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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Her catchphrase is bad and meaningless, the way she says it too sounds like two of her mates from school shagged in her bed. I normally have a bias toward UK talent, but really can't this time

As I've mentioned before though, she'd be salvageable if she was a heel booked as coming from Chelsea or something

Edited by sj5522
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the way she says it too sounds like two of her mates from school shagged in her bed.

Ha! Absolutely spot on. She is woeful though, as are all the main roster divas, now including Lana.

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Boring as shite Raw, even skipping through it was a chore. The segment at  the start with Lesnar shaking Cole's hand then putting him in a headlock your drunk uncle might do, was rubbish. I don't understand why they even did it as it just made Brock look stupid. Really wish the authority and Rollins would fuck off. Hate everything about them. And even though I'm skipping past them, I still can't stand those backstage segments with Steph and HHH standing in that identikit office, and Rollins having a moan at Kane and J + J in a dimly lit corridor of boredom. How the fuck anyone could actually sit through an entire episode of Raw is truly beyond me.


Only bit I liked was Cena and Owens' promo, and the sheer absurdity of the heel vs heel diva tag match that I assume was for the benefit of Total Divas.

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Rusev was phenomenal throughout his run with Cena, more than held his own for months in a high-level programme. I understand they like to cool guys off and heat others up, but it seems so counterproductive how they've handled him since whatever that PPV with the I Quit match was.

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the sheer absurdity of the heel vs heel diva tag match that I assume was for the benefit of Total Divas.


I'm not really sure there's such a thing as face/heel in the current main roster divas division.


The recent main storyline has seen:


  • Naomi, an actual face, turn heel by injuring Paige and stealing her title shot. She then got Tamina as her muscle, a heelish act.
  • The title shot was against Nikki Bella, and her and Brie kinda became de facto faces as a result (particularly as it was around the time Daniel Bryan packed up again, so Brie got some sympathy) and the crowd began reacting accordingly.
  • Paige then came back, but seemed to have been given an entitled, whiny aspect to her gimmick - heel traits.
  • So naturally, the sort-of-face Bella Twins then start doing the "Twin Magic" outright cheating gimmick they haven't used in years to vex the sort-of-heel Paige.


The "List of WWE personnel" Wikipedia article lists 12 active, main roster female wrestlers, and of those the only one I'd say is actually a face is Natalya - and even then, she's 'turned' as a result of her association with Kidd & Cesaro, who 'turned' but just turning up one week and being faces all of a sudden. (And let's not go into the fact that Natalya started out that storyline as a face, was neglected by her husband in favour of his new bromance buddy, but then just said "ah, fuck it" and started cheating for them etc...)

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Rusev was phenomenal throughout his run with Cena, more than held his own for months in a high-level programme. I understand they like to cool guys off and heat others up, but it seems so counterproductive how they've handled him since whatever that PPV with the I Quit match was.

They put him in the MITB match and then he got injured. There isn't a right lot more they could have been doing. Lana splitting and being shit hurts her and that gimpy cunt. It doesn't hurt Rusev. He's a good talker and a cracking worker, he'll be fine once he can go.


Oi loiks Rusev, Oi does. Aargh.

Edited by tiger_rick
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Rusev was phenomenal throughout his run with Cena, more than held his own for months in a high-level programme. I understand they like to cool guys off and heat others up, but it seems so counterproductive how they've handled him since whatever that PPV with the I Quit match was.

They put him in the MITB match and then he got injured. There isn't a right lot more they could have been doing. Lana splitting and being shit hurts her and that gimpy cunt. It doesn't hurt Rusev. He's a good talker and a cracking worker, he'll be fine once he can go.


Oi loiks Rusev, Oi does. Aargh.



Elimination Chamber, where he would have ideally picked up the title as they were never having him lose to the other 5 in there and go on to be what Daniel Bryan was supposed to be to SmackDown. Especially as if he had gone the open challenge route to prove himself better than Cena holding a belt that better represented the world Proud Russia would conquer, building up another face (probably Ryback admittedly hence why he's now having to waste time with Show - yet a favourite part of my show) to take the title off him after a decent run with it.

