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What does crossing the legs add to the move?


I dunno. Makes it look fancier. Maybe you get more purchase to drive them into the mat gripping the crossed leg than resting your hand on their bottom like you do with a normal Northern Lights Bomb.


Could be worse, there are far more contrived moves. My least favourite being Mark Haskins' Cradle To The Grave, which is a pump-handle cradle Tombstone. It takes a week to set up, and the pump-handle is utterly pointless.

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My least favourite being Mark Haskins' Cradle To The Grave, which is a pump-handle cradle Tombstone. It takes a week to set up, and the pump-handle is utterly pointless.

Hahaha. That sounds gloriously contrived just so that it can work with the cool name he'd thought up. Completely ass-backward indy wankery.

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I'm not sure laughter was the desired reaction, but if it was then they hit a home run.


That was the sort of suit you buy for the wedding of people you don't know but your wife does. And you only got invited to the evening do.


Plus, he's got the hair of a baby.


So, yeah.. Hilarious.

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Unbelievably bad. He looked stupid beyond all belief. This has Wrestlecrap written all over it.


And nice of Daniel Bryan to leave Big Show to get the fuck knocked out of him after all the times Big Show saved him from various beatdowns. This show was bollocks. The HHH storyline which originally looked like it was going to be used to elevate guys up the card is now based around Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Randy Orton, Big Show and Kane. Great.


Punk/Harper was really good though.

Edited by LaGoosh
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Have I imagined this or on the pre-game show to One Night Only, did they interview Bret (who got a very heavy mixed response compared to Owen and obviously Bulldog) and outright asked him if it made him sad to be booed over here, or words to that effect. I'm sure I remember him being a bit gutted to not still have the UK going apeshit and crying tears of joy for him like the Canadians and Savio Vega would.


Yeah it all felt very real. Didn't Vince say something along the lines of "maybe these people don't like you any more" and Bret looked genuinely deflated/reflective.


Circa 2 months before that incident as well.

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Punk vs Harper was really, really good. Harper is definitely one of the better ones coming through at the moment, I'm really enjoying anything he does.


I'm definitely a fan. He's good at promos too. He shined in NXT when he was given a mic, hope he get's the chance to show it on the main roster.

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The suit was the non-wrestling highlight of the night. GoldRhodes/Cena 6 man tag was good, enjoyed Orton vs Langston as well. Still, a hugely forgettable show. Let's hope they bring a few more ideas over to blighty next week.


I imagine "shot of Big Wheel" and "someone hire the red bus and hackney" are top of the agenda.

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And nice of Daniel Bryan to leave Big Show to get the fuck knocked out of him after all the times Big Show saved him from various beatdowns. This show was bollocks. The HHH storyline which originally looked like it was going to be used to elevate guys up the card is now based around Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Randy Orton, Big Show and Kane. Great.

This. Plus why was Triple H acting all annoyed about the 'Yes' thing? Surely he shouldn't give a fuck after they vanquished Bryan at Hell in a Cell?


The crowd was completely dead for that final segment, and why not? When Show was talking about wanting a title match, all I could think was 'who gives a fuck?'

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What does crossing the legs add to the move?


I dunno. Makes it look fancier. Maybe you get more purchase to drive them into the mat gripping the crossed leg than resting your hand on their bottom like you do with a normal Northern Lights Bomb.


Could be worse, there are far more contrived moves. My least favourite being Mark Haskins' Cradle To The Grave, which is a pump-handle cradle Tombstone. It takes a week to set up, and the pump-handle is utterly pointless.

A Fisherman Suplex would fit the criteria of the name much better.

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The Big Show angle the last month or so I have enjoyed but this weeks segment just seemed to go on forever and ever. Does anyone really want to watch Orton/Show in a title match. The whole segment was weird, what was with The Shield coming out before the ad break? And then Kane just came out looking silly and did nothing!


Opening match was fine and the 6 man was decent(although nowhere near the excellent smackdown main event).


Rest of the show was pretty poor. Kingston/Del Rio again, Ryback as a bully, Khali wrestling. Stuff like this really does hit home why Raw should only be 2 hours.


And I am pretty sure I am going to be hating the Kidd/Natalya partnership.

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I thought WWE had learned their lesson and would keep Kane masked for his remainder.


With a mask he's very marketable; without it you are drawn to his failings and matches seem much more boring.


Orton and Big Show can have a very good match - I was pleasantly surprised by their house show match during the April European tour. I just don't know how it will translate to PPV. I doubt it will draw a large number - or is there some other big draw?

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