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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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If there was a nuclear explosion and the only two people radiated in the blast were Shannon Moore and Droz (pre D'Lo-ing) and caused a mutation the result would be Sheamus. He looks fucking ridiculous.


Other than that ginger visual nightmare it was a decent Raw, but they could have done with getting Lawler to the announce position quicker. Saxton was floundering a bit by himself and I don't think he put Neville over as much as he could. It would probably have been different if there was someone by his side.

Edited by Glenryck Pilchards
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Saxton sounded like one of those youtube commentators, who reviews the show with a title belt on his shoulder. I'd still keep him because he wasn't JBL.


Also, I'd love to see Steph/HHH Vs Rock/Rousey at Summerslam. What I don't want to see is Stephanie the night after she loses just fucking it off to another storyline emasculating whoever doesn't need it. She was a great heel. She really hasn't been for years for me personally, just total fast forward material, I just can't stand anything about her and not in a great heel way. 

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The Lesnar stuff was fantastic, add in a good Ziggler/Bryan match as well as the debuts and the first half was great. It lost a bit of steam after that though and the six man tag was a reminder of how dull stuff is gonna be now the part-timers are gone again. Saxton was not the sort of guy that should be a permanent play-by-player commentator either, too muted.


The post Mania hot streak has lasted until Extreme Rules over the past couple of years with a big match or two on that event but the card looks like it might only be passable this year.

Edited by AndyUK
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Pair of indy wankers. Guys like Cena, Orton and Reigns bring out incredible stuff from Bryan.

Do you actually believe this or are you just trying to wind up the type of fans that Pitcos complains about? You know, the type of fans that don't even post on here?
Why would I wind up people who aren't going to read it?


I'm not and never ever have been a fan of this sort of match. You could check my posts from 8-10 years ago if they still existed. It's the "Lets have a great match" match.


Bryan's matches the last few years with Cena, Orton, Sheamus, etc have told great stories and he's played the plucky underdog brilliantly. At Fastlane, Reigns had by far his best singles match to that point with Bryan. They were trying to enhance the story and it made for a great match.


With Ziggles, Bryan is just trying to have great matches and ironically, they are wank. This one sucked even worse because the finish was bollocks and made Ziggler look like a complete moron.

Why can't the story be that's it's two guys wanting to have a great match? Everyone knows what type of wrestler they both are, if you see that match on paper it'll give you exactly what your expecting. It's like if you see a match between Sabu and RVD, you know what's coming. Fair enough if that's not to your taste, but certain pairings of wrestlers create certain dynamics. A good WWE show will present a variety.


Expecting Bryan/Ziggler to pretend it's Bryan/Cena is mental. That's not how wrestling works. Bryan is great a working different types of match depending on his position on the card and who is opponent is. Logically a match between Bryan and Ziggler on the post Mania Raw is going to be an "Indy wanker" match

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Why can't the story be that's it's two guys wanting to have a great match?

Because it's supposed to be a fucking fight. I know it's panto and blah-blah-bollocks but that's still the essence of the thing. Good matches exist amongst fans, not wrestlers. That'd be like Ian walking up to Phil Mitchell in the Vic and asking him if he wants to put on a good scene.


There was no sense during that IC Title match that Dolph Ziggler was trying to beat Daniel Bryan for the title. They didn't tell a story. they just did a bit of chain wrestling, hit their finishers and then that god awful finish.


I don't think either guy is a terrible worker, I just think they're horrible influences on each other.

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I'm with Branquey- I thought Sheamus looked great. I've always hated his shitty Ronald McDonald look- the all-over spikey hair like a teenage CM Punk and that drawn-on beard. He looks interesting now I think.

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Brock was unreal on this. Like Stone Cold from 1998. He's frightening.


Reigns looks fucked to me. What do you even do with him? He's in such limbo.


I'd find some way to get back to The Shield. I know it sounds like such a far-off concept but beyond that I don't see how else they can make any impact for him.


Get him and Ambrose to turn heel (because fuck knows they've got no decent heels right now) and join up with The Authority. Hell, if you wanted to tie it into Brock coming back, have them get too big for themselves and take over, to the point where Steph has to bring Brock back because nobody else can stop them.


Fantasy booking I know (urgh) but there's just so little they can do with Reigns. Pushing ahead with a face run won't work this time - he's not at Cena's level, at least not right now anyway. They got away with it to an extent in 2005 because Cena's personality and ability just grew, but he was so far ahead at that point in time of where Roman is now.


Ironically, a layoff might do him good now, but last time he had one they kept fucking going "DON'T FORGET ROMAN! DON'T FORGET ROMAN!" Absence makes the heart grow fonder, allegedly.

Edited by Daaaaaad!
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Brock was unreal on this. Like Stone Cold from 1998. He's frightening.

He's so far above anyone else they have. Speaking of Austin, imagine him vs Lesnar next year in Texas.


If they do Triple H v Rock and Undertaker's farewell match then it could be the biggest Wrestlemania ever.

Are they hoping to beat the Silverdome record next year? I think they'll only need one of the big boys back. They had a weak line-up (on paper) this year and set a record. Who knows, they might even have done a fair bit more of the stadium was bigger. They never struggle to sell Mania tickets, do they?

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They didnt set a record this year. I dont think they've ever announced a number that wasn't fake. They'll only outdo the Silverdome next year if they a) fill it up with the likes of Austin and Rock or b) lie about it.


You can guarantee next year they'll announce more than 93,000. And I dont even think next years is going to be set up for 93,000.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Brock was unreal on this. Like Stone Cold from 1998. He's frightening.


Reigns looks fucked to me. What do you even do with him? He's in such limbo.

He is as a baby because dropping him back down the card will be a massive admission of failure while leaving him where he is will kill him. They could have Steph fire him only for him to keep turning up, attacking Rollins and getting chased by security.


Otherwise they've got to turn him.

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