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Adam Rose looked like he was on crack when he was trembling in the ring in what I am assuming is his new gimmick. 


Boring show and the whole Wyatt/Reigns thing was stupid as you couldn't even see who Wyatt was talking too so was obvious Reigns daughter wasn't there. The part in the back was better with the pictures on the wall in a creepy way but again just lead to a dead end.

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the sheer absurdity of the heel vs heel diva tag match that I assume was for the benefit of Total Divas.


I'm not really sure there's such a thing as face/heel in the current main roster divas division.


The recent main storyline has seen:


  • Naomi, an actual face, turn heel by injuring Paige and stealing her title shot. She then got Tamina as her muscle, a heelish act.
  • The title shot was against Nikki Bella, and her and Brie kinda became de facto faces as a result (particularly as it was around the time Daniel Bryan packed up again, so Brie got some sympathy) and the crowd began reacting accordingly.
  • Paige then came back, but seemed to have been given an entitled, whiny aspect to her gimmick - heel traits.
  • So naturally, the sort-of-face Bella Twins then start doing the "Twin Magic" outright cheating gimmick they haven't used in years to vex the sort-of-heel Paige.


The "List of WWE personnel" Wikipedia article lists 12 active, main roster female wrestlers, and of those the only one I'd say is actually a face is Natalya - and even then, she's 'turned' as a result of her association with Kidd & Cesaro, who 'turned' but just turning up one week and being faces all of a sudden. (And let's not go into the fact that Natalya started out that storyline as a face, was neglected by her husband in favour of his new bromance buddy, but then just said "ah, fuck it" and started cheating for them etc...)


Yeah, I realise there's little to no logic to how the women are booked, just thought it was particularly stupid and lazy booking this week.

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If you're wondering whether or not to watch SmackDown this week, there's a segment where Rusev says to a random employee backstage "Do you like Lana?! WELL GET OUT!"

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It wasn't even a bad show. The Cena match vs Cesaro was good, despite the fact that the only thing worse than JBL on commentary, is JBL and Kevin Owens on commentary to the point I muted it because it was beyond dreadful.


Owens' character I take it is a big, out of shape, whiny bitch that has only really faced one WWE guy of "WWE merit" in Cena and could only get the job done after throwing everything he had at him, but couldn't do it a second time because he wasn't the unknown anymore, right? Because they've backed him into a corner with that one at the moment, especially if he doesn't leave Japan with the belt there as well and they won't do a screwy finish for that.


8 Man tag was loads of fun, really enjoying PTP at the moment. Divas match was much better than usual as well.


Pretty sure the 10 minute beatdown of the 2 top faces not named Cena on full time deals was needed to completely sap the energy out of the end of a show. But it did point out one thing to me. I really don't think Kane will last to this time next year as an active roster member. Watching him chokeslam Ambrose last week, I thought he'd struggled to grasp him as it looked so weak and feeble, especially considering the likes of Big Show's on Ryback on SmackDown. But every chokeslam he's hit was absolutely dire. Like he doesn't have the strength or stability to lift anymore. He's been wrestling longer than I've been alive and it can't be easy to carry around a 300lbs + frame, would explain why he seems to be in a lot more multi man matches and watching from ringside deals.

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Owens has been fucking great on NXT commentary, didn't really happen tonight though. JBL is underrated when he's not randomly going face for the Lucha Dragons and, most annoyingly in this episode, Ambrose. I love his shtick when he praises New Day and Bo Dallas so I'm pleased to see those guys team up, they should be good value together if they keep it up

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There's times he's not abysmal, but its too few and far between for me at the moment. I get he's the corporate kiss ass and it makes sense in that regard for him to be out telling viewers what to think from a character stand point, but at least when Cole did it you had a hope someone would kick his ass once every few months. JBL just comes across as a bully to those he works with on commentary with more credentials than him and a stooge the rest of the time.

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