Why even fucking bother. It's absolute madness.

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It's all just utterly insane. If you can't use your top Babyface on TV because you don't like the reaction he's going to get, why does he even exist. Why does your TV Show exist. Why even fucking bother. It's absolute madness.


It's just mental isn't it.


The last 18 months they've had to constantly be coming up with little cheats and fiddles to stop their number one babyface getting booed, surely Vince must be exhausted at having to plan for it every week.


They've tried every trick in the book, having Rock endorse him, establish the super over Dean Ambrose as his best friend, even the fact he still has the fucking Shield theme and look and the people still won't buy him.


I'm sure Mania will end with Reigns winning the title as they crank his music up full blast to drown out the boos.

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It's been discussed before that still having The Shield theme and gear is part of the problem. Rollins and Ambrose have shown clear development and have changed their appearance onscreen since The Shield breakup, which is now nearly two years ago. Roman is still the same guy he was and since been made to speak has been shown that that is a key weakness for him. In The Shield, he was able to have Rollins and Ambrose carry that load and look like the badass, whereas now he has to speak and be a badass. The material he gets to say isn't great to start with, which isn't his fault per se, but as the proposed top babyface going forward he should able to say to someone "this is a lot of shit that makes my character look like a gimp, it's doesn't work for me"

Having "believe that" and "something something something bitch" as your go to catchphrases haven't helped either

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I wish they would just call time on his current clean cut babyface push and have him be the quietly cool, brooding muscle for someone smaller and mouthier for a while. I genuinely believe he could still be a top guy, maybe THE guy, but they need to go back to basics with him for a bit. New gear, new attitude, new approach. Not likely to happen given how much they've invested in him, but there's so much potential with him if they book him to his strengths. 

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One day the penny is going to drop with you guys that they don't give a shit about heels and faces and haven't since the late 90s.

Have you really conned yourself into believing that bollocks?
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I know this has been done to death discussion wise but I think in todays WWE the demographic is so big and vast that Roman is probably liked by the majority of international markets and so on, maybe the kids, the girls etc that they have to put him in the main spotlight to sell merchandise etc. 


Of course the hardcore fans and those in certain arenas will always think otherwise but I guess that much like Cena they are pushing those who make money and couldn't care less about anyone else, they know we will carry on watching regardless. 

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I know this has been done to death discussion wise but I think in todays WWE the demographic is so big and vast that Roman is probably liked by the majority of international markets and so on, maybe the kids, the girls etc that they have to put him in the main spotlight to sell merchandise etc. 


Of course the hardcore fans and those in certain arenas will always think otherwise but I guess that much like Cena they are pushing those who make money and couldn't care less about anyone else, they know we will carry on watching regardless. 


Is he even making them that much money though?


It's not like he's John Cena who was far and away their biggest merch seller and still is. I'm sure I read somewhere that it's not like he's outselling everyone, I'd bet Ambrose is at the very least selling just as much merchandise as Reigns is. 


They think Reigns is just going replicate Cena but it's not going to happen.  

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I know this has been done to death discussion wise but I think in todays WWE the demographic is so big and vast that Roman is probably liked by the majority of international markets and so on, maybe the kids, the girls etc that they have to put him in the main spotlight to sell merchandise etc. 


Of course the hardcore fans and those in certain arenas will always think otherwise but I guess that much like Cena they are pushing those who make money and couldn't care less about anyone else, they know we will carry on watching regardless. 


Is he even making them that much money though?


It's not like he's John Cena who was far and away their biggest merch seller and still is. I'm sure I read somewhere that it's not like he's outselling everyone, I'd bet Ambrose is at the very least selling just as much merchandise as Reigns is. 


They think Reigns is just going replicate Cena but it's not going to happen.  



I thought Reigns was top seller by a distance? (after Cena).  I could be wrong though but even from a promotional view point I could see Reigns appealing to different markets. Of course I doubt he will ever top Cena but my point is that in todays world theres more than just those in arenas, its more global, has far more reach, social media, network subs etc. 

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Turning him would give him a great opportunity to change his look a bit and maybe his entrance/music, although I'm not sure he has to. Just turning him tweener would help, at least the boos could be vindicated that way. He doesn't have to be cocky like The Rock but simply having him be a bad ass who goes it alone and will fight anyone would probably be the closest they could get to solving the problem.

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