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Btw the word 'tranny' is seen to be a derogatory term in most circles nowadays


So, if I were to call my mate Daniel 'Danny', that'd would be derogatory?
Yeah, cos that's the same.


It's the context in which it's used. It's like saying Paki is alright because it's short for Pakistani, whereas it really isn't.

Edited by PunkStep
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And it's a bit ridiculous that you decided to make a point of someone using a throwaway remark like that, and make an issue out of it. 


I wasn't making a point like "you bloody bigot" or anything, I was just using it to point that there's a divide in what different people find acceptable to say - regardless of what side of the divide they're on or how acceptant they consider themselves, and no true consensus to speak of so such a gimmick would only be bad times with that in mind. WWE especially doesn't really have a track record of positive minority gimmicks, Darren Young happening to be gay in real life and it never being mentioned is about as much as we can ask from them, as for a negative/heel one..well it's not 1998.

Edited by sj5522
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We got Vito the cross-dresser.

Yeah that's where it gets confusing, I thought trannies were cross dressers? I've never heard anyone refer to a transgender person as a tranny, until reading this thread


Anyway they've already had one transgender person, that one Mark Henry got off with, suppose they could bring her in for a short run with Bayley, then do some sort of Dusty finish where she wins the belt but the ref reverses it because her knob has fallen out her trunks

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And it's a bit ridiculous that you decided to make a point of someone using a throwaway remark like that, and make an issue out of it.


I wasn't making a point like "you bloody bigot" or anything, I was just using it to point that there's a divide in what different people find acceptable to say - regardless of what side of the divide they're on or how acceptant they consider themselves, and no true consensus to speak of so such a gimmick would only be bad times with that in mind. WWE especially doesn't really have a track record of positive minority gimmicks, Darren Young happening to be gay in real life and it never being mentioned is about as much as we can ask from them, as for a negative/heel one..well it's not 1998.
It is a very sad state of affairs that we give WWE kudos for not exploiting Youngs sexuality nor mock it in an angle. As people have stated though, it would have been a different matter in the late 90's. Edited by Powerful_Fox
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Aye. They should get a paki in with the tranny, team them up


EDIT: Just for the record I'm genuinely not offended by the use of any words in case it seems like I'm trying to make a point here.

Edited by FUM
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SmackDown spoiler, doesn't relate much to RAW but relates to the general discussion on this thread of WWE's direction as a company.


Tyler Breeze debuts on SmackDown and is hit with Summer Rae. This company has no idea what to do with anyone. I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?


She's a kiss of death. Awful in every respect, and I'd even say uglier than Bayley.


It's harsh to say she's uglier than Bayley, but Summer does have a problem in that looks-wise, she is an uglier version of the prototypical diva. Paige is really good-looking but can get away with physical flaws because she's got her own niche. Bayley's ugliness is part of her gimmick, kind of. And for Summer, the role of Bootleg Lana was perfect -- but separated from that, she'll struggle again.


Do you read what you've written here and feel OK with it?

When WWE stop presenting the majority of its women as useless idiots employed solely to sell sex based on their looks, then people will stop treating them as such.


Wait. Did you essentially just use the "if they don't want to get raped they shouldn't dress like that" defense?


Your behavior should not be dictated or excused because of how things are presented to you. 

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SmackDown spoiler, doesn't relate much to RAW but relates to the general discussion on this thread of WWE's direction as a company.


Tyler Breeze debuts on SmackDown and is hit with Summer Rae. This company has no idea what to do with anyone. I mean who debuts on a SmackDown these days?


She's a kiss of death. Awful in every respect, and I'd even say uglier than Bayley.


It's harsh to say she's uglier than Bayley, but Summer does have a problem in that looks-wise, she is an uglier version of the prototypical diva. Paige is really good-looking but can get away with physical flaws because she's got her own niche. Bayley's ugliness is part of her gimmick, kind of. And for Summer, the role of Bootleg Lana was perfect -- but separated from that, she'll struggle again.


Do you read what you've written here and feel OK with it?

When WWE stop presenting the majority of its women as useless idiots employed solely to sell sex based on their looks, then people will stop treating them as such.


Wait. Did you essentially just use the "if they don't want to get raped they shouldn't dress like that" defense?


Your behavior should not be dictated or excused because of how things are presented to you. 



He didn't use that defence in fairness. The key difference is that WWE want to present things in that way because they wanted people to think that way of the divas. They are purposely being presented in a way to make a male audience watch them.


It isn't the same thing as "if they don't want to get raped they shouldn't dress like that", as a real life woman who chooses to dress a certain way is expressing herself as she sees fit, there should be no repercussion of this choice. WWE divas are presented in a way with the goal of adding sex appeal to the product, thus the key aim is to make the male audience think of them in a "looks first" manner. Whether this is reflected in the current "Dvias revolution" is a different debate, but there is no denying this has been the target in the past.

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Look, if the WWE are portraying them as wank bait you can't blame men for wanking. Because men are idiots who can't think for themselves.


The constant comments on the women's looks are tiring, reductive, and, well, a bit shit. There's nothing wrong with fancying (or not fancying) the women on Raw or NXT, it just shouldn't have any place in any half-serious discussion on wrestling. Best kept to its own thread, where you at least glove up before entering.

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